Because it's cold outside and I get bored.

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hello people who have looked in my topic. Looking outside and listening to the weather report, it seems that I will be spending a lot of my time inside for fear of being snowed out. As such I figure the best way to amuse myself is spend time on HNZ. Then I realised how little roleplays I'm actually in. So, here are my characters, please reply :D
Gareth Knight
<COLOR color="#000">Gareth is twenty two. He hasn't got a job, yet, and has custody of his three sisters. He is a bit of a player and a lot of a flirt though that will be decreasing. He has recently re-connected with the only girlfriend he had a proper relationship with and met his two year old daughter. Because of this he is trying to prove he's become a responsible person and he is capable of being a father.
I don't need a final for him but a couple of flings and maybe one long relationship would be good. He needs a few guy friends and maybe some female friends for him to talk properly with. I would like someone to play the part of his emotional backbone as I plan on him having a small, and brief, meltdown and I would like someone to be there for him when he does. I don't mind the gender.

Noemi Costello
Noemi is nineteen years old and has just given birth to a little boy. She currently lives in a house with her best friend and is more often than not on bad terms with Ryan, the father of the baby. She is maturing because of the baby but she still has her spirit. She likes to party and flirt, though nothing will come out of it now. Like Moriah, she often gets on better with boys than girls.
I would like some friends for her, maybe some other parents to help her along with the baby. I would also like a guy to be interested in her. He would have to be sweet and like the baby, she would like him back but not go with him because she's not used to guys being sweet to her.

Melanie White
Melanie is a thirteen year old girl. She is home schooled by her adoptive father and hasn't really had much of a social life ever. She's not a very nice girl and is being brought up by a death eater so that isn't helping her be nice. She is really just discovering she's a girl, if you get what I mean. She's just found skirts and dresses but still isn't sure about boys. She's used to male company more than female company and she can be quite violent when annoyed or confused.
I would like some friends for her, maybe some girls as she doesn't really know any and they could help her develop more. I would also like a crush so she can start noticing boys. The crush would have to be someone who could handle a punch.

Sydney Caine
Sydney is fifteen years old and also attends Durmstrang. She is a transfer there this year and doesn't really know anyone. She is realising she doesn't have to be the way her mum wants her to be and is developing her own style and idea of fun. She can be very defensive and sarcastic or mean but she's trying hard to stop.
I really just need anything for her at the moment apart from a final. Friends of either gender, crushes, enemies, the whole lot.
Teddy Cameron
Teddy is fifteen. He lives at home and looks after his siblings. He is in a very delicate state at the moment and is ready to snap at any moment for the littlest things. He can get quite mean or violent if someone annoys him or goes near his family. He is very protective over the people he loves and often loses control when he gets riled up. He keeps himself quite well built in case he has to fight the muggle way and teaches himself and the oldest of his younger sisters defensive spells.
He also needs most things. Because he's at home he doesn't have much of a social life so he needs friends, of either gender. Maybe a crush or girlfriend, though not a final, maybe some enemies or something.

And Finally
Axel Zemonif
Axel is a new character, he's just turned 20 and, due to his behaviour, has been kicked out of his house and sent to his aunts house with his brother. He is often rude and gets into fights with people who annoy him. He idolises his brother and follows him on most subject except girls. When it comes to girls, Axel is pretty good, he is romantic and sweet but very protective.
I need EVERYTHING for him. Girlfriends, flings, crushes, friends, enemies, the lot. Anything you can think of really.

<FONT font="Georgia">Wow, bet you thought that'd never end :p
Please reply and I'll give you a cookie or a Christmas kiss :) (Your choice)

Lots Of Love
I have Maia here, for anything, except a girlfriend, as she is kind of about-to-have-a-boyfriend

Maia loves Drama, and is very outgoing. She hates bullies and as a kid got in trouble for shouting at them. She has a terrible temper, but will admit if she's wrong. If she's right though, she will stick to her guns. She likes reading and animals. She was brought up in England, also speaks Irish and is quite good at French. She is paranoid (In ways) and has nightly rituals that she must complete before going to sleep, or upon entering her flat. She is flirty, but plays it very hard-to-get. She is also funny, and can drive you crazy, but only if you don't know how to deal with her. Though she may seem strong, she does need someone to protect her.

So, I haven't got her bio up, as I'm waiting for her to get a job, so I can put it in the right category.
Sounds good to me. There is alos another character she would work well who I haven't put there because she isn't made yet. Axel's sister is her age and I think they could possibly get along :)
Is Libby and Teddy become closer friends they could help each other out if you want..?
Maia & Gareth : I'd say maybe a meeting in the pub, it's where he spends most of his time when he isn't looking after his sisters. If he was drunk enough he'd rant to a stranger, her, and then maybe she would make sure he made it through the night alright. He'd probably trust her after that.

Libby & Teddy : I think that would be great. They are both out of school and looking after children. I think he'd probably trust her more because she's almost in the same boat as him.
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