Ballads and All

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Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Dymetris waited for Cosette in the common room, pacing back and forth to help slow down his fast beating heart. It's not that he was nervous, having build the confidence already for this day when it happen. It's the fact he was Cosette's first boyfriend. And first meant doing everything right, so that he left a good impression when she remembered her days here in Hogwarts. He was looking out for perfection or something merely close to it. What he did not want to happen is him screwing up, and then losing another girl due to some natural causes he wish not to happen. Sometimes he wonder if his luck was coming out of a horses arse or something, cause these days he was getting pissed on all the time. Blame my uncle for that, man is a buzzed kill. He snorted to his silence thoughts, shaking his head he continued on running down the rug of the common room.

No one was about, mostly younger years would ditch the feast, he recall being their age and doing the same. He would attend to them for like a second, so he counted that not going at all. A few second year boys whom he talk to the other days came up to him. Course he had to stop pacing to see what they wanted; "Yeah?" he was pleasant to them, most of them at least. "Congrats making the team co-captain!", said the tallest out of the bunch. Oh right. He smile thanking them, that was it between him and group. One of them decided to stay, a blonde kid with light blue eyes asked some valuable tips in Quidditch. Sparing a moment, he gave any tips he would use to do good out in the field.
It was Cosette's first Yuleball with a date, which makes the puff so nervous that somehow she had forgotten her way. She took a moment of silence and stopped on the nearest door she could find, "Breath Cosette, Breath." she repeated herself. Unknowingly as she straightened her head, the big door was the Great Hall's. And instantly she was there, Cosette could hear a lot of first years to seventh years talking with each other. Compared to last year, this years Yuleball was more pleasant to settle with. The auburn could feel her legs shaking, but managed to move one in front of another. Cosette straightened herself and took a deep breath, making her entrance. For this day she had her original hair color in an up do, luckily it didn't changed color every minute. She noticed a few familiar faces around the crowd, Cosette saw Jake with another person and some other Hufflepuffs as well.

After wandering the crowd, Cosette finally saw Dymetris talking with some first years. At first she didn't wanted to intrude, so the puff stood a few steps away from him and watched Dymetris making a friendly conversation. She kept smiling just watching him, waiting for the right time to approach Dymetris. And when everything was in the right timing, Cosette slowly walked towards him. Twirling her hair to keep the curl of her hair, she approached his back side to somewhat surprise him. "You look dashing." she complimented. The puff waited for Dymetris to notice her and the time was just killing her, making Cosette so worried for her first Yule ball with her first date..who's her first boyfriend.
"....And that's basically it, good luck next year" Dymetris finished saying to his younger admirer. He caught sight of his girlfriend, she was extraordinary beautiful today. Not that she ever was, he could see she had prepared herself fairly well tonight. He moved on waving off to the young Hufflepuff, sauntering forward he went onto escort his girlfriend to the great hall. "Thank you, you look gorgeous.........should we head out?" he didn't wait for a reply. He just took her by the arm, his hand resting at the small of her back. They walk a great deal of the school with a few others who were heading in the same direction. It was a little early, so there was no rush getting there.

He was wrong thinking that, the place was crowded. Everything was massively decorated and it really look like a Christmas feast. The snow descending out of the skies disappeared as soon as it hit the air close to them. He could almost feel it, one flake touched his cheek before it dissolve right away. The usual Christmas tree beam in displayed for all those attending the yule ball to enjoy and admire at. He could very well see the effort in all of it, professors at Hogwarts were great with special events like this. Let's not forget the music that played in the background of this great scenery. He'd guess Professor Zhefarovich provided the muggel entertainment and the performance the Glee club would be putting in should be great. "Lovely, what you'd like to do first" he asked Cosette, he was in a mood for dancing. Great mood for dancing, he pulled her a little to twirl her around in a circle.
Cosette didn't expect this crowd of people, though she knew it was only a few as more students would be arriving soon. As her date noticed her, the puff smiled and upon hearing his compliment Cosette blushed. All she could do was nod as Dymetris took her arm and lead her out. The whole great hall looked so much beautiful this year, everything was decorated perfectly. Followed by the glee club members singing, somehow she knew that there were singing some kind of a familiar song. The fifth year noticed the snow flakes falling, as it caught her attention she looked up the ceiling to see a cloud full of snow. It was a fancy night indeed, every students started to dance with their partners.

