Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (35)
Beauxbatons,PracticeThe end of the school year was fast approaching, and Grace could hardly believe this was going to be the last practice of the year. Soon, they would be in New Zealand once again, facing the best team they had this year. Grace was a little bit worried about the match, as she had no idea if their team was ready. She hoped Liesl would capture the snitch, but not before their chasers were able to show what they could do. She couldn't help but feel like this practice was what mattered, like it all depended on this. She knew logically that wasn't true, but she still felt nervous. Their loss last year still hurt, and this match would be her very last act as captain of this team. It would perhaps be the last time she ever played a quidditch match. If she focused on that thought too much she would crumble, so she pushed it away.

She waited at the field with her broom in hand for everyone to arrive. When her team arrived, she swallowed back her emotions as she started to speak. "Guys, this is it." She said, a sad smile on her face. "This is the last practice we will have before the match against Hogwarts, and the last one I will be holding as your captain." Graduation was looming, and Grace dreaded it. "After this, I know we will show the best of ourselves in the match against Hogwarts, but I'm already proud of what we achieved. This team is incredible, and whether we win or not, I want you all to know that." She cleared her throat, getting choked up and feeling annoyed with herself for it. "Alright, let's get started." She said with a nod to Jessica. She gave the other girl some room to say something as well, before practice began.

Grace took to the air after releasing the balls for practice. She once again told both keepers to take the hoops on the other end of the pitch, and grabbed the quaffle for the first scoring attempt. She headed to the hoops were Dominik was waiting, glancing around her for any of the other chasers to pass the quaffle to them.

