Closed Better Than A Dream

Nikko Blackwood

Macaws Keeper 🏄 Independent 🏄 '57 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
07/2039 (24)
Nikko couldn't believe he was nervous. He had been waiting for this moment for over a year and now it was finally happening. Even though he had gone with Aubrey to dances back at school it felt so different than this. This was what real adults did. They went on dinner dates and held hands without having to worry about how the rest of their classmates thought about any of it. He had told Aubrey to meet him at one of the little restaurants down the street from the room he was renting. He hadn't spent much time in New Zealand so he only really knew about the places he saw everyday as he went back and forth from practice. But this place had always caught his eye and he thought it would be the perfect place to go on a date. With Aubrey of course. As he thought about her again he checked his watch for the hundredth time. He had been nervous which made him early. Far too early than he needed to be but he couldn't help it. He knew he didn't need to be freaked out. It was just Aubrey, his best friends. But at the same time he wanted tonight to be nice. He wanted it to matter after they had waited so long to make things official. Nikko glanced at his watch again and stared at the second hand as it passed, as if that would make her appear sooner.
Aubrey had spent a little longer than she usually did trying to get ready for her long awaited date with Nikko. She swallowed nervously, straightening her skirts one more time before heading out to the restaurant. She saw him there, waiting, and she walked over to him, smiling softly. "Hey there, keeper," She greeted, slipping a hand through his elbow. "Been waiting long?" She asked, guessing nerves had gotten to him, too, and he'd been here far earlier than he needed to be.
Nikko looked up when he heard a familiar voice and he grinned when he saw Aubrey walking towards him. He laughed at his nickname and reached up with his free arm to squeeze the hand she placed on his elbow. "So that nickname is going to stick?" he asked with a chuckle. "No not too long." he said in an easy way that tried to hid his nerves. It was a bit of a loaded question considering the year they had just spent apart. He was just glad the wait was over. "Well come on I already got us a table." he said and guided Aubrey along with them. A moment later they were seated at one of the small tables by the front windows. That candles on the table provided quite a romantic aura and he was feeling quite pleased with himself so far.
Aubrey smiled warmly. "Oh, it might. I like it," She teased, leaning her head on his shoulder a moment. "Do you like it?" She questioned him, following him easily to the table. She took her seat, smoothing out her skirts. "This is absolutely lovely, Nikko," She gave him a gentle smile, looking around to admire the decor. "Have you eaten here before?" She asked him, turning her gaze back to the man.
Nikko chuckled at Aubrey's response. He had to admit as far as nicknames went it wasn't a bad one. "I do." he said a bit sheepishly when she asked if he liked it. He liked that it had a double meaning even if that wasn't the intention. Once sitting down he wasn't sure what to do with himself and he picked up the menu but wasn't really reading it. He relaxed when Aubrey spoke up and complimented the place he had picked out. He shook his head when she asked if he had been there before. "No. But I've walked past it dozens of times." he explained. "I just thought it'd be a nice place to take you. So I just waited till we could come together." Nikko admitted and was thankful for the dim lighting cause he was sure his face was getting red.
Aubrey blushed, smiling softly. "Well, you're absolutely right." She mused. "This is definitely a nice place." She couldn't help but feel giddy, excited for the night and this date. She took a breath, trying not to say too much too soon. "Why don't we get a round of the house special for dinner and a bottle of wine?" She asked, trying to take a little more initiative. Knowing Nikko, he'd be nervous as hell. "We don't have to overthink this, huh?" She told him gently, offering out her hand for him to hold.
Nikko smiled at Aubrey's reassurance. "I think that sounds great." he said, relieved as she took the lead when it came to ordering. It felt like something he should do and he was failing, even if he knew she didn't care. He nodded when she said they didn't have to overthink this, and he laughed at himself softly. Overthinking was something he did best. But he eagerly reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Right." he said softly. "I'm just really happy you're here. That we're here. Together." he said. "I really missed my best friend."
Aubrey smiled, rubbing her thumb against his, and once their order was placed she turned her attention back to him. "I missed you, too, Nikko." She smiled warmly over at him. "To be honest, I've spent a lot of this last year worried," She admitted, brushing her hair back. "I've never felt like I fit in anywhere, you know there aren't a lot of people I'm close to... I've spent a good amount of time fretting that being out here, in the real world with real people, you might have decided to choose someone else... find someone more put together with more going for them," She squeezed his hand gently.
Nikko gave Aubrey a soft look when she said she missed him took. It was nice to hear that he wasn't the only one who felt that way but he didn't like that she had had to spend her last year with that burden. And his guilt only grew when she continued. He shook his head when she said he might have found someone else. "Not a chance." he said, his voice rougher than he expected. Of course he had his own fears. That in their time apart Aubrey would realize she could do better or forget about him completely. "There was never going to be anyone else." he added, softer this time. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her right now, but there were people around and a table in between them. So he settled for bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles gently. It felt forward and something adults in movies did but he guessed they were adults now. "You never forgot about me did you?" he asked quietly, tentatively voicing his own insecurities.
Aubreys heart skipped when Nikko kissed her knuckles. She couldn't help but giggle softly, knowing her cheeks were tinted pink. "I just told you I spent all year fretting about you," She teased him gently, tucking her hair back with her other hand. "No, Nikko, not even for a day," She promised him with a softness in her voice. "What do you say we have a sleepover? Like the good old days, build a nice nest out in the living room, throw in a few movies, cuddle until we fall asleep?"
Nikko smiled sheepishly. He wasn't used to feeling sure about anything. As much as he loved quidditch, he still felt like he was earning his place. Even his family felt fragile as he balanced between muggle and magical life. But sitting with Aubrey felt right, and it felt right. He was glad to hear that his feelings were returned, not that there was ever really a question where he stood. Nikko smiled at Aubrey's suggestion. "That sounds great." he said softly. It sounded perfect. He didn't bother to mention that his living room was shared with his land lady. But no matter what they ended up doing, he just wanted to be with her. After so long apart he didn't want to do it again. "But first dinner." he said with a chuckle and waved down their waiter and placed their order.

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