Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

Ezekiel Eindhoven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 inch Flexible Coconut Wand with Emerald Beetle Wing
The first week back was a pleasant start for Ezekiel, it might be a busy last two years for him but Quidditch was still in his top spot priority. And with that said, he didn't waste another day to postpone a practice for his team that weekend and set it up. The fifth year Beauxbatons captain carried his broom on his left hand while the other was holding his wand, levitating the crate that contains the quaffle, bludgers, beater's bat and snitch. If he wanted his school to qualify for an international match against other international schools, he had to push the limits today and work his team mates to the edge. Arriving at the center of the pitch, Ezekiel gently put the crate down, opened it without releasing the bludgers yet as he waited for his team mates.

OOCOut of Character:
Practice will be two weeks long depending if we finish it early. To some people who are new to the Quidditch Control Panel, do not hesitate to ask me or anyone who had used it before for help. We will be gladly to help. Another thing, If there is something wrong with the QCP just PM me and I'll resolve the problem but for right now everything is a-okay
Grace's holidays had been fine, but she was still glad to be back at school. She just preferred the order of each day while she was here to the chaotic days she had during the summer. Quidditch was another big reason for her excitement. It was one of the top priorities in her life, and she was happy to get started on it again. So when she heard from Ezekiel that they would have a practice soon, she readily agreed. The sixth year co-captain was the second to arrive, after the captain. She smiled as she saw him, carrying her own broom down to the center of the pitch. "I can't wait to get started." She said eagerly. It still felt a bit unreal to her that she was co-captain of the team, but she intended to take it very seriously. She hoped the rest of the team would as well.
Sica loved whenever school started back up because that meant more time to play Quidditch and get better. She was excited because she knew her captains were working on getting them to play internationally, so she wanted to train and make sure she was ready for something like that. Her team was good, so she knew they'd be able to win an international game. As the new fifth year walked up to the pitch she saw the two captains there already. "Hey guys! Ready for a new year?" she asked them as she swung her small beaters bat loosely and dropped it lightly on the grass. She placed her broom beside it and began to stretch before practice began. "How were your OWLs?" she asked them both, knowing they had taken them last year. This year would be her turn to take them so she was a little nervous already.​
Peter was far more ready to get started with Quidditch than anything else that would require his attention at school this year - he had just finished with his OWLs, he was hardly excited to throw himself back into classes just yet. Instead he had made sure all of his Quidditch gear was prepped and ready to go for their first practice, and then headed down to the pitch with his broom and beater's bat grasped in each hand. It wasn't surprising to see the captains there before him, and to be honest he would have been slightly irked if they hadn't arrived on time - while he was happy to pull his weight, he wouldn't be too impressed if the captains of all people decided their commitment to the team wasn't something to be taken seriously. Drawing closer to the other three, he called out, "Hey, guys." He didn't really know any of them too well, seeing as he mostly kept himself to himself, but he figured a friendly team spirit was always good. "Were your summers good?"
Summer had slowly fallen into Autumn for Beauxbatons, the seasons far more preferable for flying in than the cold, bitter Winter air the team had tried out in. Quidditch, despite the amount of energy being exerted that was necessary for it, was a colder sport. Flying at such high speeds and altitudes ensured they were kept cool throughout the match, so the hotter seasons were perfect for play. With his boots crunching yellowed leaves underfoot, Brendan made his way to the pitch for practice. With his freshly polished broomstick hefted over one shoulder, the redhead fourth year approached the small group already gathered on the grass and raised his hand in a quick greeting. Dropping the weight of his broom from his side, he planted its trimmed bristles against the ground and rolled back his shoulders, ready for them to take to the air and start.
Liesl jumped off her bed for a stretch and a bit of body weight training before getting into her quidditch uniform. She kicked her broom and rushed toward the quidditch pitch like a lightning shooting itself to the ground. There were so many faces looking at Liesl, she was such in a hurry simply because she was late. When she reached the quidditch pitch, Liesl levitated her broom and sat on it like she was sitting on bench knowing that she wasn't late. "Captain" she greeted Ezekiel, waiting for the rest of the group to gather.
The Dutch keeper waited for another minute before spotting her co-captain coming. He giggled on her enthusiastic words. "I can say the same thing. Wait till I told you all who we're up against this school year." Ezekiel told Grace. He was excited alright. Hogwarts Scotland was their rival when it comes to Triwizard tournaments but the branch of the old school in New Zealand might be their new rival towards Quidditch. Beauxbatons was named the best school in the wizarding world and he wouldn't tarnish that reputation, not even on Quidditch. After a couple more minutes, everyone on the team made it. Jessica, bubbly as always, asked about their OWLs. The Dutchie cleared his throat awkwardly, he barely passed the damn thing. Of course, with the help of his brainiac of a sister who sends her review papers, he wouldn't have survived. "OWLs was good ... really good." Ezekiel scratched the back of his head. He greeted Peter next, "My summer's awesome, Netherlands is my kind of hell. Hot, what I mean." He's getting awkwardly weird. It was probably because he wanted to get starting. Although, when Liesl came, he smiled at her. She is the crowning glory of the team, the seeker. "Liesl. I hope you went to an optometrist because we need that good eye of yours." Ezekiel winked at her and gestured to the team to gather up in front of him. "This year we need to work hard. I would suggest an everyday practice but that's just too much. By the end of the school year, we are up against our rival school's branch. Hogwarts New Zealand. And I heard they have pretty decent players." With the quaffle on his hand, he tossed it toward Grace. "We can't be sure that they're only decent. Just think about them as Professional players, if we think like that, we're going to beat them." Ezekiel released the bludgers and snitch. "North hoops. Half pitch. Let's start now." Ezekiel went to grab his broom and mounted it, taking off to the North hoops and position himself in front of the center hoop. The hoop that gets more attention than the other two.
Everything is released. For the practice to end: 4 goal blocks for the keeper, 5 scores for the chasers, 3 hits for beaters and 2 snitch catches for seeker

