Be Good to Me

Lily Winters

Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Lily Sawyer had been up and dancing about since seven in the morning. Some may call it crazy, but Lily liked getting up early. She was an early bird. She just found it easier to get things done when she was up early. Actually it was her dancing that got her onto this early to bed early to rise kick. It was a schedule that Lily had been following since she was young and small. So even now, at twenty-one years old, Lily found herself up at the earliest of hours. the same couldn't always be said for her boyfriend, Beau. But he and Lily were somewhat opposites anyways. Lily paused in her thinking when her instructor sternly told her to go through the spin one more time. The elderly woman hated it when students began to daze off. Lily did that a lot unfortunately. But she knew that awhile she was here, dance was her number one priority. Nodding her head, Lily poised herself and did the spin she was asked to do once more. Last time must have been pretty bad, because instead of telling her to do it one more time, she was this time told to go take a short break while she worked with some of the other girls. Lily was more than happy to comply with the old woman's request too. The brunette headed over to the corner where her bag was sitting in the corner. Her tiny hands searched the contents of her bag until she felt the cool and moist exterior of her water bottle. Lily screwed off the lid and took a big gulp of it. Lily had stuck a few peppermint leaves inside for flavor. Boy oh boy did it taste amazing too. Lily was about to take another drink then head onto the floor to stretch, but one of the other dancers told her that her boyfriend was here, and Lily decided against taking another drink.

Lily loved it when Beau came to pick her up from dance. Especially because of the looks she was given for others for being around a guy like that. Lily grew up in a strict household. She grew up in a wealthy household, who deemed anyone unlike them unworthy of their time. They expected Lily to be the same. Now Lily wasn't going to call this one of the fairy tale situations. To be honest, she didn't hate her life. She loved the wealth, she loved the parties, the dresses, everything. What she did hate, was how her parents thought they could keep her from experiencing anything she wanted to. Which was how she met Beau. He was different. He had tattoo's, he wasn't wealthy, and he was nothing like her parents. He was laid-back and soft spoken, but he looked like a complete bad ass. Lily loved that. It made her feel like such a rebel at first. But before she even knew it, she was in love with him. It was no longer about her parents, or rebelling. "Hey." Lily stepped over and wrapped her arms around him to pull him into a tight hug. Some people often told Lily that Beau mistreated her. Sometimes she agreed with them, but other times she felt bad for thinking such a hard thing. It wasn't like her beat her or anything. So how could anyone dare say he wasn't treating her the right away. Lily leaned up and kissed him softly. "Let me get my bag and then we can go." She smiled and retreated away. When she returned, she had her things all with her. Lily even threw on a sweater and some yoga pants. In case Beau felt comfortable about her wearing that around the town. Without another word said, Lily grabbed his hand and started to lead him out of the dance studio.
Beau Winters was getting finished with his customer. The flinching was not enough to mess up Beau's artwork. He was a tattoo artist, and he was good to go with what he was feeling, and he smiled a bit. He knew that one day he would become famous for what he was doing. The man was a biker, a muggle too. Beau worked with both muggle and magical. He did not have a preference. A tattoo was a tattoo. Although on a muggle, they could not hide it. So he was extra careful with this one. He finished the skull on the man’s arm, before he wiped the excess ink and blood off of it, and placed this healing gel on it. It was one of the best, and he knew that the man would be sore for quite some time. Beau informed him of how to take care of the tattoo and as soon as he left, Beau looked to the time. He was almost late! Beau was supposed to pick up his girlfriend, Lily, from her dancing class! Beau quickly turned on the spot and apparated to an alley next to the building, and he made sure no one was watching him. That was the last thing that he wanted anyone to see, and that was him using magic. Beau figured no one was looking, and that it was safe to come out. The fact that Beau was not the richest guy, in fact he was one of the poorest out there, was amazingly lucky to have scored one of the biggest jackpots in the world. He was dating Lily Sawyer. She was rich, and she was very upper class. Something he had never got into until recently. When he met her that is. There was a problem with their relationship that he did not know of. He never took her out anywhere. He was just so safe. It was the same thing every time, and he was content with that.

Entering the studio, immediately he got questionable looks from the others that were in here, but he did nothing to antagonize them. After all, they probably knew that he was here to pick up Lily anyway. Beau immediately found his girlfriend, before he was greeted by her. He then smiled at her but he almost muttered hey in return before he was stopped by her tight hug. He embraced her in return, since it was the noble thing to do. He returned her sweet kiss before he managed to utter, "Okay, I will wait here." Like he had anywhere else to go. The tattoo artist looked around and he could hear some girls whispering. He looked down at his clothing and saw what they might be whispering about. His clothing was not exactly what one would call neat or fashionable. They were straight up gothic, in what others would name gothic that is. It had a broad term, so he thought it would be modern. He liked chains and other shiny things, there was nothing wrong with that. As soon as she returned, she was putting on a sweater and some yoga pants. Good, he did not like it when she walked outside not wearing much at all. It made him feel bad to tell her that he was not comfortable with it. He did not like it when others looked at her like she was some piece of meat. She was so much more than just that. "So, what are the plans for today? I closed up the shop early for my boss so I have the rest of the day free." It was a conversation starter, as they exited the dance studio, hand in hand. He did not want to do something too big. Just something that would keep them occupied for some time. that was all that he wanted for now anyway. He was content with whatever she wanted to do. So he figured.
Lily was quiet for a moment as she thought about what she and Beau could do today. As much as Lily wanted to suggest something, she knew he wouldn't go for it. Beau never really liked to take her out, he liked going home and spending time together there. The thing was; Lily was thinking about breaking up with him. Beau was a good guy. He sure beat a lot of the other guys out there, but the little butterflies that Lily used to get when she was around him had long since faded. He never wanted to do anything fun anymore, he never wanted to make some sparks between them. It was always the same old thing every day. It was like he stopped caring about much except living his day to day routine. Even the romance between them had gotten boring and so predictable. It was like he was bored with Lily. He also had his moments where he could be really controlling. Like he didn't like it when she wore skimpy clothes, or had guy friends. He never did horrible things to her when she did, he just mentioned that he didn't liked them and gave her a disapproving stare whenever she tried to. It wasn't the worst situation, but Lily had given up so much to be with Beau, and it was starting to feel like she was wasting her time. Lily wasn't going to break the news to him right now, but she had to do it soon. "Well, going roller skating sounds really fun but....I figured you'd just want to go home home. So let's just go there instead." Lily suggested. Couldn't he hear the disappoint in her voice right now? It would seem like he didn't, because he didn't stop to ask her what was the matter. He didn't notice it at all. That was what hurt Lily the most about all of this. How could he not notice the tone of her voice right now?