OOCOut of Character:
Since this is the final practice and I want to make the most of our time, I've skipped arrivals. Please RP arriving/reacting to the speech and the start of training within your first post. Abby and I will use activity in this practice (and the ones before it) to decide on the final lineup for the match on November 30. This practice will be open until November 26, so only a few days before the match. Let's make the most of it.
Dominik stepped onto the Quidditch pitch and walked towards his captains, waiting eagerly for the training to start. He listened to their speeches and nodded in understanding. He was going to have to give it his best. He mounted his broomstick and pushed himself off the ground towards the northern hoops, letting a yawn escape his mouth whilst turning around to face whoever was going to be throwing the quaffle first. The seventeen-year-old watched as Grace approached him with the ball tucked underneath her arm. ''I'm not going to let is pass through, just so you know.'' he told the girl with a grin on his face. He was feeling confident in his chances of stopping the quaffle, as he had been practising his ass off all year.
Elvira was happy to go back to practicing, though the captain's speech made her a little bit nervous. She probably wouldn't have to play during the match in the end, but even so it made her anxious. They would have to win this time, right? She hadn't been on the team in the previous year, but she had heard how much quickly they had lost. Determined to do better than ever, Elvira shot into the air and started hunting for the snitch at once.
The year had gone by too quickly, and no amount of practicing for Quidditch ever felt as if it were enough to prepare them for the upcoming match against Hogwarts. Brendan did not want to suffer another embarrassing loss, having traveled so far only for it to end so quickly. The boy's grip on the broom tightened, and joining the others gathered, he wasted no time in taking to the air and trailing after Grace and the quaffle. The real match was never going to be as easy as practice was, It was a foreign land with foreign players and no real way to form an early strategy, whereas they had all grown used to each other and knowing what they might do. They had to make the most of their practice now, their last, and Fulke fully intended on doing so.
Grace grinned at Dominik, and was unable to help herself as he taunted her. She had to prove him wrong. With a single movement, she threw the quaffle to the hoops, a grin spreading over her face as she was succesful. "You were saying?" She asked him sweetly. Then she nodded in the direction of Brendan, telling Dominik silently to pass the ball to him as she flew up to survey the game from above. She wanted to give the other chasers the chance to work together now, and wanted to keep an eye on everyone else too. Especially her seekers.
With his eyes focused on the ball in her hand, the seventeen-year-old waited patiently for Grace to throw it towards one of the three hoops behind him. He dived left to save it but saw it going through the hoop before he could even reach the ball. Dominik stared at the girl after collection the Quaffle, biting the inside of his cheek before saying, "Nothing." feeling a little bit embarrassed. He followed her instructions and threw the ball to Brendan.
Elvira was happy to see the captain score, though she wasn't sure if that was the right emotion. Should she be happy they had good chasers or concerned about the ability of the keeper? She should probably just focus on trying to find the snitch, so she did just that. She looked around wildly, though she didn't see anything yet.
Brendan tried his best to hide his smile as he listened to Grace and Dom's banter, and took possession of the quaffle as the latter threw it back into play. Steering his broom around, the redheaded boy accelerated through the air, keeping a lookout for the older chaser to get in some passing practice. It was always a risky thing to do in a real game, where losing the quaffle was more of a threat, and he wanted to be as in-sync with his team as possible when it came down to it.
Jamie was late he knew, but he jumped up on his broom and joined the rest of the team in the air. Spotting that another of the older boys had the quaffle, and so, he flew down next to him, looking certainly for the pass to him if the boy wanted to. jamie was inexperienced, so he knew that it might not be the best choice to throw to him.
Emma was really looking forward to the game at the end of the year against the Hogwarts team. After playing the year before as a seeker she was excited to play in her preferred position of chaser. She made her way onto the pitch, onto her broom. She watched as the other chasers passed the quaffle between themselves and she waited for her chance.
Grace watched the game unfold for a while, though it wasn't long before she felt the urge to get back in the fray. She flew close to both Jamie and Brendan, wondering if Brendan wanted to pass to either of them. She kept an eye out for the seekers too, as they were their best bet of winning against Hogwarts.
Elvira wasn't paying much attention to her teammates around her, all her focus was on trying to find the snitch. She thought she spotted it near the goalposts where Celine was guarding them, but when she flew near there was nothing there. She scowled, but kept looking.
As Jamie flew nearby, Brendan thought it was the perfect opportunity to make a pass to the alternate chaser. Since they weren't always able to participate in the actual matches, they needed all the practice they could get. Grace wasn't going to be around next year, meaning they'd lose a major player, and they needed to make up for that as quickly as possible. "Derouin." Fulke called out to ensure he had his attention, deftly passing the leather bound ball across to the younger boy, with hopes he didn't fumble it.
Dominik watched the Chasers fly towards the southern hoops, keeping his eyes only at them while he was hovering in front of his hoops. He figured that paying close attention to how the three of them were playing and passing to each other might eventually work in his favour once he'd uncover a pattern in their play.
Today's practice was bittersweet for Jessica because it was Grace's last one before the big game. She felt frustrated because she wasn't on her A-game with all her distractions and the idea of Grace not being there to lead the team next year was making her moodier than she usually was. Jess didn't say much as Grace started the practice and kicked off hard from the ground once the balls were released. The pink-haired girl decided to let out all the frustration and anxiety she was feeling over the entire semester through practice today. Sica trailed after a bludger and swung her bat hard, hearing the loud, satisfying crack of the ball being forced away and towards a player. With all her pend up frustration, she looked forward to a few more hits.
Grace was busy observing her chasers as she followed them. She was glad to see Brendan pass the ball to Jamie, and nodded at him to show her appreciation. It had been good of him to say Jamie's name, as that would at least make sure no one else was confused and thought it was meant for them. She was about to comment, when a bludger flew past her, clipping painfully against her arm on its way. She grimaced, but was glad it hadn't hit hard enough to break anything or hurt her enough that it would last to the game. She glanced in the direction it had come from, and gave Jessica a quick, forced smile. She wished there was a better way to practice that wasn't hitting each other during practice, but it was a good sign that Jessica was able to hit others.
Elvira gasped when she saw a bludger head in the direction of Grace, but was glad it hadn't hit her too badly. She focused her attention on looking for the snitch. She hated that she hadn't caught it during practice even once.
It worried Grace that the energy seemed to be waning from the practices lately, though they still played well. She just hoped they would put on their very best performance at the match in a few weeks. The practice was now over, and it was sad to call it to an end as it was her very last one. She blew her whistle a few times to grab the attention of her teammates before speaking. "Practice is over, Jessica and I will go over the lineup for the final match soon. Thank you all for working hard this entire year. I look forward to playing against Hogwarts with you all." She paused, giving them a smile. "I'm proud of you all." She added, before laughing at herself. "Now head to the changing rooms, before I start getting even cheesier."

OOCOut of Character:
Like I mentioned in the first post, the lineup for the match will be influenced by activity in practices. It is vital for this team to show it's activity in these practices, and doing so lets us know you're a reliable team member.

Thank you all for working with me on this team while I had the honor to be its captain, keep in mind that the match is on November 30. See you there!

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