Enjoy :)
Grace grinned as she talked to Ezekiel, and felt especially cheerful when her other teammates arrived. She felt sort of proud of them already, just because they were their team. They hadn't even done anything yet. She was happy to see Jessica, the two had bonded a bit more before the break. Her asking about OWLss wasn't a surprise, seeing as the younger girl would have them soon. "My OWLs went alright." She said kindly. They had, really. But Grace wasn't easily satisfied. She always wanted to do better than she had already, something that translated to Quidditch. She greeted Peter, Brendan and Liesl when they arrived, wishing she knew each of them better.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when Ezekiel threw the quaffle at her, she caught it mostly by reflex and then grinned. "Yes, we have to be the best." She agreed. "We'll beat those wimps at the end of the year in no time." She knew her cousins went to that school, but neither of them were on any of the teams. It wouldn't have mattered, though. Grace would have wanted to beat them just as badly if they had been.

She mounted her broom while holding the quaffle and raced towards the hoops where Ezekiel was waiting. She met his eyes and gave him a challenging grin before darting to the left and throwing the quaffle with force at the left hoop She watched it sail through the air. She sighed a little when Ezekiel stopped it from going in. She was both proud of his skill and disappointed with her own failure. She flew down to grab the quaffle and passed it onto the next chaser to let them give try next.
Jessica smiled encouragingly at the two captains as they told her of her OWLs. She hated that she had to take them this year so she was just trying to get more information on what to expect, but with practice starting soon she knew that tests were not a subject they wanted to talk about at the moment. She was only too happy to change the subject as the rest of the team arrived. She grinned when Zeke told them about the possibility of them playing Hogwarts New Zealand and whooped out loud. Soon after the practice was starting so after being hyped up, Jess mounted her broom and kicked off the ground hard. She knew she should get a few warm up laps in her first but in her eagerness she tried to hit the first bludger that came her way but she swung and missed. She shook her head and instead decided to do a few laps to get herself focused first.
Nodding at Ezekiel's answer to his greeting, Peter greeted the rest of the team as they turned up and then focused his full attention on listening to his captain outline who they would be playing at the end of the year. He hadn't heard much about Hogwarts New Zealand, although that was to be expected of a school on the other side of the world. Making a mental note to look up anything about the school's Quidditch reputation that he could find after practice, Peter mounted his broom and kicked off.

