Bad days.

Riley Sparkles

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
It had been a few months since she left Jerrod, and the end of the year was coming to a close. Riley definitely did not think that she would be spending the last of her fifth year days alone. Of course, she had brought it upon herself, Riley had pushed everyone aside when getting to know Jerrod, and now, even more so now that they were no longer a couple. The thought still ached her heart, but Riley knew there just wasn't any way they could be together any more.
As Riley stormed down towards the Lawn, she scowled at people that looked at her. It wasn't a normal sight to see a Sparkles with a frown on their face, but the harsh truth of the world came crashing down on Riley in one fight. She used to think that the world was good, that everything bad could be overcome by good, but Jerrod proved her wrong. Even seeing Nevaeh, her best friend, didn't help. Instead, it actually made it worse. They too, ended up having a fight. Again, Riley's fault, but she wouldn't admit it. Not even her mother seemed concerned, Mrs. Sparkles' thoughts were elsewhere these days.
Riley was angry at the world. Nothing was happening in her way, and life wasn't being fair. Her attitude to other people had definitely changed as well, and she started to think that maybe she would now actually suit being with Jerrod. But no, she couldn't think that way. Today, just like every other day in the last few months, was a bad day. And she felt sorry for anyone that got in her way.
With the arrival of the fresh autumn leaves about Hogwarts it felt only right that Lea be spending the day out on the Great Lawn appreciating her surroundings. So, gently knotting her hair into a bun Lea Mauven stretched her legs on the grass and pulled a Peacock feather quill from her satchel. Usually Lea would have been musing over an article for the Hogwarts Monthly, but exam study seemed to be fresher on her mind at this point. Though surprisingly something else seemed to last in her memory and thoughts much stronger. That was her adoptive family. It had barely been a year that the fifteen year old had lived with them and she was already overloaded with their problems. It seemed that at the Hogwarts Halfway House her life had been much simpler, though in saying that she would certainly not like to go back there. Already after having moved in with the Mauvens she had caused trouble, having accidentaly let Riley's secret slip, that she was pregnant. Her sister was only four years her senior and it seemed hard to imagine that she was already starting a family, but one thing Lea had learnt about her new family was that it was always multiplying. Just that morning the Hufflepuff had received an owl from her father Tamas letting her know that her mother had given birth to twin girls, Wendla Gretchen and Gwendolyn Tabitha. She could not wait to meet them, and be an older sister to them, but with study also on her mind it seemed that a growing household was a rather daunting and stressful thought.

