Bella-Donna Manor

Dympna Bella-Donna

Well-Known Member
The manor

Bella-Donna Manor is placed in the middle of a dark wood. There are no neighbors here because they would cause to much trouble. Where exactly the wood was no one could say because it was only by her invitation that it could be found. The lady of the manor had spent half a life time making this place unplotable as well as undetectable, untraceable, and anything else that could possibly mean the end of her expiration. There where people that knew about this mansion in the woods though. They called themselves the Clow children. All but one took the surname under the watchful eye of Dympna.

The remoteness of the manor made it so it was nearly impossible to know what when on in the house. In the back yard there are flowers of all sorts growing the tallest sunflowers marking the end of the yard and the start of the mass expanse of trees. No one ever digs any deeper than five feet into the ground because for the girls (or boys) that wished to tend the garden there was never any need to dig that far. If they did the bones of the children that had once been residents of the house would come up.

Not that they needed to see the bones to know that something was down there. It is common practice to modify the memories of the children whenever one of their number becomes part of the walls but there are always signs that they where once there. A spoon that no one remembers owning, a book with a strange name, a lingering feeling of de javu when they passed a particular picture frame. Then there where the sounds at night. If Bella-Donna manor was haunted the ghosts where too afraid to come out. Even the smallest of the children knew that this was the place that they would dwell for all eternity. The mark on their neck would make sure of that.

Ruby's bedroom
Sapphire's bedroom
Zeal and Jasper's bedroom
Laani's bedroom
Jaimee and Naomi's room
Dympna's bedroom
Main Livingroom
Ruby was looking at the piano in the casual living room. She loved to play but was often too afraid to do so. Sapphire was writing who knew what and there was no one else in the room. Slowly the young flaming haired girl stretched out her hand and started to play with a simple tune. This tune brought on a memory. One of the few times the Clow siblings had seemed like true blood instead of adopties of Bella-Donna Manor. The part that she played so well ended but the memory continued. Each child was skilled at a classical instrument. Only Jade, who seemed more masculine than feminine, had switched her acoustic guitar for an electric one.

Even feminine Jasper, who normally didn't take in these kinds of play time activities, took a spot on top of her piano and played his violin. For a moment it had been just the three of them playing when Sapphire, quiet Sapphire who played most often by herself, walked in. Ruby had been so shocked to see her in the room that she had forgotten to take her finger off the keys. She started to play and Ruby went along with it as she often did. Sapphire played her piece and the song went on.

For once there was a true smile on everyone's face, a slight drum beat being kept by the tapping of Ruby's foot on the bottom of the piano. For a while it seemed like they where all having fun and no one was screaming. But that was soon to change. As the song come to an end and there was a bang. Zeal had closed the key cover over Ruby's fingers. She screamed and all went silent. Zeal looked at her with his usual pleasant smile as Ruby screamed and started to cry. Sapphire withdrew into her room while Jade and Jasper laughed.

The dinner bell rang then, taking Ruby out of her stream of memory. She had not completed the song because she did not think even her young heart could take it. She slid off the piano bench and started towards the dinning room where she would hear Zeal talk endlessly to Mother while Jade and Jasper whispered twisted thoughts to each other. Ruby thought that even she would chime in if she felt like the time was right. Ruby risked being ridiculed because of the way she talked but it was the risk she took every time she opened her mouth. One that she was willing to take every time.
Jasper could see ruby crying in the corner after a playtime with jade and zeal, knowing the fear they all had for zeal's happiness. Jasper walked over to Ruby, he started to laugh and feel happy that she was tearing and crying. he could remember the music and its beauty, and he help her up and took her to her room. locked her in and said " the pain could be worst........."
Dympna opened the door of the manor one sunny spring afternoon and came in with a bundle in her right arm. The girl-child in it was beautiful as was her not much older sister. She had instructed her to hold hands with the other child that they had picked up. It was a good hull right now considering the amount of talking she had to do to get the infant. Her experiments on early magic could really continue now. All she needed was a boy child to see the effects on male vs. female but that could wait. Now she would tend to these. The bags that had been given to her for the sisters followed behind them like dogs on a leash.