Rotating his shoulder as he swung the bat around to warm up, he watched his teammates scatter across the pitch and then turned to look for the bludgers. Seeing Jessica already preoccupied with one he headed straight towards the other, although he missed it as he reached out to try and smack it in the opposite direction from the team. So he'd been right, Peter thought, scowling - having to spend the summer trying to practice in a muggle neighbourhood was never going to make up for having a real bludger to contend with.
Zeke was alert and his eyes on Grace, he smirked when she tired to shoot a goal but he was pretty fast and got to the quaffle on time to block it. "More on being not predictable." He told Grace. and toss back the quaffle in the game. Ezekiel lowered his position but stayed at the center hoop.
Taking to the sky, Brendan gave himself a chance to warm up with a lap before diving into the practice. One of the other chasers had already attempted to make a score right off the bat, only to be blocked by the Keeper. Fulke swooped by, taking the quaffle as it was tossed toward him, and headed back toward the hoops. Rather than follow suite in trying to score himself, the boy got close to the goaling point and quickly passed the quaffle to another chaser, hoping to lower Ezekial's defense by shifting his concentration around.
Liesl watched the snitch flew across the quidditch field randomly, as fast as a lightning bolt. It was hard to see the pattern of it hence Liesl decided to just fly to the air and made her way toward the snitch. She slowly flew to the north and watched the snitch flying to the other way. In a high speed, Liesl lean toward her broom and followed the golden snitch, she duck down and flew down to the ground as she followed the little thing. Right before she got to catch it, the snitch turned left leaving Liesl falling to the ground. "Darn it" oh she was so disappointed at herself. She should've observed it a little longer. The girl decided to fly down and stretched a little bit more before she got another chance to catch the snitch.

Grace hadn't expected to be passed the quaffle back so soon after passing it to Brendan, but it was smart. She briefly grinned at the boy as he passed it to her before speeding for the hoops again. Maybe this would shut Ezekiel up about her being predictable. She gripped the quaffle tightly and aimed at the left hoop. She cursed inwardly as Ezekiel saved it again. As happy as she was to have a good keeper, this was getting frustrating.
Instead of chasing after the bludger he had missed, Peter took a brief moment to check out how the rest of the team was doing. He kept his senses alert though - you couldn't really taunt a bludger to attack you, but maybe it would sense that he wasn't giving it his undivided attention. Sure enough, he saw it turn to dive back towards him and he went straight for it with his bat at the ready. Picking a point off in the distance to aim towards, Peter swung his arm - at just the wrong moment, and the bludger shot off behind him once again. Great.
Brendan groaned inwardly as the Keeper saved from Grace's attempt again. He was definitely difficult to get past, a fact that was both a pro and a con. At least they wouldn't have to worry too much about the other school scoring if Ezekiel kept this play up. As the quaffle was thrown back into play, Fulke took possession quickly and attempted to make a score, hoping he could throw the boy off by coming in much faster. Still it wasn't enough. The quaffle was blocked for a third time. The older boy was evidently a lot more experienced than he was. He didn't look forward to the day he'd need to be replaced.
Grace felt a mixture of frustration and pride as Ezekiel managed to also block Brendan's attempt to score. Their keeper was really, really good. But it was very hard to test the chaser's skills if every quaffle got blocked.

Unfortunately, a glance at her watch told her that it was time to end the practice. She got ahold of the quaffle and whistled with her fingers loud enough to get everyone's attention "Alright everyone!" She called. "Training is over, we all worked really hard but we chasers need to work a bit harder to get past Zeke here, which is a good thing. I hope you all keep this spirit up for the next practice. If we do, I'm sure we'll beat the New Zealand team at the end of the year." She gave them all an encouraging smile, before swooping down to land.

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