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Danielle Zhefarovich

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 12 1/4" Essence of Basilisk Skin
<COLOR color="#000">Danielle Zhefarovich paced her way around the large cream and pearl colored study she owned within the center of the Lefevre Manor. There was a lot on her mind right now. Perhaps even too much, because she couldn't focus on anything right now. The fact that she felt anxious and confused about the path she should choose did not help either. When Danielle got like this it was easy for her to make simple mistakes. A mistake wasn't always made by her but she has been known to make the biggest amount when she was like this. A lot of her was her ultimate decision on who was to replace her when she decided to retire or whatever it was that people her age did these days. Danielle had finalized a list down but the issue was that the people on it were all strong in some areas and weak in others. So it was easy game for any of them. That was what made this so hard to choose from. Axelle knew the most about the position and she was straight up royal lineage in this family. But Danielle thought she lacked the seriousness and the discipline to understand that with power, came a great price. Her own daughter Gabrielle. Who also had the royal lineage, and a strong sense of wisdom about her. But Danielle sensed that Gabrielle held a softness about her. Gabrielle's icy exterior was melted to the point where Danielle was curious about whether her daughter remembered what pushed her to the point of closing herself off in the first place. Plus she had a son now. Someone to care for and Danielle knew how that road was. Greyson had also been considered at one point but Danielle wanted to pass the family on to a female. To keep what she had started going and to make sure that the men would not try to push the women back into place like they once were. Then there was Etoile. The wild card out of them all. Danielle knew very little about her personally. She was the granddaughter of her closest friend other than Bellatrix. But she was also the daughter of Estelle, a known traitor of the family. So she was a mix of good and bad. But Etoile had very good leadership qualities and had was a stubborn as a boulder, which was good. But from what Danielle knew, she also had a very strong temper. Over time Etoile would be evaluated and things would be decided from there. That is if one could ever find a moment to get the girl alone. Hades. He seemed to be taken with her and it was hard to predict where she would be or if she would be allowed out, ever. If he did decide to ever marry her things could get a lot deeper too. Danielle decided that one way or another she would find a way to work things out. She would decide then who would be the best choice. Right now she was at her old home instead of at the Zhefarovich Manor. Asparuh knew she was here as she had told him that she would be away for a little while so she could sort some things up over here. Luckily the Manor was quiet and she had the assistance of Greyson for anything she needed. "Perhaps you might want to stop pacing around the room before you create a hole in the carpet." Greyson offered from the side of the room, his arms folded across his chest and his eyes directed toward her feet. Danielle paused and shot him a look. Clearly warning him that she wanted him to shut his mouth before she ended up shooting a curse or something at him. But her look was short lived because an Elf came into the room and announced that someone had arrived, for a meeting. It was imperative that they spoke as well.

