Between Meals

Marcos Morales

gentle; Karasjok Kites keeper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 13" Sturdy Rosewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
11/2031 (20)
Marcos was sitting at the gryffindor table with his books out in front of him. He wasn't really paying attention to the books, the boy had his quill hanging loosely in his hand and sighing heavily. It wasn't that the work wasn't interesting, just that Marcos had left it so late and he had so much to do. It wasn't fun, he hated it. He was trying hard to get through all of the work so that he would be done in time. The gryffindor shook his head, running a hand through his hand through his hair as he attempted to focus himself on the work in front of him. The boy pulled a book in front of him and sighed frustratedly, he could do this, this work could be done. The gryffindor put his quill on parchment, and lightly moved it across the page, but he wasn't writing anything down. Just aimlessly drawing faint black lines across the empty parchment, he could do this homework, he just needed to concentrate. The gryffindor wanted to get it done, he had plans to go play quidditch later in the day, he just need to finish his homework then he could do that. It was a simple matter of just getting it done. Marcos tried to keep his glance on the books in front of him, but he couldn't help but look up at his work and around at the others in the hall who were like him attempting to work.
Tuesday was falling behind in her classes so she had decided to catch up on some of her reading as she eat breakfast in the great hall. It seemed like a good idea for her to multitask and do something rather boring during a time in which she didn't really do much else. As she sat at the Gryffindor table she kept trying to prop her book up against a bowl of fruit but it kept sliding down. She tried to eat her oatmeal and read the book but when it slid down for the third time, it hit her spoon and it flipped out of the bowl, clattering against the table. Tuesday sighed as a bit of oatmeal spilled on her book but she wasn't too fussed about it. She hoped a professor could clean it for her later. She knew that studying was not going to happen this morning so she gave up. Tuesday looked up at the table to grab a piece of toast instead of finishing her oatmeal and saw that someone else seemed to be distracted from their own homework as well. Tuesday recognized him as one of the other first years from her house as well so she decided to speak up. "Not getting much studying done either?" Tuesday asked with a small relatable smile.
The boy looked up when someone spoke, and saw that there was a girl from his house and year group who appeared to be having as much trouble as he was. Marcos returned the sympathetic smile and nodded his head, giving a little frustrated sigh, "Yeah, I'm trying my best, but concentration has never been my strong suit," The chilean boy gave a little shrug as he glanced down at his work and then back at her. He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm Marcos," he extended his hand to her, he probably knew her name in the back of his mind but he couldn't recall it at the present moment. The gryffindor was always keen to get to know all the members of his house, he thought it was only right to know most of the people whom he had to share classes with for the next seven years. Though in saying that, at this rate he wasn't going to be spending much time within the classes. If he couldn't manage to concentrate on his first year classes. He hoped that he might improve over the next few years, but currently his concentration was next to nothing, "The classes are interesting, but god, studying is boring," Marcos laughed lightly as he spoke, gently moving the quill between his fingers and lightly putting it on the parchment.
Tuesday returned the smile and nodded in understand, chuckling lightly at the boy. She reached forward and shook his hand as he extended it and recalled his name now that he had said it. "I'm the day," she introduced herself, getting the odd reference out of the way so she wouldn't have to repeat her name, but she smiled not too bothered by it. She pulled her hand back afterward and laughed as the boy said studying was boring. "I know right?" she agreed, still laughing lightly. "I just hate the classes where I have to read a lot and can't practice anything with my wand," she sighed somewhat annoyed. This semester a majority of her classes were only lectures and not learning new spells or charms so there was not much to practice for homework so instead there was a lot of reading.
Marcos hadn't ever met anyone whose name was shared with a day of the week, "Any reason why?" he asked, not too bothered if she then chose to not tell him, but it was a particularly odd name which he had never heard before so he felt it right to at least ask the once. The chilean boy was happy that she seemed to agree that studying was boring, since he definitely thought it was boring. He wanted to be interested but he couldn't find the motivation to be interested in it. He liked the classes where he did get to do things like casting spells, but they were first years they didn't seem to be doing very much of that at all. He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, like the history of magic lessons, or the astronomy ones , we don't get to do any real magic in those, just theory work," He had nothing necessarily against the classes but they were just so boring, "Doing magic is fun, reading about it is less fun," he motioned to the books and looked to the girl, feeling like she probably agreed with him, he was glad that at least one other person in this great hall was struggling like he was.
