Being Lazy For Halloween

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Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
This Halloween, was just another occasion for Tybalt to be lazy about it. Last year he had used his costume from the year before, this year, he just hadn't made any effort at all. He had gone dressed in his Gryffindor robes, and was going if anyone asked, say he was a Gryffindor. Simple. To the point and well, incredibly lazy. Ty loved Halloween though, he loved the idea of being someone else for an entire evening. Of not having to be yourself and being able to just pretend for a little while. However, this was not always the case for him. He had a lot of things to deal with, and of course he just didn't have enough time. The boy had decided that he would find out more about Stefan Archer, and he had a three point plan. Point one, find out what house he was in, Point two, find him in the year book, to be sure it was him, and Point three, get him to meet his family. Tybalt knew that his father was eager to meet him, his mother was keen, and his sister, well, she was a little young to realise what was happening currently. He just always shielded her from whatever harms came flying at them. Ty was always happy, that she, unlike him would always be easily loved by their grandfather. By his parents. Ty always felt like a burden. Like he was the Archer to bring misfortune to his family. It was his fault that his grandfather had ended up in jail overnight, and his father with a broken nose. All in all, Tybalt wasn't too keen on the idea of her knowing much, but he had to find this other person. He had to make an effort and just try. Because this other person had no other family, from what he gathered. It was possible, that the poor guy only had them, and well, Tybalt wasn't going to be the reason he didn't even have that. The young Gryffindor was also hoping that having this other guy around, if he did turn out to be family would be nice. He wouldn't be the oldest any more, and well, that was always a good thing. He wouldn't have the same pressure with his sister, and finally it would be someone that he could turn to. Not someone who would turn to him. However, this was halloween, and these thoughts were pushed out of the small Gryffindor's mind.

Stepping into the Great Hall, the smell of many, many sweets washed over him. it was sort of a horrid smell, in the way that Ty also couldn't imagine anything better. He sort of had a small sweet tooth, and considering how this year was going he needed it. He had no idea why he had tried out for the team, but he had and now he was having to practice a lot, and well, between his fear of heights, falling and of the bludger, he wasn't doing as well as he had maybe hoped. He hadn't thought he would get in, therefore he didn't think too far ahead, now he was on the team, and panicking. It took up a lot of his time as well. It really did, which was the most annoying thing about it. However at this feast he also had a job to do here, in the Great Hall, as the photographer for the yearbook, the small gryffindor had the task of taking all the pictures, of all the students as well as just general pictures of the feast. It was always funny to think that monochromatic Tybalt Archer was the photographer for the yearbook. That out of hundreds of students he was the only one capable of doing such a thing. It was funny, but unlike with Quidditch, Ty actually enjoyed it. He liked being the photographer, it was nice. He wasn't looked at, as weirdly if he had that title. Tybalt smiled as he wandered around the hall, taking a few shots, and then helping himself to some candy. He put a few in his mouth before continuing. Out the corner of his eye he noticed a professor dressed as an elf be scared by someone else. Tybalt took a picture of this. And then continued wandering. He had no costume, he had no plans to meet anyone, he was just on his duties, but, he really hoped that something would cheer him up, or just come hang out. Maybe take a few ridiculous pictures with the camera, and help make this halloween as good as the last.
Mel floated through the Great Hall, a slight smile on her face. It was odd for Mel to be smiling, because usually she was as gloomy as Hogwarts Scotland's Moaning Myrtle. However, tonight Mel was actually quite pleased. Halloween had always been her favourite event of the year, even more than birthdays or Christmas. She supposed it had something to do with being a witch, and being able to reveal yourself to the Muggle world, and they just think that you're going trick or treating. Her smile widened she shook her head as she remembered how one of her friends, Anna, a muggle-born, had always been shocked about magic, and had attempted to dismiss her accidental magic as a figment of her imagination. Her smile dimmed slightly as she remembered Anna and all of her friends at Hogwarts... How they were still alive, and probably had started their own families by now, and here she was, haunting a school for the rest of her life.

A group of students stopped her, and began talking to her, and her smile returned full force. Nothing would ruin this night for her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a young boy simply dressed in Gryffindor robes holding a camera. Laughing at his sheer audacity and clear laziness, Mel said goodbye to the students and floated over to join the boy, watching as he took a few photographs, and wandered around the hall. 'So,' she spoke from next to the boy, 'what's with the costume? Is it because you just couldn't be bothered or you thought you'd be a rebel?' she smiled widely when she finished speaking her words to show she was only teasing. 'As much as I love Gryffindor, and I'm happy to see it represented...?' she trailed off and laughed.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry it's so small... It feels good to be rping with Mel again though :p
Very content with just wandering around the hall, the young Gryffindor, just continued to take picture after picture. He always took too many, and ended up having to narrow it down to just a couple. Which was annoying, but with his eyesight, it wasn't too bad a task. He was wearing his contacts, so everything was at least in focus, but, that was all. It was good, the picture taking and the thought of having to go through them, was good at taking his mind off what it needed to be taken off from. He liked it better when he could just do what he liked, and this was the perfect time for something like that. While everyone's thoughts were on the feast, halloween, and classes, he too could do the same. He didn't have to worry about his family who were waiting for him outside the school, putting a lot of pressure upon him to do everything that they wanted. Which included doing well in classes. Something he was trying really hard to get this time around. Since his grades from the previous term hadn't been awful, but they also hadn't been great. In muggle school, he had been a grade A student, and this just wasn't up to the same standard, as his mother liked to say. The boy grabbed a drink from the table and took a long sip. He was happy that it was midway through the term, and that this feast was occurring. He was maybe only a second year, and he knew it would only get harder, it was nice to have a night off, where he didn't have to worry about attending classes, exams or anything like that. It was definitely a good feeling. Which he was happy to be taking a part in. Though, no costume, sort of made him stick out quite a bit. He had not thought that far ahead, and it was halloween before he could do anything about it. Ty was no a fan of repeating costumes, so he went without. Just wearing his usual robes. Going to Halloween as a Gryffindor, just like he was doing every other day. That however was not a bad thing. The young Gryffindor was actually perfectly okay with his own lack of costume. While everyone else had put a lot of effort in, if folks didn't know who he was, or what house he belonged to, this could just an incredible costume.

As he took a few more pictures, after putting his drink down a voice beside him spoke. He looked round and noticed it was a ghost. That was enough to make him smile. She looked odd to him, with his eye sight she would. Obviously floating in the air, and looking a little transparent. With his eye sight, it was definitely one of the more odd things in his life. He smiled at her, giving a small laugh, as she too laughed. "Oh, it's a mixture of both." He said with a smile. "I forgot about Halloween, and couldn't really be bothered finding a real costume." He said, he wondered if she would appear in any of the pictures or if that wasn't actually possible. Ty didn't really know the ins and outs of being a ghost and what that mean in photography terms. He didn't want to take a picture of her, and for her to go all crazy on him. "Also, for all you know, I could be a Hogwarts Scotland Gryffindor. Which then would be a costume" He smiled at her, before motioning to the camera. "Can I?" He did a motion of taking a picture and hoped she understand that he wanted to take a picture of her. "I'm the photographer for the yearbook" He explained, wondering if that might make the ever so slight difference. He wasn't sure. He hadn't really ever had to ask anyone before if they minded having their picture taken. This was the first time. So, he felt somewhat awkward. Not sure of the correct protocol for ghosts, he didn't want her to destroy the camera, since it was his only magical camera. He wasn't sure what kind of ghost she was. This was tricky.
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