As the two stood there watching their fellow student dancing graciously, she knew that Dymetris was invited by the music to dance as well. Cosette giggled as his boyfriend twirl her around in a circle, it seems like he wants to dance. "I'm guessing you want to dance, so let's dance." she replied as she pulled Dymetris arms and began to find a spot for them in the dance floor. Until she was contented with the space and began to hold Dymetris hands, Cosette begun to dance. Even though she never assist her brother during his so called party's, Cosette was indeed a good dances for starters.
"Yes I do..." he grin flicking one eyes, he took her hand and followed her straight to the dance floor. He watched her move and move closer enough to seem morally appropriate at a school function. "I didn't think you could dance that surprising" he admitted with a grin. He got better over the year, thank goodness. If not he would look like a turkey flapping his arms up and down. his mother Maleena taught him what she knew last school break. He practice half the summer just in case he'd have the opportunity to dance with someone this year. Glad he'd practice, he spun around in place letting Cosette go briefly to retrieve her again when he was back facing her.

"Are you liking the music? It sounds like retro, I've heard it before in California" he'd ask his date. They switch the music again, similar taste in the rhythm. He loved how a professor from a wizard school could know what was hip was out. Perhaps not taking his class had been a bad idea!
The two were now dancing their ass of the dance floor, as the music started to blend in the mood. "Why Thank You, You're pretty good yourself." Cosette returned the compliment. It was refreshing to dance once again, as the last time Cosette danced was during her vacation back at home in Paris. Dancing alone her room wasn't quite that entertaining, still she like having her own freedom to do what she wants. Every time Dymetris would twirl her around, Cosette would return to his arms gently. "More like loving it, It's sounds familiar to me." the puff replied.

She fairly knew some music around the muggle world, after all listening and making music was her escape from the real world. It was the only thing she had when Cosette was younger, as her sibling weren't the best companion of all. The auburn continued to smile at her date, making sure that she showed him that she was purely happy to be here. As the music changed, it sounded once again familiar to the Mayfair's ears. "So what do you think about this years Yule Ball?" she lightened up the mood. At least it would be wonderful to start a conversation while dancing, to ease the mood of some sort.
He did the whole cheeky wink thing when she paid back the compliment. "Thanks, I've been practicing a lot with my mum" Maleena to be exact. She was a fairly good dancer, that woman can shake her lumps in every perfect direction. Most veela could dance okay, Maleena dance beyond okay, she was a little expert in routines. "I would think you would know good music when it's playing, cause I haven't gotten a clue if I was right or wrong" he shrug, laughing at his assumptions. Dymetris was good at clothes, looking nice, feeling great and music was something separate that people often get it twisted about it being the same.

"I love it, reminds me of home. Winter is just not winter without the snow and I really love what they did to the place" he placed his hands around her hips, not all grabbing and stuff just a little to guide her and so he could slip in behind to jump as the crowd starts to get pump up. "Whatever you do, don't get thrown into the crowds. Things look like it's about to get a little ugly in here" and he was right. Last years was totally like this, everyone got all wild and then they start shoving, wicked crazy all over. Yet it never got out of hands that Professors needed to be involved, students here know what's up!
It was about music,dancing and excitement, the Yule Ball almost completed a perfect date somehow. Cosette smile grew bigger and bigger with each time passes by, it was so warm to have a date during the Yule Ball. "Then I guess that question is answered." she replied continuing to dance. Everything seem to be just so perfect, Cosette's date was even more perfect that she'd expected him to be. While dancing the two decided to have conversation, "I'll keep that in mind." Cosette stated while noticing that some students start be wild at dancing. Some were out of control perhaps they were having so much fun, no one blames them as the Yule Ball is after all held once a year.

Cosette tried to stay with Dymetris with all means, even though some students were started to break them apart. One student even tried to dance near them, showing off his skills or something. Which was practically odd and insane, the stranger kept coming nearer and nearer to the couple not caring about anything. It was indeed surprising to see a student dancing alone, freestyle. Probably a first year or somewhat a transfer, he continued to show of his skills and closed his eyes feeling the music. On the other side Cosette remained still dancing with her partner, as she kept blocking the boys body.
He was totally jinking the date by saying that. course as soon as he said some little git had to be bumping into him while he dance with his girl. Unbelievable, someone tell this kid to get his steps right or keep it moving. "Ah excuse moi, you're backing into way to much broo" he told the younger fellow. What was he thinking, duh perfect status remember?! He moved a little away from the bumping kid and took Cosette with him, tugging her away from the huge crowds and such.

"I'm going to get us a drink?, Okay?" he told her and then slip away from her. He fought his way through the masses of heads, the crowd was slowing down some. Professor must've gave out a warning about the chaos happening here and it was early at that. He go to the table, poured two glass of juice and return to his lovely date. "There it's punch, fizz pop punch" he gave up her cup.
It was kind of now irritating as the boy started to be in their way of dancing, as she was pulled by Dymetris they were now in a safer position. The crowd started to lose it's control, minute by minute. Cosette didn't wanted to be a part of such wild crowd, "Great." she replied while watching her date get some drinks for them. The puff continued to watch the other students dance their feet off, some where banging their head and some were jumping up and down. Cosette rubbed her arms feeling a bit worried that it someone would pull her in, so she took a few steps away just in case.