Tuesday chuckled when he asked why she was named the way she was and shrugged her shoulders in reply. "I don't really know why, I guess my mum thought it was unique?" she chuckled. It certainly got her attention and questions each time she introduced herself. "All my sisters are named after days of the week, each of us after the day we were born on," she laughed. Luckily she only had three other sisters so it wasn't like naming all the days of the week. Tuesday nodded her head when he named the classes that were just theory work. "Totally!" she agreed with a small laugh. "At least for Herbology we actually get to do something with our hands too," she considered. Even if it wasn't spell casting, it was still a lot more interesting than listening to lectures. "Are you worried about exams?" she wondered.
Marcos chuckled at her, he couldn't help but be glad his mother chose to not be unique with his name. Rather that she'd stuck to a very normal name, or well a normal name for Chile. He also couldn't help but laugh slightly as she said all her sisters where named after days, "So what would've happened if two of you were born in the same day?" he asked, both genuinely curious and thinking that it would be funny. The chilean boy smiled at Tuesday, he didn't mean anything by his question, or his laughter at what she said. He was just very curious and he thought it was definitely more interesting that the work he had in front of him. Marcos was also very glad that she seemed to agree about the nature of the work they were doing, that doing magic, things with their hands was better than reading. He couldn't help but nod enthusiastically at her statement about herbology. It still wasn't a class of his that he enjoy but at the very least he could do something with his hands, "Oh yeah, I completely agree, herbology is great for getting your hands dirty," Marcos agreed with a little smile. As for exams he shrugged, "I guess a little, I don't want to fail, all my siblings are really smart and I'm just not smart like they are," he admittedly honestly to the girl, "Are you?"
Tuesday laughed as he asked her a question that she had bugged her mother with while she had been growing up. "My mum says she just knew we wouldn't be born on the same day," Tuesday rolled her eyes playfully. Her mother had called it mother's intuition. "But when I kept asking her 'what if' she said she would've used the same day just in a different language," she explained with a small shrug. She was glad her mother didn't have to resort to that. When he mentioned how he didn't want to fail because of his siblings, Tuesday asked, "Do you have older siblings?" From the sound of it he did, and she wondered what that was like. When he asked if she was nervous for exams she nodded her head. "A little. I'm the first of my sisters so I don't want to set a bad example."
Marcos smiled at the comment, "Well, that's impressive that she was right," he joked with her, but he was even more impressed that she might've called her some other version of the name, "So you could've been called Martes," he said saying the spanish for Tuesday since it was the other language which he knew and the boy had to admit it didn't work as well at all, in fact even though this was his first conversation with her the name of Tuesday suited it, no matter how peculiar it actually was. The Chilean boy smiled and nodded at her question, "I have four, I'm the youngest," he told her, and then was surprised when she was in the opposite position from him, the first and wanting to make a good impression, wanting to set a good example, "How many do you have?" he asked politely, curious about her family, "I wonder if it's better to be the youngest or the oldest of a group?" he then added, thinking out loud but how often did he sit with someone like him but who was the oldest of a bunch rather than the youngest. He thought being the youngest was easier in some ways and not in others.
Tuesday chuckled and nodded when he said it was impressive that her mom had been right, she had always admired how easily everything seemed to come to her. Or at least how easy she made things seem; she was invincible. Tuesday laughed and began to nod her head when he said she could've been called Martes but then said, "Wait no, I am the first so I would be the original Tuesday, my sister would've been Martes," she laughed, oddly proud of being the original. She could tell in the way he said the word Martes that he spoke Spanish, which Tuesday thought was really cool and she wished she could speak another language. She raised her eyebrows in surprise when he said he was the youngest of five and she replied, "I have three sisters, so I'm the oldest of four." Four wasn't so bad a number, it was reasonable enough for a family size, but when people looked at her family it always seemed bigger than it actually was because they were all girls, no boys. Single mom and only girls. To others it suddenly didn't seem reasonable, it was always 'too much' and they'd tell her mother things like 'Isn't it hard?' as if having less girls or maybe boys instead would be easier. Tuesday shrugged her shoulders at his next question, thinking of the same thing. "I'm not sure, maybe we should compare experiences to see who has it worse," she joked. She thought perhaps being the youngest might be harder since there were so many expectations to meet.

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