Back at home, Lily went over to the fridge to grab a bottle of juice. Her mind was running so rapidly right now, should she just tell him now, or should she wait? Lily leaned against the doorway between the kitchen and living room and took another sip of her juice. She had to do it now. Before she changed her mind, or before Beau did something to make her think differently. Lily was unhappy. Their relationship had lost sparks. Beau barely even realized how he was mistreating her. "Beau-" Lily started. She set her juice aside and entered the living room. There was no easy way to say this because he was such a sweet guy. Maybe a part of him wanted the same thing? Why else would he never seem interesting in actually dating Lily anymore? Why would he always seem like he was interested in doing something else, or that he never appreciated seeing her in skimpy clothes. Not even while they were alone! "We need to break up." Lily stated clearly. "Look, it's not really working out. Our relationship....seems to have lost it's spark. We're both unhappy, and....I think is breaking up is the only way we can fix ourselves." Lily's voice was soft, because she felt bad. But Beau had yet to react, so maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought it was going to be? Lily really hoped not. She wanted this to be an easy break up. Maybe he had another girl he was into? One of those rebellious girls who had tattoo's all over their body, and were in a rockband.
Beau seriously did not know that Lily was unhappy, that she wanted to go out and do things. He was a bit of an unsocial person, avoiding things like that as much as possible. He would have endured it for Lily Sawyer, but she did not seem the type to go into it either. The risk of disappointing him was overwhelming but he did not even see it. That was why he was so ignorant of what Lily was planning on doing. Beau was settled on the couch and drawing some more tattoo designs for his shop. It was a good one from what he was earning, but he was definitely not rich. He had more money than he had when he was growing up, that was certain. He had never gone hungry, but he had watched his mom go hungry for him every now and then. The real world just did not work for his mom, so why would it work for him or anyone else? Beau would love to go hang out with Lily but right now he really had to get his sketches done soon, and he was supposed to ink Sethos some more. Sethos was one of his good friends, and Beau was petrified of him. If he did not make anything attracting, he did not know what to really say to him other than an apology and likely come home with a black eye that he had to hide every now and then from Lily. She was not exactly aware of the abuse that he often went through from Sethos, often making him too scared to really go out and have some fun. Once he overcame his fears, that would be the day that he took Lily out on a cruise. He really wanted to go on one, but would Lily want to? What would be worse, if Sethos were to find out, would he try to go with them, just so he could ruin more of Beau’s life? Beau put up with him, mainly because he knew just too much.

Lily said his name, and he finished shadowing a dragon enough to look at her through tired, brown eyes. She looked rather sad or something and then she entered the living room. And then she said those five words that made him drop his pencil. She wanted to break up? They had been together for years, he could not imagine life without her! How could she want to break up with him? He opened his mouth to say something but clearly it did not come out. She said that the relationship had lost its spark, and how they were both unhappy. He was not unhappy with her, just with things in general. She was the only stable thing! Beau was truly ignorant to his mistreating of her. She thought that breaking up was the only way to fix things. Beau finally managed to grip what happened. “Lily, I-I don’t know how to live without you. But if this is what you want...” Beau stopped before he broke, but he just could not believe what he was hearing! He really did not want to have to stop her from getting what she wanted. “Sh-should I move out?” They were living together, so maybe she wanted him to leave? He must have done something horrible to her. But he did not know what it was. Could he possibly have hurt her? What if she was into another guy? What if she was in love with someone else?! Could he really be so ignorant that he did not know that the only person driving her away, was himself?
Lily wanted to hit Beau upside the head when he claimed that he couldn't live without her. Both of them knew very well that he could live without her, he didn't need Lily to go on with life. He managed to live just fine by himself before he met her, and he would manage just fine not being with her either. "You'll be fine Beau. If you learn to let this go you won't have a problem getting along without me." Lily felt like crying after all of this. Mostly because some par of her did still care for Beau. He seemed genuinely upset that she didn't want to be with him anymore, so maybe he did care for her. "No. You can keep the place. Goodbye Beau. Take care of yourself." Lily's hand grazed Beau's face one last time before she grabbed her dance gear and headed towards the door. It would be weird not having him pick her up after dance anymore, but it was for the best. Their spark was gone. Lily headed outside of the house and walked down the street as quickly as she could, eager to get away from Beau before he could convince her to come back. By the time she was at the corner, she was met with a familiar face. "Sethos?" He was the last person she expected to bump into, but right now a fresh face like this was better than nothing to Lily, it would help her get her mind off of Beau and what she had just done.


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