Closed Being Ourselves

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Natalia Novak

🧊 2059 Grad | Ice Queen | Herbologist | Lonely 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Lesbian (Salem)
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
12/2040 (21)
Natalia couldn't quite wrap her mind around the fact that this was her final event at Hogwarts, as long as you didn't count the end of year feast or graduation. This would be the final dance at Hogwarts, at least, and she was glad she would be able to spend it with Salem again. This time, both of them were being more themselves, and Natalia was sure it would make her enjoy it all the more. She wasn't sure how to tell her parents about her and Salem yet, she knew they would be disappointed. Not because Salem was a girl, but because she wasn't of a prominent family. They had hoped for her to find some pureblood husband at Hogwarts, but it hadn't gone that way. Honestly, that life sounded miserable to Natalia and had for a while, but she wasn't sure how to talk to her parents about it yet. Especially after the way they treated Isadora. Natalia sighed, trying to push her doubts away as she waited for Salem, looking around.
Figuring things out with Natalia had been difficult. More difficult than most things Salem had done before. Usually it was easier in her mind to not bother, stopping when things stopped being fun, but for this, for a moment like tonight getting to see Natalia, and have one of her final nights at school like this together, Salem figured it'd been worth the discomfort.

She felt infinitely more comfortable than she had at Yule, back in one of her own suits, wearing far more comfortable shoes, and more at ease with the idea that she maybe didn't actually need to work all that hard just to spend time with Natalia. The thought made Salem's stomach give a funny little flip as she joined Natalia downstairs, giving her a warm smile.

"Hey, Happy Valentine's," she said, leaning in a giving Natalia a quick peck on the cheek, figuring after all the work today, she'd earnt it.
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