“Ruby, Sapphire darling come and see your new sisters.” She said softly but yet her voice rang out through the house. She knew that the girls would come right away so she didn’t need to raise her voice higher than a few octaves. Zeal would know she had come home the moment she stepped in the door. A child of William and his little play woman proved to be the best test subject she could ever have. She just hoped that the new ones would prove just as responsive. Her work would never be done but then she would never stop doing this work. It was for the good of the wizarding world. Or for the good of herself. Whichever one may choose.
William was at the door of the house he left all those years ago. " Mommy Dearest, come here NOW!" he could feel the anger in the air and see there was new children here but he could do nothing about that. he only felt sad that there was new victims. there was Dympna at the bottom of the stairs with a b**** of a look on her face like she was going to kill him.
Ruby came into the entrance hall at the sound of Mother's voice. She knew that it was not wise to be late when Mother called. She had not taken a step towards the front door when she saw that the eldest of them all was standing there. "He of strong Will!" Ruby yelled as she ran to him. He may not have been in the house anymore but he looked out for them whenever he was.

Ruby then noticed the new children. She looked at Mother with wide eyes. "Oh why must it be." She said but didn't complete the thought. She could tell that if she did she would be worse than punished. "Care to have me lead the new additions to our glowing abode?" She asked to have the children out of the crossfire. She could see that this was not going to end.
Dympna blinked at her first son. She did not expect to be verbally abused as soon as she came through the door of her own house. When Ruby came in and asked to take the new children away she handed the infant to her. She didn't want to scar them with this. Violence was not what she wanted to teach them. There where much better ways to hurt someone. Her smile was like that of a snake looking at a mouse.

"What is it my dearest?" She asked in a silky voice that was the stuff of nightmares. The children had seen how quickly she could switch from lovely to phyco and her ungrateful son would soon be feeling her wrath. Her eyes dared him to tell her something else."Take the children to their rooms my girl." She said again in her soft deadly voice.
" i am sorry, my dearest mother." William was trying to show he can play nice sometimes. " why will you not change. you need to get a new hobby." he handed her a mirror and said " you really need to stop stressing because you are looking old. and where is Eir?" he walked over and tried to hug her but.. well he hit the floor and he was back to his feet fast with his wand drawn.
Sapphire grabbed on to one of the girls and lifted her. She like her younger sister could feel the storm coming. They had to get the new girls out. They deserved a better view of the house than this. For a few days at least, they needed to feel like they where safe. She looked at Ruby as she raced up the stairs hoping that the new ones would not see this. This was not what life at Bella-Donna manor was like. It was much worse. Sapphire for one wished that it was yelling and open abuse. What happened in this house. She put her her face in the new girl's hair. Sapphire was leaving soon so she didn't have to care but care she did.
Naomi was holding the hand of the older girl who had come to this strange house with her. Her innocent, blue eyes widened when she saw an older girl run straight towards them, and she took a tiny step backwards nervously. This woman had persuaded her to join her and run away from home, and if this was her place, was it really the best for her?

Naomi was startled when another girl came and she was lifted by her. She glanced back at her new mother who had changed from the kindness that she had been acting to this. She looked back and forth between the two girls, speechless, by the fact that her new mother had seemed different. She was even more surprised by the fact that the girl who had carried her up hid her face in Naomi's hair.
Dympna put her hand on her face. Was it that time already? She was sure that it wasn't she was still beautiful. As Sapphire and Ruby took the new girls she looked at her 'Son' her eyes somewhat pleasant. As he reached to hug her Dympna put her hand out to have a force push him away. "You have not re-earned that right my ungrateful dear." She said somewhat sweetly. "Eir is where he is needed of course." She said. That accursed brother of her's could be anywhere of course but she could more often than not tell where they where.

