Bad boy needs some friends

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Lucas Sturridge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple and black walnut wand 15" core of dragon heart string
Okay so here is my brand new character Lucas. I'm hoping he will attend Durmstrang. He is a bad boy from Bristol, UK and as sent to Durmstrang as a parents last resort. He has a little sister and an older brother. I am looking for a love intrest and some boys who like to get up to no good to be friends.

Thanks, Britty :)

I have a few Durmstrang students that, along with my friends characters, have formed a sort of group. They aren't proper bad boys but they are violent, disobedient and ladies men. They would be happy to include him in their group as long as they stick to the vital rules (Mainly about not touching their sisters.)
(OMG!! You changed Teddy. Josh was cuter.)

Just thought I'd add that he'd have to be ok with gay guys if he was in the group because of Kenny.
Hey, so this is Vivienne. She used to be reeally innocent, but after an eventful year away from Hogwarts to travel with her cousin, she's not so much like that. Viv's not all "omg I'm soo rebellious now" but she's just kind of bored of being a goody-two-shoes all the time. And plus, I absolutely love Tom Sturridge, so I must plot with every character that ever uses him :lol: She's almost fifteen, so the age difference isn't too much, and I'm up for anything if you have any ideas!
I have my brother Jake? He's a drummy as well, sort of rebellious he just much more of a jokester type but I don't know about now. Since he has a gf and is sort of all serious type. Up to you! Friend or a foe :)
Ive got Aaliyah Kaziien. She's 17 and she's a durmy. She was one of the three picked out to go to the TWT so im not sure how if it would affect rp's but we could try. She would be up for anything, she's not afraid of danger or making herself look stupid, and is often found with strange people in weird places, so yeah, watcha think? :D
Ive got Irene Meredith,Jake's gf..Some fling might be the twist..You could also date Rhi from HNZ..??
Sounds good everyone! And Rhianne, that sounds like it could work, do you want to make a topic?
Oh tis will be interesting xD!
The Katsunie twins are up for being friends since he his the bad boy of Bristol and the Twins are the Weasleys of Drumstrang. (Scary Prefect lady!)

Momo-daling is intrested in someone but Kita is up for some sort of deeper relationship once all the 'we are so bad' stage is over. That and the girls need more friends in Drumstrang that are there age :D
Would you like to make a topic?
Cool, just post it or PM to me and I will reply! :)
Lucas Sturridge said:
Sounds good everyone! And Rhianne, that sounds like it could work, do you want to make a topic?
I could..I'll PM you the link..Sorry for the delay,it was weekend and no internet..
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