Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (35)
Beauxbatons,PracticeThe end of the school-year was fast approaching, and Grace could hardly believe this was going to be the last practice of the year. She had told everyone on the team the time and date, and hoped they would show up soon so they could practice one last time before the final match.

She waited at the field with her broom in hand for everyone to arrive. When they did, she started to speak. "Alright, everyone. I want to thank you for all your hard work this year so far. We've made a lot of progress and have been doing very well. I want to see that again during this training. We are starting immediately, I want everyone to participate." She nodded, then without further ado she released the balls and shot into the air. The day of the match was getting too close to waste time with too much chitchat. "Good luck!" She shouted at them before flying high into the air to keep an eye on the whole team.

OOCOut of Character:
So, final practice! Since this is pretty quickly after the last one and only a little while before the real match is scheduled, I've decided to skip the arrivals for this practice. Please RP arriving and starting within the same post! I will keep this open until July 10, a couple of days before the match.
Brendan was somewhat enthusiastic about the Quidditch practice, turning up twenty minutes earlier than the allocated time the team were supposed to meet. The closer the end of the year came, and their match against Hogwarts, the more Brendan looked forward to it. He'd gotten past his initial nerves, now feeling more confident in the team and their chances of winning since the try-outs.

While waiting, the chaser took the time to lap the pitch a few times to warm himself up, touching down once Grace and the others had appeared. Listening to her, it wasn't long before he was once again in the air, nimbly taking possession of the quaffle and jetting off toward the far hoop with it tucked safely under his arm.
Jess was rarely ever on time to many things, but Quidditch practice was definitely one of those things. There was little else she took as seriously as the sport so she was one of the first to arrive on the pitch for one of the last practices before their big game. She quickly pulled her pink hair up into a high ponytail and tightened it so it wouldn't get in her face as she flew. She smiled briefly at Grace and nodded her head when she called for practice to start. Sica kicked off the ground hard and flew around the pitch a few times to warm up. She was getting worried for the upcoming game against Hogwarts New Zealand and she was worried that not everyone was taking the match as seriously as others. She was so preoccupied by the other player's dedication that Jess's game was off so when she swung her bat to hit a bludger, she missed and the ball continued to fly in its original direction. Jess huffed, annoyed with herself for letting her mind be elsewhere and continued to fly around the pitch hoping to protect her team.
Peter was starting to get a little more tense about the upcoming Quidditch match than he usually liked to be, although with his face set in its typical grim line it wasn't like anyone else could really tell. Mostly he was focused on his own poor performance throughout the last practices, and his seeming lack of ability to be able to contribute to the team was definitely stressing him out more than any of his upcoming exams. Glad that Grace wasn't wasting anytime with beginning the practice, Peter kicked off into the air and headed after a bludger that was already trying to unseat one of the chasers. Clearly his determination to prove himself was going to pay off, because his bat connected solidly with the bludger and sent it spinning away down the other end of the pitch.
Ezekiel was getting confident toward his team. They can win this match. He'd at least put this achievement towards his list of others that he finished on time this semester. As winter still approached, the weather in New Zealand is perfect for their upcoming game. Not that they've played before in snow, and that was challenging but the change of scenery was beyond. Arriving at the pitch on his uniform and broom in hand, his ever trusted co-captain was there already with some of the rest of the team. Ezekiel should thank her for taking care of them, although, in what way? His sister, Kassandra should suggest something to him. After a short pep talk, everyone zoom to the sky and so does he, taking the center hoop. Stretching first before taking the practice seriously. Zeke was ready and concentrated to block his chaser's attempts.
With a recent change of the team, they had to use this practice to train their new seeker as well. Liesl had been unable to play, so now Emma Barnes was their seeker for the practice as well as the game. They were going to work hard during this practice to get her to feel like part of the team, and Grace started at once by flying to her to check up on her. Brendan had the quaffle, and as a chaser there wasn't a lot she could do right now. But as a captain, it was important to keep an eye on all the players. "You alright Emma?" She asked the girl while glancing at the goal posts to see how Brendan would do.
Approaching the hoop, Fulke's tactic of trying to get there before the Keeper had time to warm himself up turned out to be for nothing, seeing Ezekial already prepared to block him - and he did. Brendan's hopeful throw failed to send the quaffle through the hoop. He scowled in annoyance, hoping he'd do better next time. For now, he resumed flying around the pitch, waiting for the quaffle to be thrown back into play.