Dympna was the one to reach out now. "Come to me again my sweetest boy." She said with a false kind smile. She could not let his words go unpunished. Every child in the house learned to watch their words while in front of her. Everything would go well if only that rule is followed. She hoped the everyone's sake that William would not dig himself in a deeper hole.
" well mother, you are such a snake B**** but i should go for you do seem to be busy with your new play-mates." william turned around to walk out the door and flip her the bird. "oh by the way, can you please do not hurt those new children too much?" he could see one of the clows at the door down the hall alittle. he could see a tear, he thinks. he started to run out the plot to the forest, so he can leave back to his dearest wife but he knew something will stop him alittle.
Dympna's eyes went wide then hissed. Her house had been desantified by a non-believer. Dympna believed that her research would benefit the wizarding world in whole. To find ways to bring up magic in children sooner would make for powerful witches and wizards. Soon the need of wands would be nul and it would be all because of her. But she had to tap into the source first. Dympna would teach William to be ungrateful for the power that he now held. She put her arms out and went after the boy.
Sapphire heard that Dympna had left the manor but she knew that the house itself was not safe at times. She took the girl in her arms all the way up the stares and went down the hall. They had been told that new little ones would be coming into the house and they had been preparing for the arrivals ever since. She lead the two older ones into a room that had been set up just for them. She hoped that the one who's blood sister was an infant would not want to be with her. Dympna would make sure that this would be nearly impossible.
The trip through the forest had been a quiet one but then no one would dare attack Dympna while she was with a Child so now that she was with someone that truly shared her blood was enough to keep even the wildest of creatures at bay. All Dympna had to do was hold out her hand for the door to the manor to open. It was as large and warm as always but under the warmness there was an air of evil. The pictures of all the Children that had been through the house where on the wall next to the stares leading up to the second floor while the children that resided in the house where in the living room she suspected. All except for Sapphire who she had sent out on a chore or two.

"This is Bella-Donna manor Veronica. It has been in the family for ages though the land hasn't." She said hoping that the girl would get the hint. The manor itself moved every few years so as to make it impossible to find by anyone that didn't know where it had been before. "There are only a few very simple rules here. Tell me where your going to be, ask before you go passed the fifth floor and never, ever go into the basement unless I ask you down there." She said. These where not the rules for the Children of course. They had their own rules but for Veronica who was nearly all grown up at the age of fifteen didn't need that many to abide by.
Naomi who ran out from the Living Room when she had heard Dympna arrive home stared at the new girl that was much older than her when she arrived with Dympna. Naomi had learnt to stay out of the way of Dympna from her older siblings, but she still couldn't help to be curious as she always had been before she was persuaded to come here. She had wished that she could have gone with Sapphire out on a chore or two, but instead Dympna had wanted her to stay here. She couldn't believe that Dympna had brought someone else back, and they probably had to help this girl fit in.
Veronica wasn't pleased to be in NewZealand with her mother but she had to know her the lifestyle of this wicked lady was. She entered the manor, such a big one but not as big as he school. It seemed ancient like those of the pure blood. She wouldn't be surprise to learn that her mother was a pureblood, that was if she would be told that in the first place. When Dympna mentioned that the land hadn't been in the family she understood that well.

