Beauxbatons Quidditch Team Try-outs!!

Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
OOCOut of Character:
So basically, you as player should first introduce yourself to me. Do include you're position and year. After that maybe try to show you're skill/s. Feel Free to create something, like catching the golden snitch or what so ever. Don't hesitate to ask me Questions. I'll decide afterwards once the everyone got the chance to post/ try-out. Enjoy! ^_^

Come rain or shine, snow or tornado, Mizelea loved to be outdoors. Today was going to be the try-outs for Mizelea's team, she was indeed excited to meet new people and also watch each and everyone's talent shine. A big smile was painted on her face as she arrived the grounds. Luckily, there weren't much students to distract the new players. Along with her was a sheet of paper clipped on her clip board. Just in case she forgot who signed up for, also to evaluate them. Mizelea wasn't the type of girl who seems to be harsh or rude at all, that's why even first years where permitted to join. Also not all of them would be accepted though she hoped to meet new friends at the same time. At the same time she tried to hold herself up and prepare for this. After all it was her first time to lead a Quidditch Team. She even had her broom beside her just in case. While waiting Mizelea decided to let her broom levitate for a while as she then took a sit. Crossing her legs, she hoped that the team would be complete this year.

Finally a student appeared and walked nearer, Mizelea smiled him and simply told the student "Let's get it started, Goodluck and don't forget to enjoy!" Other than the players skill was his commitment to the sport itself. He or she must the be willing to enjoy and appreciate the game, that was Mizelea was looking for. She was looking for a person to always stand-out. Sitting quietly on her broom she watched the student fly up into the air.
It seemed like forever since Amy had had the chance to fly. She had recently been admitted as the head-girl of the school she loved so much. And, however much her opinion of herself had increased, she had still decided to try out for the quidditch team. She guessed and hoped that she would get in, and if not on skill but on her position in the school. However, being who she was, she decided that she would try her best to get in on her skill. Having played quidditch for as long as she could remember, she smiled comfortably to herself as she made her way down to the pitch. There were a couple of students hovering around in the stands and giving one of her friends a small wave, she flicked her hair and wandered over to where a friend was standing for the team. She had met Mizelea a couple of times, and had taken an instant liking from her personality. The bubbliness seemed to be something that noone could destroy, and delighted that she was the captain of the team, Amy sent over a friendly smile. Having never been tall for her age, Amy was about the same height, and hoping this reduced any awkwardness between them, she pushed her long dark hair behind her shoulders, flashing her famous veela smile.

"Hey there! Im applying for Chaser. Is that alright?" She checked, wondering if there had already been some requests. She had decided to take a step back for the team and wouldn't interfere with the leading. Her job was to play the game, enjoy it and do her best. "Oh, im a seventh year." She smiled, laughing at the stupidity of telling the younger girl who would know who she was and what year, considering her being the head-girl. "Where do you want me to go and what do you want me to do Captain?" She asked, her tone polite, friendly and warm. She had matured greatly over the last year and happy to be told what to do for once, she smiled again and mounted her broom.
Mizelea was thrilled to see Amelia walking towards her. "Finally!" she thought to herself while waving at her. Stunnike like always, Amelia was still quite the same. Though it was a bit of awkaward for the two, as Mizelea was younger by a couple of years than her. Other than the that she was the captain of the team and Amelia was the head girl of the school. How she hoped to be on someday, not preferably now but soon. Mizelea then positioned herself as she pushed her body out of her broom. Glancing back at Amelai, still remaining her friendly smile as well.

"That would be lovely!" she exclaimed with joy. She then checked her list and saw Amelia's name on the list she signed earlier. Also Mizelea knew Amelia as the beauty and ever endearing, she then got all excited wondering if she was at the same time athletic. "Up in the air." she said to her while pinting up to the sky. "Then show be what you got" she continued on. Behind Mizelea was a bog old chest which holds the items needed for the game. She then got the quaffle on her hand, and throwed it to Amelia. There wasn't any other way but to guard the goal hoops, so Mizelea to decided to do her part as a Keeper. Flying up to the sky with her broom now, Mizelea positioned herself in the middle hoop."Ready?, get the quaffle past by me." she giggled looking down at Amelia.
Praneil made his way to the quidditch pitch, it was a perfect day for flying and he hoped that he would make the team. he arived and he saw two girls there, one he reconised as the head girl and one was younger than him and the quidditch captin. "hello girls, ready for the tryouts i take it. I'm Praneil and trying out for beater, or chaser. I'm a sixth year" he smiled at the two girls before following them into the air.
he flew alongside Amelia, who was also trying for chaser. "reckon it will be easy, which side do you want to take he said flying a little ahead ready to go ether way.
As Mizelea was now up on the air, she noticed a student preferably a male student walking towards them. She didn't remembered any guy signing in, and so it was obvious that he didn't knew the stranger. She then controlled her broom, lowering herself down and greeted the boy. "Hey Praneil, beater or chaser? any sure position in mind?" she asked her. Mizelea wasn't good at choosing a position for a student and that's why the player itself should know what he wants and most especially what he can do for the team.