Jess decided to keep an eye on her teammates from higher up so she could see any incoming bludgers. She flew up higher and began to circle the pitch as they practiced, seeing heir Keeper successfully block a goal. It was both a good thing and a bad thing that their keeper was so good but she wasn't worried about the chasers. There were some practices in which they got in their fair share of goals on Zeke so she knew her team was good. She couldn't wait for this upcoming game against Hogwarts to prove it.
Although Peter's immediate reaction to getting off to a more promising start this practice was one of relief, he quickly tried to suppress anything other than continuing to focus on the action around him. With no bludgers in the immediate area he veered upwards, hoping to gain a vantage point that would give him a better view of the pitch around him. Jessica had done the same it seemed, and Peter noted her position before turning the majority of his attention back to looking for the nearest bludger. After several quiet minutes, he suddenly heard the familiar rush of an incoming attack from behind him and swiftly dodged and turned to try and meet the bludger head on. The angry black ball was too fast for him though, and Peter's bat missed by mere inches as he swung.
Emma hadn't expected to play any part in the team since she was listed as an alternate but Grace had drafted her in last minute to play seeker. Not her preferred position but a fun position to play. Clutching her shiny new broom Emma made her way out onto the pitch and took to the air. After a few laps to get her bearings she began to look for the snitch when it was released. She briefly took her eyes off the skies when she heard the co-captain say her name. Emma smiled warmly at Grace and nodded, "Yes thank you, just glad I get to be involved,"
Once more the quaffle was thrown into play, with Fulke quickly taking possession for a second time. The boy lapped around, heading back toward the hoops for a second shot. He had to try a lot harder if he wanted to score.
Jess kept her eyes peeled for any incoming bludgers but she was more preoccupied with seeing how the game was going during practice. She was especially curious about how one of their alternates was doing, as she would be playing Seeker for them in the upcoming game. When she focused on looking for a bludger again, she saw one coming and sped forward to hit it, but she was too slow and her bat missed the ball entirely. Jessica sighed frustratedly but didn't get discouraged as she looked for another one to hit soon.
This time, he was ready. With his focus solely on the hoops in front of him, Brendan pressed on, scanning for the best opening he could take advantage of. Rather than dipping or swerving, the boy headed in a direct line for the center, hoping that, perhaps it'd be expected of him to change hoops at the last minute, rather than the obvious choice. Entering the scoring zone, and with all of the strength he could muster, he let the quaffle loose from his possession, watching it sail cleanly through the hoop ahead of him. He cheered, pleased with his success.
Grace was glad to see their new temporary seeker was doing well, and she gave the girl a smile. Then she returned to the goal posts in time to see Brendan score on his second attempt. She gave him a grin and a thumbs up, he really was quite good. She wanted to prove herself now too and headed straight for the quaffle once it was thrown into the game. Taking a gamble, she decided to attempt to score right away, as she was close to the goals now anyway and Zeke might not expect it. She threw the quaffle, aiming for the left hoop and watched as it sailed through the hoop in a neat arch. She grinned and whooped with joy, this was a good sign for their upcoming match, at least in her eyes. She let one of the other chasers get the quaffle now, happy to let everyone take their turn.
As practice unfolded around her, Emma turned her attention to locating the snitch. She was inexperienced playing the position so she was particularly eager to be good and it started by having a good first practice.
They were doing well this match. Brendan cheered as Grace scored the team another goal, and as the quaffle was thrown back into play, the redheaded chaser deftly caught it, seeing no sign of the third chaser nearby. It was difficult to keep track of everyone else in the air, even more so when his focus was directed solely on the quaffle. Coming up to the hoops, Fulke attempted another score, though Zeke was prepared and the shot was blocked. Frowning, Brendan flew back from the scoring zone, watching for someone else to take possession.
Peter continued to watch over the rest of the team from his position above them, glad to see that the chasers were making the most of the practice. He was pleased to see Grace score, and turned his attention back to looking out for any bludgers in the vicinity.
Jessica lost track of a bludger as she saw Grace score and smiled happily for her friend. She tried not to worry about any of the other chasers or their seeker and just concentrate on her position. When she turned back to track it again it had sailed off in a different direction.
This practice had gone well, the new seeker hadn't caught the snitch but that had never happened in a practice so far. As long as it happened during the actual match, Grace couldn't care less. She mostly wanted Emma to feel at home in the team. Peter had finally hit a bludger, making Grace feel more confident about his abilities. She also had scored herself, which she was very happy about. Brendan was a really talented chaser, but she hoped Valor would be a little more present during the game. The chasers had to dare to grab the quaffle during the match, or they wouldn't score a single point.

Grace whistled to catch everyone's attention. "Alright guys, practice is over!" She shouted, giving them a thumbs up. "You all did great! Keep it up for the match and we'll win for sure. We can do this!"

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