Hurredly copy spells from memory in her girlish scrawl, Lea Pleasance worried that she wasn't trying hard enough with her family,with people in general. She was a chirpy young girl but only had a few friends at Hogwarts to show for her five years there, perhaps se ought to reach out to others, perhaps they could use her held. As she mused this, Lea looked up and noticed a dark haired girl with a scowl on her face. If looks could kill, thought the Hufflepuff, but instead of passing judgements she leapt to her feet and stopped the girl in her tracks. "Excuse me, are you alright?" she asked in her sweet voice, placing her hand gently on the girls shoulder. She certainly hoped she could help her, it sure would brighten her day.
Even though Riley had been able to focus on her exams and do well in most of the ones she had done so far, it still wasn't enough to cheer her spirits. Perhaps if she didn't pass her OWLs, she wouldn't be able to become an Auror, and that could put Jerrod's and her differences aside. Riley shook her head; she had to get those thoughts out of her head. She had always dreamed of being an Auror; Riley had watched her brother go through the training and the jobs that he had to do. He was an inspiration, and Riley wanted to be just like him. She wanted to help change the world, and she wasn't going to let one boy change her mind. No matter how amazing the boy. Or how cute. Or how - Riley's thoughts stopped in surprise as a blonde girl, her age, popped in front of her. This was something that Riley just didn't need, a sweet, smiling girl in her way. Riley flinched, then scowled again as the blonde placed a hand on her shoulder. Riley pushed the girl's hand off her shoulder. "Does it look like I'm alright?" Riley sneered, flicking her glittery hair over her shoulder.
This kind of attitude is not what anyone who knew Riley would expect. It's not who she used to be; she supposed she would actually have become friends with this girl, had she met her pre-Jerrod. They probably would have been great friends, so alike in many ways, but it was that fact that sickened Riley even more. Did this girl even know what life was like? It wasn't all cherries and blossoms. It sickened Riley that she used to be that girl that loved everyone, and wanted to help in every way she could. It sickened her that she used to want to play in the piles of leaves that lay on the ground. For goodness sake, she was fifteen years old - and by the looks of it so was this girl. It was time that she realized how cruel the world was, it was time she wiped off that stupid smile. "I am really not in the mood for any 'The World Is Okay' talks right now, especially not from someone who's voice is as sickly sweet as yours." Riley remarked angrily.
Her hand was shaken off, but this did not deter Lea, certainly not. Instead she took a step back and wondered what she was to reply to what the girl had just yelled at her. Never before had Lea been spoken to so rudely, but this girl must have her reasons, hopefully strong ones the way she seemed to be treating others right now. Lea watched the girl flick her hair over her shoulder, she did not look alright, that was the truth. But the Hufflepuff did not want to offend her by saying so, but on second thought if she said she looked fine then that could just as easily offend her. The fifteen year old was much more aware of people's feelings since living in the Mauven household. Having an older sister and mother pregnant at the same time had certainly come with it's problems. Like the fact that almost anything you did or said could offend either or both of them. Lea did not know how Tamas managed to live in a house with so many girls and hormones, he certainly deserved to be commended on his efforts. It was sheer luck that the girl spoke again, meaning her last question could go unanswered by Lea, but her next words seemed to cause a pang in her heart. The remark was more than offensive to Lea, and her eyes widened as she digested it. "I wasn't going to say that," Lea stammered defensively, trying not to speak in her 'sickly sweet' voice. "You just looked like, like..." A mess? Like she needed a friend? Angry? What did she look like, what was the least offensive option, Lea was really digging herself a hole now. "I'm Lea Mauven, Hufflepuff." she quipped, hoping that she would be able to apologise for what she had said to this stranger.
Riley's eyes narrowed as she watched the girl. Riley could tell that she had upset the other girl, and there was a slight tinge of guilt for it; but Riley pushed it aside. Why should she feel bad for anything she did or said, when the world didn't feel bad for her? No one else cared, why should she?
Riley sighed, recognizing the girl to be similar to who she was a few weeks ago. It astounded her that a small change in life can affect someone so dramatically. But Riley no longer wanted to be the girl that was standing in front of her, trying to invade her life. She never realized how annoying she was. Riley snorted when the girl introduced herself, and stated she was in Hufflepuff. It made more sense to her now; and how Riley wasn't placed into Hufflepuff herself when she was sorted is beyond her. However, Riley brushed the introduction aside, and focused on what the girl had said previously.
Riley raised herself to her full height and glared at the Hufflepuff. "I'm sorry, what did you say I look like?" Riley demanded, placing her hands on her hips, in a sort of arrogant way; one she had learned from Jerrod's evil sister. Anger for no reason was definitely a new emotion for Riley. She usually only ever got mad at someone for picking on her friends, and that used to end in tears. But now, she felt like the anger was deep in her core, and it was an issue she didn't want to resolve.
OOCOut of Character:
I hope you don't mind me joining. This looked like fun/I haven't roleplayed with Meg in forever!
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Verdana"><SIZE size="50">Megara walked out of her dorm room which had finally had all her stuff packed away for vacation because she simply did not have any time to dawdle about Hogwarts. Once her OWLs were finished Megara was returning to Hadleigh for a day before leaving for a trip to China. She was hardly loving the idea of spending so much time with her traditional grandparents but her best friend was coming with her so it made things a lot more interesting. The thought of scaling the Great Wall with one's best friend was enough to make any person giddy from excitement but even more so for Megara who had been all but forbidden to speak to him while she was at school as her parents seemed to think he had a negative impact on her when it was the other way around. Sure he was a good prankster in his own right but she brought him from good to great... in her own humble opinion. With thoughts of being reunited and one of the pranks she had brewing in her mind Megara hardly noticed where her feet were taking her until she felt the cool fall air crash on her fair skin when she zipped up her leather jacket and was grateful she had mittens in her bag should she need them.

This thought brought Megara's gaze down to her slim hands where she saw the ring on her finger and she twisted it dotingly. It had been a gift for her sixteenth birthday from that very same friend. She was sure he had nicked it but that didn't mean it was any less special to her because her friend had pointed out that it was a promise ring. At first the Gryffindor had no idea what on Earth it was and when she had it frightened her but now the thought comforted her and made her feel like she would soon be home with him when they were both willing to do something about it. Pushing it out of her mind the Gryffindor fifth year hummed quietly to herself until she crossed two girls, one who seemed like she was trying to be kind and the other who as Megara said without a thought, "Like you have a stick up your butt."

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