"If you're up for chaser then , you'll be competing with Amelia to see if you can handle being one. As for the beater, I'm ready to give you the equipment to use for now?" she said to him flashing the boy a friendly smile. She then noticed the boy was up on the air after all, all this time she was talking to the air.
OOCOut of Character:
I thought she was already in the air

"either would be good. I would probably rather beater" he said whilst still on the ground.
he heard her talking to him as he raced along the pitch. "I will go chaser for now and then try beater once there are a few more people around to keep the blugers away from he called, as he knew there was no point being a beater if there was only t players to defend. and the chaser trial would be hard with only one chaser.
OOCOut of Character:
She? Which one? Well Amelia posted "mounted her broom" meaning she wasn't still on the air, and as for Mizelea she's on the air.

The boy was obviously confusing Mizelea, she didn't like the idea that he was still unsure of his position. He needed to choose a permanent position for him and only one as well. Scratching her head, Mizelea remained levitating on her broom. She looked at Amelia and grinned at her hoping, she herself noticed that Mizelea was getting a bit confused. Shaking things off, Mizelea started to glance back at the boy. "Uhmm can you please choose one permanent evaluation so I could actually evaluate you? she told him still smiling, hiding her confuse feeling.
OOCOut of Character:
i must have misunderstood. do i really have to pick one, i was trying to make it easyer for you, to get a complete team, and at hogwarts you can try for multiple positions

Praneil thought for a moment, he liked playing chaser and being in the game, but he liked being beater. "for crying out loud I will try for beater then" he said wondering why he had to make the choice. he picked up the beater bat ready to hit a bludger. he knew that he wasn't the normal build for a beater but he was a good shot.
OOCOut of Character:
Yes, Quidditch consist three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper and one Seeker. There is no reason for any student to try-out for two positions. Also this isn't Hogwarts. :p

Good thing Mizelea wasn't rude, she was still smiling even though the boy seems to be irritated with the whole scenario. I mean why try for two position when the team only needs one players for one position. She glanced back at him, cooperation and teamwork was one of Mizelea's requirement for the team. Also she needed some players that she could trust and with the right attitude of the player. Writing her evaluation on the list about the Amelia and Praneil. "This isn't first come first serve guys, it's all about talent and your attitude all through out." she said to the both of them still smiling. "Beater it is, you don't need to cry you know." she teased her. From the tone of Praneil's voice he was getting irritable, but why? The weather seems to compliment Mizelea's mood as it was about to be spring it a couple of hours. She even noticed Praneil picking up the bat, turning her head she looked at Amelia awaiting if she was ready.
Corey was really nervous. She had decided to try out for the quidditch team, it was something she had always wanted to do but had never had enough courage to follow through with. It worried her that she might not be good enough to make the team but she would never know if she didn't try. As she made her way to the field she fidgeted with her hands. She didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of everyone, so she hoped to get all her nerves out before she got to the field.

