Believe it or not ... I'm not buying it

Sexual Orientation
It happened again. It seems whenever Alexis is out of London to stay at Gloucester to held a surgery, her only daughter causes mischief at school. "Do you have children, Fred?" She asked her driver as they enter the city of London. Alexis loves Cathyrine with all her life but it was getting inconvenient to her career with the constant calls of the school to her and her husband. Homeschool wasn't a choice for them because she wanted her child to meet people. "I have younger twin boys, they might be a pain sometimes but we love them." He answered. Their conversation ended there when her cellphone rang, her husband was calling her again. Alexis ignored it, she'd rather face him and Cathyrine when she gets home than fight through the phone.

Once they arrived home, she thanked Fred and immediately went inside to find her family in the living room. Alexis had dealt with different kinds of people as a Member of Parliament, she's tough, but when it comes to her own family she's tongue tied. The matrichial of the family sigh as she entered the living room and tossed her laptop bag on an empty couch. Philip, her husband, handed her an old looking envelope as she sat beside him across from their daughter. She's very familiar of the read seal on the front of the envelope, her brother got the same when he turned eleven.

"She can't be." She shook her head slightly as she opened the letter that was meant for Cathy. It was already bad that her brother was a freak and she'll never accept that her own daughter was one too. "She's not going to that blasted school. If we have to pull her off Eaton School I'll do it myself but she's not going to that freak school in ..." Alexis stopped to read the header, she frowned when New Zealand was on it. "New Zealand? When did Hogwarts had a school in New Zealand?" The lady stood from her seat and shredded the letter in pieces. But something came into her mind if her daughter didn't go to that school. She'd heard storied about magical children not practicing magic, it always goes awry. Alexis was being greedy right now and all she's thinking about is how to serve her constituent better than thinking about her daughter's safety.
She didn't get it. Her emotions, instead of keeping it to herself, it causes her to hurt someone. It kept happening and she's afraid that her mum would get mad at her even though she didn't mean to cause it. Cathy got home early that day, her dad picking her up and taking her at the London Zoo after their lunch at Hache Burger before dealing with her mum. Once at home, Cathy busy herself with homework and house chores. As the night falls, she and her dad waited for her mum at the living room and as the front door opened and her mum's face came into view. The kid wanted to cry and say her apology but she had done that a million times and wanted to prove that it wasn't her fault, it was never her fault.

Cathy noticed her dad handed something to her mum and all of a sudden, she got upset. The ten year old has no idea what was happening and all she got a grasp on was she was going to be pulled out of Eaton school which she had loved going to everyday even if some of the kids bullies her. Cathy still made friends despite being weird. "Mum, I like Eaton better. I promise I'll behave from now on." She pleaded sweetly. Cathy doesn't want to disappoint her mum and dad, she knows they're working hard to pay for her education. She looks up to her mum because she helps people make their voices heard, she wants to do the same thing.
Alexis listened to her daughter's plea of staying in the school. Although she wanted to hear her out, it was too dangerous for her and other people. Cathyrine had injured her classmates not just once but three times. After that, what's next? Liberals finding out that her daughter is a freak and that she can't do her duty? It was too much for her right now with that and the general election (Lol! think about it coming up in 2043) coming up. "Love, it's not your fault. You're different. Special." Alexis tried to comfort her daughter. She went and sat beside her daughter and gave her a tight hug. "Babe, we need to do something here. I'm not getting my daughter get bullied because she's different. You know I've know about your family and I've wholeheartedly accepted them. If we need her enrolled at Hogwarts New Zealand, I'm fine with that. We can also move, I can work anywhere as a contractor and you can still do your duties as a Member of Parliament" Philip suggested. The offer was a good one but they still have a good five months to think about it deeply. Alexis has no possibility of winning the election, although, she still has her confidence. She has done greatly to the people of Gloucester and it is up to them if they still want her to represent them. Alexis nodded at her husband, "I'll think about it but we do need a back up plan if Cathy can't control her magic. We can send her to my brother up in Scotland, he can look out for her." Alexis hadn't seen her brother since he graduated from Hogwarts Scotland, it was also the time she went to law school and talking to him again will might just bring back the jealousy she felt when he got his letter from that school.
Cathy's eyes were almost watery as her mum comfort her. She knows, at that moment, she can't get what she wanted. The ten year old listened at her parents talk about things she doesn't understand. She wanted to ask what was different to her that other people have but she was scared. Her mum is a politician who sometimes takes her job home with her. The toughness and tone she gives the people she deals with. Alexis Knighton was a great mum to her and a great wife to her husband but it seems, Cathy only realized how important her career to her mum as much as them to her.

"Daddy, I don't understand. I'm totally not different from other kids at school. They simply blame me for whatever happened to them." Cathy turned to her dad rather than to her mum. She was ten, alright, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know what was happening around her. Hell, she even knows that not all people are in favor of her mum and her political party but her situation was different and that she didn't understand. Although, she did levitate a few feet one time at home without her parents knowing. "Mum, if you're concern about your work, you shouldn't be. You're a person not a robot, you're not perfect." She stated softly. If people are concern because politicians can't do better from time to time, it's because they have weaknesses, too. But the thought that she, her own daughter, is the problem which will lead for her mum's demise in her political career. She will compromise on whatever they decide for her.

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