"Ugh. Let the fool in." Danielle told the Elf, she dismissed whatever conversation she was about to have with Greyson and halted in her pacing. She might as well sit down for this because it would likely help assist her from getting upset whenever said person decided to speak to her. Gracefully she sat herself down in the big chair she had behind her desk and closed an open book that was laying on top.Who felt that they were actually important enough for her to care about speaking to them right now when she could have better things to do? It wasn't until she saw a familiar face enter the room that she ceased on her anxiousness. Once the figure, or rather figures entered the room, her anger decided to take place of the previous feeling.The last people she ever really wanted to see was the presence of two lost souls she hoped would never return. Iulian Pieces and his younger brother Seth. Beautiful blue eyes narrowed at the sight of them and immediately Danielle wished she could summon Asparuh to rid of them. "And just what do you think you two are do-" Iulian held up a hand for her to stop and Danielle actually paused. She shot him an unpleasant look and reached down to pull her wand out. Once it rested within her hand she felt much better. From the corner of the room she could also see Greyson pull out as his wand, he looked more eager for a fight than Danielle did though. What did these two idiots want now because she would have preferred they went somewhere else?​
<COLOR color="#000">Iulian was on the prowl. Or whatever it was that his brother insisted he was doing when it came to taking down families. Seth had to have a technical term for everything it seemed. Iulian preferred to just call it getting rid of people who got in his way. The two brother's could never really agree on anything and it had gotten worse over the years. Iulian would have left Seth back home because he wasn't much use to Iulian with his leg being as bad as it was. But he was decent back-up and he hated staying alone. Plus at the very mention of the last name Lefevre and he perked up. He insisted that he come with him, Iulian didn't want to let him come but he didn't want to listen to his brother's b*tching or end up get curses thrown at him later for denying him the pleasure of coming along. His brother did not take kindly to anyone that told him what to do. It was annoying because ninety nine percent of the time it was Iulian that had to tell him no. So he got the attitude. As soon as Iulian accepted to let his brother come along on his business with him, he didn't waste a second on telling him that Etoile would not be present nor would they hunt her down yet either. Seth wasn't exactly pleased about that and for a moment Iulian thought he was going to reconsider. But then he got that gleam in his eye and smirked darkly, oh he must have had a plan. He better not mess up any plans that Iulian had and that was all he could hope for. Iulian had a plan set into motion and it involved going after Danielle and her reign of terror first. Currently they stood within the Grand Hall of the Lefevre Manor, waiting for some stupid house elf to retrieve Danielle. "Why do you look so excited?" Iulian asked coldly as he turned his blue eyes to reflect a look upon his brother. He didn't look excited per se but he had that gleam in his eye. It was easy to see that there was something going on. It almost worried Iulian because he knew his brother had a tendency to mess things up and if Seth pissed Danielle off before Iulian made his move everything could get messed up. Seth turned to look at Iulian and smirked. God how Iulian wanted to smack him. 'Oh nothing. It's been a long time since we've seen our dear friend Danielle is all. I hope she'll be happy to see us.' Seth stated and started to wander off. Iulian could tell that it was pure sarcasm but he decided to play along regardless and decided to ignore his brothers antics. When the elf returned and told them that Danielle could see them Iulian turned and followed the Elf down the long hallway. Then he stepped into the room and let his cold eyes meet with the prettiest blue ones he had gazed into since he could last remember. Oh Danielle looked pissed. Before she could even open her mouth Iulian rudely held his hand up, as if he as a male had the right to speak before she did.

"Don't even start. Make one quick move and I'll have your pretty little head. Got it?" Surprisingly she actually silenced herself. But he knew better than to think that they were completely out of the clear yet. Especially by the way she and the man in the room both grabbed their wands and prepared themselves to get into it. 'Women talk enough as it is. I could think of something far more productive than talking to use your mouth for.' Seth winked seductively and Iulian groaned. This was exactly what he meant when he said that his brother really knew how to open his mouth at the worst times. But in the way, Iulian did agree. He and his brother viewed women as being below men. He thought Danielle being able to make her own decisions. "Ignore him. We've come here though because I have a proposition for you." Iulian started. Seth rolling his eyes and sinking back into the chair. Iulian knew that if the young Lefevre they had once tortured the hell out of years ago were here, he would have at her. Until the point where another fight would probably break out. Seth utterly destroyed that girls life once and Iulian could guess that he was ready to finish the job. Iulian could care less. He could do what he wanted with the little rat. Meanwhile, Iulian would take down whomever he could and as quickly as he could manage.​
Danielle didn't think it was possible to be this angry yet not be able to act upon the immense amount of anger she was feeling. Iulian and his younger brother were outstepping their boundaries by a lot. What made them feel like it was okay to be so cocky? Were they not aware of the fact that she was both older and stronger than they both were? That her husband could easily turn them into nothing more than a pile of once-been humans? Normally that would stop people who cared to keep their lives. It was almost scary to Danielle to have someone be so bold and daring to her after years of people kissing her ass constantly. ”Hmph. I'm not scared of you.” Danielle commented as she pulled out wand out and pointed it at Iulian. Almost testing his reaction, to see if he was bluffing about his statement or not. He did seem a bit unsure for a moment. But he let it passed and started to grin madly. Wand still pointed at him, Danielle started to wonder if he had lost his mind already. She wouldn't put it past him. He and his family had always been a little strange. He had a dream of being some overlord. Which was never going to happen no matter how much support he gained from other power-hungry families. The point of being power-hungry was that they all wanted to lead. They would rip one another apart to be on top and it seems like Iulian has yet to figure that out. He also pulled cowardly acts to try and get that support too. Turning families against one another. It worked on some families but Danielle knew that other's wouldn't be so easily swayed. Hopefully Iulian kept his sights away from the Zhefarovich's. Chances were that Asparuh wouldn't even let him get close enough to do that but Danielle also didn't want to risk him having to deal with Iulian. He had been dealing with enough as it was lately. A lot had been done to protect him and the others. So far it had worked out well, but how much longer could she keep butting heads with Iulian over this? Danielle's angelic blue eyes left Iulian's form and followed Seth around the room as he picked up all sorts of artifacts and books. Seth seemed to have issues controlling himself. He was almost like a spoiled child. He threw a fit when he didn't get his way and he never seemed to sit still long enough for anyone to knock some sense into him. Danielle knew that if Etoile found out about both of these two being alive she would break, whether for the better or worst wasn't clear. It could make her crave revenge or force her to crumble. Perhaps it would be best to let Hades know before she had the chance to find out? Danielle wasn't too sure if it was the smartest idea to let him know either. What if he got upset and tried to take care of things himself? ”Give me three good reasons why I shouldn't strangle your brother right now Iulian. There's little you could do to stop me once I got ahold of his scrawny neck.” Danielle hissed as she narrowed her eyes. She was getting angry. But something possessed her to keep calm. It was probably the fact that there was something about the calmness on Iulian's face that worried her. Or that she was partially curious to see what these two idiots wanted.

