Closed Before and After Adventures

Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
It had taken the full two hours for Isaiah to get everything into place, but he was finally ready. His boss was aware, he had apologised for the late notice but was heading off anyway. He had tidied up his place, let his family know he wouldn't be about and had just finished packing. He couldn't wait to go, to spend some time away with Avery. Isaiah was a little worried that this would not have the healing effect that he thought it might, but it would be worth it. They'd be able to take a break from this place, from all the drama of this place, and just spend some time just them. It was going to be good. He just had to hope as he waited for Avery that he wouldn't back out at this last minute.
Avery had taken his time packing his things, nervous and worried about what he'd agreed to. He lingered a little when it was time to go, but eventually he picked up his bag. With a deep breath, he took off. Avery walked up to where Isaiah was waiting, his heart thundering. Biting his lip, he reached out and took hold of Isaiahs sleeve gently. "Hey," he greeted almost shyly, peeking up at Isaiah.
Isaiah smiled easily as Avery arrived. He let him into his place and gave a warm smile. "Hey," he replied. Isaiah was glad he had come a part of him had worried he might not show. That he hadn't quite managed to break through that exterior. He let Avery take his sleeve and then brought him in for a kiss. "Everything good? You good to go?" he asked.
Avery nodded, slipping his hand into Isaiahs. "Yeah, I'm ready to go," He agreed softly. "Are you?" He asked, leaning more into Avery and bringing a hand up to rest on Isaiahs forearm. Avery bit his lip. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. He had been hanging out with Isaiah a lot already, why should this be any different? He nestled his head against Isaiah's shoulder, hiding his face.
Isaiah nodded in agreement, he was ready to go. Ready to go relax for a couple of weeks with Avery. It would be good, a good thing for them to do. They would be able to relax without the pressure of real life and also reset them. It was an odd reset where the first thing they'd do is spend a couple of weeks alone but it would be fine. He just glanced at Avery as he'd been about to apparate and for a moment was understand. "Are you okay Avery?" he asked. He just wanted to be sure before they left.
Avery nodded, slipping his hand into Isaiah's. "Yeah," He reassured Isaiah. Wanting to try for open communication, he took a deep breath. "I'm just nervous," He admitted gently. "This... all of this, it's... new to me," He leaned his head against his shoulder. "I feel safe with you, I'm just... it's still scary." He took a deep breath, straightening back up. "I'm ready to go," He smiled softly. "Are you?" He asked, leaning more into Isaiah again and bringing a hand up to rest on his forearm.
Isaiah glanced at Avery and gave as reassuring a look as he could. He could understand that certain things that isaiah took for normal in a relationship would be odder to Avery. "I'm here, and I'm ready and we can go so slowly, I don't mind," he assured him softly, Isaiah didn't want to freak him out but he was in this for the long haul, or as long Avery would allow. He held his arm and let him lean into him tightly before he went to turn on the spot and apparate away.
Avery nodded easily, shutting his eyes and letting Isaiah whisk him away. He stayed cuddled against Isaiah, not opening his eyes right away. "Where are we?" He murmured, not wanting to look just yet, keeping his eyes shut tight and keeping his face hidden in the mans neck. He focused on his breathing, trying to keep himself calm. He stayed close to the other man, enjoying Isaiah's warmth.
Isaiah apparated them away and then opened his eyes in the new location. "Bali," he said. He had been able to get them a good place at a nice hotel, where they could go to the beach and chill out with drinks. It was secluded but he knew they could probably get into the town easily enough. It was warm which of course was a plus. "It's going to be all about relaxing and being at the beach,"
Avery smiled softly, snuggling in closer. "Bali, that's a great idea," He agreed, stealing Isaiah's hand and lacing their fingers. He finally opened his eyes, blinking a few times at the brightness. "Do you want to show me where we're staying?" He asked, letting himself look around at where they were standing.
Isaiah nodded, He thought this was a good place for them to go. He took his hand and began to lead him gently towards the hotel. "It's a magical resort," he told him. It would mean they could relax and use magic without worrying about muggle seeing them. It was going to make things easier for them. He knew that they would have a good time here.