Corey's self-confidence got better the closer she got to the field. She kept giving herself little boost by telling herself she could do this and even if she didn't make it she had to try. But when she finally came into the field she saw people already in the air. She hoped she wasn't late, that wouldn't look good for her. As she looked around she only saw three, and one must have been the captain. There was some conversation going on but Corey was sure even with good hearing she wouldn't have been able to make it out. She grabbed a broom and took off to get to there level. "Corey Lovre, 4th year, trying for chaser." She said once she was close to them. "Where do you want me captain?" She said smiling hoping to give off a good first impression.
Amy smiled at Mintzy and kicking off, she did a quick lap around the pitch before returning to where another boy had arrived. Quickly surveying the person before her, she didn't recognise him but gave him a quick veela smile and a nod of the head. Rolling her eyes to Mizelea at the antics of the boy, she kicked back off, taking the quaffle with her. Holding it under her arm, she surveyed the area before her, and waiting for the hoops to be guarded again, she narrowed her eyes and let her critical mind decide where to go. Seeing a weak area to the right where the keeper's blind spot was, she dove to the left before feinting back to the right. Drawing closer and closer, she kept weaving and dodging to confuse the keeper before lobbing the ball at the hoop. Smiling as it shot through, she dove back down and swiftly caught it just as it was about to touch the ground. Spinning her broom back to where the growing crowd was, she smiled at her friends and landed next to the captain. "Anything else Captain??" She asked, her tone meek as she waited for further instruction but inside she was glowing with pride at the goal scored. Her perfect hair still in place where it had been, she flipped it carefully and watched the oncoming players.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it took so long to reply.... was that what you wanted??
OOCOut of Character:
@ Kate I'm the Keeper, but oh well you did great. I'll update you once the results comes out. ;)
@Annie Simply RP your character shooting quaffle into the goal hoops as an imaginary keeper is blocking the goal hoops. Be very creative! ^_^

As Mizelea was watching Amelia, she smiled at her at the same time winking for no reason at all. She adored the burning passion she felt when she was watching her. Before she could even compliment Amelia, she noticed another girl who seems to be very familiar. "Hey Corey! I'm Mizelea but you can call me Mizzy once were close." she said to her at the same time teasing and winking. "Erm, I think you already know me as the Captain, anyways show me what you've got!" she exclaimed giddily.

Still sitting using her chair, Mizelea nodded as a signal for Corey to start her try-outs. While waiting for her, Mizelea started to look at her notes again, trying to see the person's names on her list. Also she gave Corey the Quaffle with her famous big grin.
Corey smiled nervously at Mizelea, "You got it." She said catching the Quaffle. She knew what she was supposed to do she had seen so much Quidditch, now it was her time to shine. She took a deep breathe and shot forward quickly on her broom. Now that she was practicing all her nerves went away, it was just herself and the game. This was what she had always loved to do and this was her chance to show everyone how good she was. She tightened her grip on the handle, and made sure the Quaffle was still secure. As she got closer to the goal she started to try and distract the keeper moving up and down, and sharply going from left to right, she edged closer to the goal. Once she got close enough she shot the Quaffle and it flew right by the Keeper. She smiled and flew around to catch it again, before the keeper could get their bearings she set herself up for another shot. She threw another good shot and caught it. This time she went to the hoop to the left. The keeper following her to it. She knew she wouldn't get the ball through as easily this time. She started to try and confuse the keeper again, but it wasn't working this time, Corey had an idea and she knew what to do, she backed up a bit and flew forward as fast as she could toward the goal. The keeper afraid of being hit got out of the way. Stopping just short of the goal she threw in the Quaffle. Hoping that she had shown enough talent to secure herself a spot on the team she headed back to where Mizelea was. "I hope that was okay." Corey smiled. She had done her best she just hoped her best was good enough.
OOCOut of Character:
@Annie Do wait for further updates, I'll inform you once the team is complete. ^_^

Mizelea watched Corey at the same time evaluating her, it wasn't that easy to evaluate a person. Though she pretty much enjoyed watching her, well Mizelea enjoyed watching everyone playing the game after all. Seated at her broom, while swinging her legs back and forth. Giddy to watch the girl up on the air while showing her skills to her. Though she wondered if the other boy was still willing to join the team.

"Nice Job Corey!" she cheered once Corey was done. Writing her final evaluation about her she decided to wait for a while. Hopefully there would be other members coming in and of course joining the team. This year was going to be about Quidditch well if everything goes well that is.
Michaela was running toward the school ground. She thought she was late for the try-out and was lucky to be not. She saw a few students having their turns and Michaela watched them trying to learn something new from them. Not that she's not confident with herself but she like learning from others too. Soon though, she saw the captain and approached her, "Hi! I'm Michaela Mitchelle Doesburg, I'm applying to be the Seeker." she said. Michaela was nervous that her knee was shaking hard. "Uhm, I suppose I should fly?" she asked and hoped that everything we'll be fine.
OOCOut of Character:
@Arjane Hey there! RP your character chasing and catching the snitch afterwards. Be creative as possible. ^_^
Mizelea was a bit surprised to see another girl running toward the grounds, she never saw the student before in her entire stay in Beauxbatons. As the girl was panting, she waited for the girl to catch her breath. There wasn't any time due at all, Mizelea could do the try-outs today as she was practically done with her classes and homeworks. "Hey Michaela Mitchell! I'm Mizelea. Any Nickname? she asked her a bit to confised about her name as she had two names.

