Becoming a Regular

Marcel Haynes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Marcel smiled as he walked into the pub, knowing that tonight was going to be another fun night. Because he came around so often nowadays to chat with his friend whilst she was doing her work shift, the twenty-one-year-old had become friends with some of the regular patrons here. He sat down on a stool and nodded at the person next to him while he waited for one of the bartenders to come take his order. Meeting his friend and talking to her whilst she was standing behind the bar had quickly become one of his favourite things to do because other than work he didn't really have that much going for him. Marcel hadn't seen his friend yet so wondered whether or not she had a shift tonight though it did not really matter that much as the two of them had already agreed on meeting each other at the pub. When someone came to take his order the young man ordered himself what he usually had when he came down here and talked with the man next to him whilst he waited for Rina to show up.
Rina was running a little behind for her bar work because her tattoo client had needed more breaks than expected but she was lucky enough that the other girl working was able to cover for her and that she would do the same for them because all the bar staff had other jobs and hobbies that sometimes interfered with their actual shift. She rushed in and greeted the girl with a grateful smile and a thank you as she took off her jacket and started to make her way around the bar, serving people who needed asked for drinks when she spotted Marcel. She had noticed him coming in a lot and she was not bothered at all. "Hey punk," she teased, leaning over the bar to kiss his cheek which she could just barely do on her tall heels she had slipped into before entering the building. She leaned back and looked at the man he was talking to and smiled, making small talk with him but certainly more excited to talk to Marcellus.
A smile appeared on his face when Rina kissed his cheek. He was still blown away by the fact that he had stumbled upon his childhood friend in this bar after graduation three years ago. Back then he thought that he would never talk to the girl again because they hadn't seen or spoken to one another ever since he left to go to the wizarding school in New Zealand - he certainly had not expected her to work at the bar in their hometown - but there he sat at the bar she was serving drinks at smiling happily at his friend and secretly hoping that most of the attention she would have to give the patrons at the bar would go to him and not some other guy. ''Hey,'' he said with a chuckle before taking a sip of the beer in front of him. Marcel hoped that she did not mind him coming in so often these days because he didn't feel like sitting around in his apartment doing nothing after returning home from work. ''How's your day been?'' the young man asked, resting his head in his hand whilst looking at Rina.
Rina smiled at Marcel, thinking he looked like a sweet puppy holding his head like that. "It was great, I just finished a piece for a client. You?" Rina was pleased with her piece but mostly she was glad that her client was happy too because that really did make the world of difference. She could think a piece was terrible and have a happy client or think a piece was great and it wouldn't matter because a client didn't like it. It mattered what a person was going to be wearing on their body forever. "You should really let me tattoo you one of these days," she said coyly, daring Marcel to let her use his body like a canvas for her art as well as a walking talking testimony for how good of an artist she was because that was the biggest way to drum up outside clients and she really wanted to start her own business with Javed, it was just slow going at the start. "Maybe a butterfly right above your butt?" she teased, just because he had company too. The bartender pretended that she was not now thinking about his butt by looking at the bar to see if anybody was running dry. A girl could multitask though and she felt suddenly embarrassed as to where her own thoughts were going.
Marcel nodded his head as he listened. He thought that it was cool that his friend was a tattoo artist but was not convinced yet to get a tattoo himself even though Rina had tried to persuade him into letting her tattoo him multiple times now. He had hoped that being a Magizoologist would be something he would love doing but as the months went by Marcel wasn't so sure about his choice of profession anymore. He wanted to something more challenging, something a little reckless even but did not want to quit his job until he had found something else. ''It was all right,'' the man said because nothing that interesting had happened today. ''I have told you before, that's not going to happen, '' It was not that he did not like tattoos, he really liked the ones she had done for other people, it was just that his pain threshold wasn't exactly high. ''Unless, of course, you would agree with what I said before.'' On different occasions, Marcel had joked that he would only allow his friend to get him a tattoo if she would agree to go out with him to his favourite place which so happened to be a children's amusement park, though only so he could get to annoy his friend a bit. He ignored the comment about letting Rina put a butterfly right above his butt and took a sip from his drink, shaking his head at the man next to him who seemed to like his friend's idea.

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