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Emilie Silverfox

Well-Known Member
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather

Emilie would love a best friend and some more friends... [she used to have two besties but they seemed to have disappeared]

Emi is a kind and friendly girl. She is fairly confident, and is a very loyal friend. She used to be quite the troublemaker, but is now beginning to question that as she gets older, but will still have her mischevious moments. She likes joking round and having fun with friends. She is hopeless at quidditch and has broken and bruised herself playing it, so she now stays away from it - most of the time. She hates clowns, cause when she was younger she got lost when in town, and a muggle clown tried to help her out, but instead it totally freaked her out. Not many people know about this though. She really likes animals, and care of magical creatures will be one of her favourite subjects when she has it. When sticking up for something she is passionate about, or herself, she can have an attitude.

Any other questions let me know... :)
*raises hand eagerly* Oh, oh pick me, pick me! ;)

I'd be willing to offer Siobhan up if you'd like.

Siobhan, I'm going to PM you ^_^

Vanessa, sounds good :) Would you like to start the RP?

Now anyone else?

I need some more Friends/Close Friends/Best Friends... Cause at the moment Emi seems to be lacking them :correct:

The only girl 2nd year I have is Alexis Ziamian. She could be a best friend :p

She's really kind and outgoing but can be really crazy :)

If you're interested start a topic and I'll post :lol:
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