Avery's eyes lit up. "Really?" He asked, stepping back while still keeping his hold on Isaiah's hand. "Let's explore," He encouraged, "Then maybe we can go and get some good food?" He asked, throwing himself into being excited for the trip. "What do you want to do first?"
Isaiah nodded, "Some of the folk I work with know all the good magical places to go," he told him. He nodded a little, all of them sounding like really good ideas for what they could start with. "Let us get checked in, then we can go to the beach, and take a long walk, work up an appetite and then come back for drinks?" he suggested, planning all of the day in one, and looking to Avery to see if he seemed happy with it.
Avery nodded, liking the sound of what Isaiah was suggesting. "Do you think our room will be nice?" He asked, imagining a balcony and a Jacuzzi, maybe some lounge seats to relax in. He nestled more into Isaiah's side, being just a touch clingy. "I wonder if they offer room service," He murmured, biting his lip.
Isaiah smiled at Avery, he hoped the room would be nice. "Oh they definitely will," he said, guiding them into the place and then getting the room key. They were on the ground floor with a nice private pool area, where they could lounge outside. There was plenty of space and it was definitely a beautiful room. He didn't mind Avery's closeness just leading him to the room without a word. He waited to see what his reaction to this room would be.
Avery's eyes widened. "Oh my gods, this is beautiful," He whispered, wandering through the room in just a state of aw. He stopped when he saw the large, pink crystal bath tub. "Oh lord," He murmured, biting his lip. He looked back to Isaiah. "I vote we get a lot of candles, fill all the surfaces and spill them onto the floor," He smiled shyly. "Then we get a bottle of champagne, maybe a lot of flowers, and take a long relaxing bath just cuddling and talking?"
Isaiah smiled in agreement. It truly was beautiful and then laughed lightly. "So no walking on the beach and spa, you'd want to start with this here," he joked lightly. But he wouldn't mind. He was already grabbing the memo letter to send away for all of it. "Spa evening in the room alone," he said. "The room has a balcony, what do you think of the view? I asked for a nice one?" He was sure that with magic all the rooms could have nice balconies but he was hoping this one was extra nice.
Avery smiled shyly at Isaiah's compliment. "I think we can hit the rest of that tomorrow... or at least, later." He stepped in, slowly slipping his hand into Isaiah's and lacing their fingers. "The view is beautiful, I love it." He promised. "I... think I want it to just be us tonight. A bit of privacy," He tried to explain. "This sort of... intimacy is new to me." He lowered his eyes, looking at their hands. "I need a little more time to adjust and the room... it's luxurious with a great view and a fantastic bath and... it feels secluded enough that we can just... be here together." He felt almost silly saying it, and peeked up at Isaiah from under his lashes.
Isaiah was glad that he found it nice, it was what he'd been aiming for. He wanted Avery to feel special, to be able to have a pleasant experience of being away to balance out the negative feelings he was having with it being something he had done. ”It's okay, we'll take this nice and slow,” he assured him, knowing it was something he had said before but wanting him to be sure he knew it. He smiled softly. And then stood in a little closer to him. ”We can just be, here, together,” he echoed back to him. He let go of Avery's hand and went to put his arm around his shoulder to hold him in closer for this moment.
Avery let himself be drawn in, lacing his arms around Isaiah's waist and shutting his eyes. "Thank you," He murmured, nuzzling in against the man. "I really do appreciate this. Appreciate everything." He smiled softly, one hand playing idly with the edge of Isaiah's shirt. He knew that taking the next few days easy, just snuggling and getting used to each other would be exactly what he needed.
Isaiah just leaned his head against his and smiling easily. "I know what it's like to miss something and know the best thing you can do is take a break," he told him easily, looking out at their view and knowing for at least the length of their break things would be fine. Isaiah knew they were going slow, but he was promising now that no matter what he was going to make sure Avery didn't feel that sad every again.

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