"Thank You." she thanked him upon receiving a cup of the punch. It tasted sweet and was quite refreshing to start with. The music still continued to beat, Cosette wondered what was the next step to do. It would be a bit dangerous to join the massive crowd once more, she didn't want to bore Dymetris as her date at all. If possible this day should be special for the both of them, "The crowd is out of control." she said to Dymetris who was next to him. She even needed to shout a little as it was getting rowdy and noisy.
"What was that, I can't hear you?!" he had to lean in forward to catch the words she'd been saying. The music had increase the crowds behavior, and it wasn't just the younger students, the older one as well were getting rowdy with the music. Dymetris instead of taking her back into the mayhem, decided he would take her some place more quiet. He took her hand, "Come on we'll be back later" he spoke in her ear. He let her out of the hall into the corridors. A warm glow fill the air, it was comfortable and enthralling. he took her to a part of the castle were the summer air came through a open window and there were big comfortable chairs for visitors to sit and relax.

"It was to damn loud, I couldn't give you this while we were in there" he took out a box wrapped in Christmas designs. "It's not much but I hope you like it" it was a flower pin, golden one that remind him of her eyes. "Merry Christmas" he sat down in one of the chair's arm and looked up at her. He pray she'd like the design, his mum craft it and help Dymetris with rest.
As the music got louder, the crowd as well pumped up their volume. It was somehow a complete riot between them, that Dymetris can't hear a word Cosette was saying to him. The puff nodded upon hearing Dymetris and held his hand tightly. It was rather convenient to leave the hall as it was pilling up, Cosette took a deep breath and felt more relax now that they were away. Her eyes widen as she saw a box handed to her by her date, Cosette knew it was Christmas but didn't got the chance buy a gift for Dymetris. After all Christmas wasn't about presents but it was rather being together at that certain day. "Oh, I didn't knew...uh I'm sorry I didn't have anything for you." she replied slightly teary eyed at the moment. She felt upset that she wasn't able to give him anything in return, which made the puffs eyes wet.

"It gorgeous." Cosette said as she slowly unwrapped the box and saw a golden flower pin. "Thanks You!" she cheered and instantly hugged Dymetris. She couldn't help to cry out of happiness, probably because it was the first time a friend and now boyfriend gave something to her. Christmas wasn't a good event for Cosette's life, as she would always spend it with her siblings and maids, nothing more. Their parents were too busy to spend time with their off-springs, so basically Christmas wasn't an event to look forward too. Still this made her so happy, Cosette was always like that. Simple things made her happy, just like spending time with the people she loved.
"It was nothing really, my parents actually craft these all the time. I had ask them if they could send me direction to make it, the ball was brought but the rest I put together" he shrug. He felt a little bad for making it seem like it was about giving each other presents. Though she was a friend, and most his friends got presents from him. It was a little extra special because they were dating and all. He sat there nervous, scratching the back of his neck. His palms were seating and it didn't cross his mind they would be staying here that long. "So what do you reckon should happen now?" he blurted out in the weirdest accent ever. Sound so southern and strange to his tongue.

"Sorry that was my southern American accent" he lied for his slip mishap. "How you think our evenings going so far? I'm curious what goes on in you're little pretty just strike me to me more talkative" he noticed after a while she would go quiet on him, maybe say a few things here and there. Not the type he would pictured her to be on the first day they met each other. He took off his jacket and slip right into the cushion of the armchair. It was about time they relaxed a lot more, no more tension or awkward moments. He wanted to feel unwind , the feel as if they been dating for a long time. He needed to sense it, as well show it's okay that she was fine around him.
Cosette was a little surprised that Dymetris didn't think hugging was a big deal, maybe it was because some guys were startled when the puff would hug them. Not that it matter right now, so she continued to smile at him as she let him go. "Is it safe to go back?" she asked in a form of her answer. Cosette wasn't sure what to do next, after all there wasn't much to do when there is a dance like this. "It sounds good." she complimented, there was a feeling that her date was feeling nervous or anxious somehow. For moment Cosette was relaxed, she felt that the tension between them were gone. It would be amazing to be herself and be comfortable, perhaps it was the chilly air that was entering the castle.

"So far so good actually, any thing you have in mind that you wanna tell me?" she asked him as her French accent gliding through. He was kind of talkative for a while, Cosette giggled gently and tried to watch what was his boyfriend doing. It was really amazing to just relax and try to mend their differences, the puff took another armchair and tried to lean her petite body on it.
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