"Why shouldn't I go in the basement?"she questioned her mother wanting to know what lay there. She wasn't going to follow the rules, she hardly ever followed school rules so she didn't care. "And who is she?"She asked point at the little girl who came to stand before them. She looked very little, Veronica wondered if she could talk. "How many people live here?"She questioned raising an eyebrow. She couldn't understand why she felt as if many other souls were present in this walls and she wanted to know who they were and why they were here.
William came back to the house and could see a new older girl in the hallway asking questions about well everything. he walked up to her and asked " who are you? and what are you doing here? you look like you do not belong here but i do not know" he shield himself from the anger that was about to come.
Veronica watched a man who looked like in his early twenties come up to them ask who she was. Veronica was getting a feeling that this mansion was a home to about ten or more people owing to the size of it and some how people would just be popping out and about. "Veronica White" she introduced herself. She was not in mood of being nice however she put her hand forward for a handshake. "Biological daughter to Dympna and am here to spend my holidays" she told the man. "And who are you?"she questioned.
Dympna had been tending to something outside the door when she saw that William was here and he had been rude. "How dare you be so rude while in Mother's presence?" She said yanking William's hair back. Dympna almost never layed a hand on the children in anger her vengence being enough to make the Children behave themselves but this one was so much older and so much more arrogant than the others. Then again he was one of her failers. "Apoligise." She said before letting William go. She saw that little Naomi was there and she held out her hands. "Come to mommy sweetie." She said going from angry to kind in two point five seconds.

With that Dympna turned to Veronica's questions. "The basement is my labratory. There are times when I allow people down there when I want to test something but most of the time there are things down there that could and will kill you when they get the chance." She said. Dympna alone had the power to quell the forces that she was tampering with. Most would call her mad, Dympna liked to call herself inventive. "Isn't that right my heart?" She asked Naomi sweetly. The curios ones learned not to be so after a while in Bella-Donna manor.

Dympna decided that it was time to explain herself. "You see I have opened my house to abandoned and negleted children. I give them a place to stay, cloth them and give them the home they would not have had otherwise." She said with a kind smile on her face. Dympna did not mention that she also ran expiraments on the children but that was another issue.
William could tell that the girl seem to have the same air about her as dympna. " i am William, i used to be a child here for mother dearest."he was in alittle pain from the pole. "i am sorry for my words, i sometimes can not control my mouth." he walk to the door but stop knowing dympna was not done with him yet.
Veronica smiled as she watched Dympna react angrily with the elder boy. It was amazing how fast the woman could change colors. Perhaps the case had been similar when her father was involved. She nodded when Dympna explained why she wasn't allowed to go to the basement. She would have loved to visit the basement and she what kind of things were being tested but she wasn't going to mention it right now.

"That's very kind of you" Veronica said flashing a fake charming smile at her mother. "How many people live here? And do all the children attend the school which you run?"she asked Dympna. Veronica was very surprised to see William apologize because although Veronica could be evil at times in this case it wasn't William's fault he had just been curious and hadn't abused her or anything.

"That's okay William. No offence taken" she said with a smile. Maybe if she could make friends with a selected few in the manor than she could come find out the secrets of her mother and her past.
William needed someone in the manor that was not a child and was not controled my dympna. he could see Veronica could be an good person to help out. " if you need anything of me or have any questions, just ask. i am around some of the time." he gave veronica a small smile. he could feel the air change in the room.
Dympna was very happy that peace was restored in her house. She had known that William had meant some of what he had said as offence against Veronica but then again he had not known. Dympna let it go for now. She would deal with his violation later. "You are truly a kind one my dear." She said with a smile. Dympna could practicly see the wheels in the girl's head turning. She would consider how to prossed later but for now. "Yes he helps out with the children that are her sometimes when he's not busy with his own life." She said.

Dympna was sure that William was hiding something from her but she could not get it out of him. This was another thing that had Dympna very ticked off. "Oh the school has been shut down for a few years now. Something about inproper disipen of the children or something of the sort." She said waiving her hand to dismiss it. "Now it's only this house I run. We have everything we would ever need here though and the children when they reach the age to go to school can choose to go to whichever school they want or stay here for Home schooling." She said. The only one that was destened to stay in the house was young Zeal Soul.
Zeal was watching from his hiding place knowing he would be found soon by someone. he could see theis "girl" that says she is his mother's "daughter". he would like to deal with her. he could also see William, who look good to look at but he know that will had a plan and a secret that need to be found out. his mother was ther near him and she lloked very nice in this light. he missed his brothers and sisters for the are at school or out of the house for the day. and he was getting bored.

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