Sunday nodded along to the Professors words, considering what he was saying. Something truly amusing...? She was kicking around a few ideas, but she knew she'd need to first see what she was dealing with. Bracing herself and steeling her spine, Sunday raised her wand. She nodded. As the cabinet opened, her breath caught. For several moments nothing happened. But then her elder brother stepped from the closet. "Monday...?" She breathed, taken aback at first. She hadn't been expecting that to happen.
The look he gave her- cold, cutting, quite literally leering down his nose at her, lips curled back in disgust. "Sunday," He scoffed. "Silly little girl. Do you really think anything you can do will ever amount to my work? That I'll ever notice you?"
Sunday took a breath. She straightened again. "Riddikulus!" She spoke, voice firm, and almost to her surprise the spell shot out. Monday transformed- a black corset lacing over his chest and waist, heeled boots with black bows, glitter over his cheeks, sharp winged eyeliner and smokey eyes, black painted nails and a slight gloss to his lips, sparkling black studs in his ears. She was silent for a moment before she burst out laughing. "Gods, I need a picture," She managed through the laughter. "Monday would be so embarrassed to be seen like that."