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Stephen Duquette

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Stephen couldn't wipe the smile off of his face all day, heck all month even, since Becky had agreed to attend the Yule Ball with him, he was actually surprised at how easy it was to ask her. Stephen fiddled with his tie as he waited for Becky to meet him just outside the Great Hall. He was quite early, and he knew Becky being the perfectionist she was he was too early, but he didn't mind waiting for her. Stephen shuffled about on his feet as he heard music coming from the Great Hall. As he did so he felt himself trip slightly, "Stupid feet!" he groaned under his breath, how was he going to be able dance with Becky tonight with his two left feet. Hearing something drop as he had his little trip he looked down at his feet to see Becky's corsage lying on the floor bending down he picked it up, hoping she would like it alright.
Becky seriously wondered why she had agreed to go to the Yule Ball with Stephen. Yes; she wanted to go, but she was doubting her sanity right now. After spending an hour on her hair, Becky was wondering if she should have kept it loose. She hated tying her hair up, but it looked better with the dress she was wearing. Her mother, Rosalind had sent her the dress that morning, and Becky hadn't been able to take her eyes off it ever since. It wasn't like the dresses that she normally wore, this one was strapless and sparkled when she moved.

Becky wondered if she looked too 'normal' for a ball. What she usually wore was much like the dresses most people wore to special occasions. It hadn't bothered her before, but now it did. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror, trying to see what she looked like from behind. "Calm down Rebecca, you've been going to balls since you were six!" she said to herself sternly. She never called herself Rebecca, even though that was her full name.

Talking to yourself, first sign of madness. the little Rebecca-voice inside her head told her. "Shut up." Becky giggled at herself. She bit her lip and realized she hadn't put on any make-up. Becky looked over at the little pink clock on her bedside table, and groaned inwards. If she didn't hurry up, she'd be late. What Becky didn't know was that the clock wasn't set on the right time, and if she left now she'd be quite early.

Becky applied eyeliner and mascara, then hunted around for her lipgloss. Becky didn't like lipstick, she rarely wore it. She finally found her lipgloss under her pillow, and left the dorm. A little while later she arrived at the Entrance Hall, looking around for Stephen. She walked over to her date and waved shyly. "Hi." she said, a big smile plastered on her face.
As Stephen stood up he heard a voice behind him, his stomach did an unease lurch. Turning round, his face a little bit red, he beamed at Becky. Wide eyed he looked at the girl woman in front of him, she was a vision. "Bex, you look beautiful." he said in awe, not happy with the word he chose to describe her, no words could describe how she looked tonight. "Oh this is for you!" he exclaimed, holding out the corsage. Opening the box up he took out the delicate flower. "Want me to put it on?" he asked, looking up into her face, he couldn't help but smile.
Becky blushed and murmured a thank-you. It's only Stephen, stop being so shy! she thought, a little annoyed with herself. Ahh, stop blushing! Becky thought frantically, but that made her blush even harder. She smiled when she saw the corsage, it was so pretty! "Oh.. Um... S-sure." she stammered, her face going bright red. Honestly Rebecca, you're acting like a prize idiot! the little voice inside her hear teased.
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