Well, Mizelea has two names but she prefers to use one and also a nickname. "So Basically, I think You know what to do. As a Seeker, catch the golden snitch. Don't hurt yourself though." she stated with a teas at the end. Mizelea then got the golden snitch in her left hand and decided to set it free. "The Snitch awaits." Mizelea said. Still seating on her broom, she started to wait for the girl to show he skills up in the air.
"You may call me Michaela or Micha , whatever you prefer" she said with a smile. She was used to being asked by everyone for her nickname. She loves her name,it sounds nice though she understood that it's too long. Michaela saw the snitch in Mizalea's left hand. She felt more nervous than before especially when the snitch was set free. Michaela mount her broom and said "UP" fiercely but quietly and in a second she was flying! The snitch was in front of her and Michaela stretched her right hand to grab the snitch. She knew that it will not be easy and she was right, the snitch flew upwards and Michaela did likewise. She had her right hand stretch to grab the snitch but it circle the field faster that michaela thought the snitch is capable of. So she had her both hands on the broom holding tightly as she can and follow the snitch everywhere it went. She suddenly thought of something but she don't know if it will work nor if the snitch is fool proof but she tried doing it. She hid behind one of the post and stopped chasing the snitch. The snitch stopped circling flew still. Michaela grabbed that opportunity and had her right hand ready to grab the snitch and ... Of course! the snitch was foolproof and circle on her broom and Michaela went upside down. She regained her balance as soon as the snitch flew to her left and she followed. She flew fast. faster than the snitch and there! She lost her balance and fell on the ground. She has a contented smile on her face because ALAS! the snitch was in her right hand. She stood and walked toward Mizalea, "here's your Snitch captain." she said.
OOCOut of Character:
@Arjane Nice Job! Just wait for further updates. ^_^

Smiling at the other end of the grounds, Mizelea watched Michaela performing the given task as she was trying to catch the snitch. Now, the part of being a seeker isn't at all easy that what it looks to be. Many students wanted the part of the seeker , thinking that it would somehow made them popular or such. Still she believed that there are some students who deserved the spot as well. She was a bit surprised with Michaela's stategy as she was trying to catch the golden snitch with her bare hands. It was absolutely amazing to watch, as Mizelea loved watching the part of the seeker.

Nodding twice or maybe thrice, she started to take down notes including her evaluations. There were more more needed in the team. Hopefully all goes well for her and their future. She was still and sitted on her broom and saw the girl approaching her. "Thanks!" she cheered as she got the snitch from Michaela and smiled once more.
when a couple of other people turned up and started to try out. he smiled at Mizelea and picked up the beater bat. he gave the trunk a kick and both of the bludgers flew into the air. after giving them a couple of seconds to disperse he kicked off ready to give the annoying things a run for their money. he flew around hitting them away from the girls. as they tried to get the red ball through the gold hoops. they all seemed pretty good. he smashed the bludger away from one of the other players as they moved close to the goal. the ball went to the other end of the pitch. there was a close call with the girl playing seeker but, he managed to deflect the ball at the last moment. when the tryouts had finished he managed to catch the balls one at time and return them to the container. before waiting for the try out to finish
OOCOut of Character:
I hope that that was what you wanted"
Mizelea watched the boy try-out , she loved watching players filling the thrill and the excited inside the pitch. The passion that is burning made it more exciting to watch, she kept her eyes on the boys. Checking her list she then noticed that they were still in need of players, Quidditch was like everything to her and she wanted to form a group of great players. As the boy was done she watched him returning the items he used. Mizelea thanked him for trying-out, "I'll keep you updated!" she told the boy as she stood up and smiled at him. Mizelea then glanced at her back wondering if they were more students interested in Quidditch just like her.

OOCOut of Character:
This thread is pretty much open, as we are still in need of players. Feel Free to post if you wish to be a part of our team! ;)
Results said:
So basically this topic is err inactive, and we really need some more players but as I promised here is the list of players in the team. (Everybody got in ;) )

Mizelea Brooks - (Captain) Keeper
Amelia Johnson - Chaser
Corey Lovre - Chaser
Michaela Mitchelle Doesburg - Seeker
Praneil Patil - Beater

We are in need of 1 Chaser, 1 Beater. :) (Though next sem is about to start so.. :r )

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