”A preposition? One that benefits you or benefits us both? I assure you that either way, I am not interested. You have issues keeping your word. Plus after what damaged you've inflicted on my family in past years, I don't think you deserve anything from me.” Danielle stated firmly as she moved a stack of papers to the side and stood up from her chair. Screw talking to these two. She had better things to do. Her body was already tired of dealing with other matters. It made her head to ache to think of dealing with a whole other issue. Particularly one involving these two. Seth paused and looked at his brother as if egging him on to say something. It was obvious that they were very sexist. The fact that a woman had spoken against them and so rudely was maybe like a slap in the face. That was how she intended it though. Danielle was so above this women being below men crap. In a minute she would give both of these men something to be upset about too. When she formally kicked them out of her home. If they persisted after that she would seek the help of the Zhefarovich's. She was sure any of them would be more than pleased to take care of some pests. ”Now get out of my office.” Danielle pointed at the door. Greyson seemed on edge. Which Danielle didn't blame him for. But she did hope that he would lighten up a little because he made it seem like she could not handle herself. Danielle was up there in age, but that made her wise. It made her powerful. Danielle knew a decent amount of magic. Enough to take care of these two morons any day. Danielle was getting ready to move away from her desk when she felt Iulian's gorilla sized hands take ahold of her arm. Who did he think he was? ”Unhand me you fool!” Danielle tugged. By this point Greyson had gotten up and was headed over to the pair. But it seemed like Seth was already on that. It almost made sense as to why Iulian brought his idiot brother here then.
ulian's large harm wrapped itself around Danielle's thin arm without him even realizing what he was doing fully. He knew he just didn't want to let her feel like it was okay to disrespect him like that! He was a man and he deserved her respect/ He deserved more than that but he supposed that since she was married there was nothing that could be done. Iulian may have no disregard for the rules but he did respect the fact that she was another man's property. Yes, to him women were nothing really more than property. They weren't useful for anything more than doing what her husband asked of her. The only reason Danielle was in power was because she had been left to believe that it was acceptable, and so did her family. Practically she had brainwashed them into thinking that a woman being in charge was the best thing for them. Another thing Iulian hated about women was their ability to reduce a man to literally nothing with with the little things they did. They bat their eyelashes, they coo, they do just about anything they can to get their way, in the process easily making any man they come across as miserable as they possibly could. ”Don't you ever turn your back on me again, Danielle.” Iulian hissed as he gripped more tightly on her smaller arm. It was so small beneath his own, he was sure that if he gripped it hard enough, he could shatter the small bones within. Hell, the fact he was holding it now was going to me more than enough. It was surely going to leave a bruise or a mark upon her pearly white skin. She tried to yank her arm out of his grasp and that made Iulian only hold her arm more tightly. Danielle was far to small and physically weak to fight him off. Without her husband or those relatives of hers, she was nothing more than a sitting swan. Ready for the taking. Seth kept muttering something in the background about Iulian mentioning the terms they both wanted. Iulian wanted to roll his eyes. He wasn't going to suit to his brothers needs. This was about him and what he wanted. Not what anyone else wanted. Danielle tried to get ahold of her wand and threaten him in order to let her go. But Iulian still wasn't budging. He pulled his own wand out and pointed it at her. Waning her that he could easily harm her if she kept up.

”If you keep up you won't get the chance to inform them of anything, just so you know. Now remain still. What I'd like from you is, to step down as Head of your family. That's what you wanted to begin with isn't it? To pass your throne down onto someone else and live our your life? Why not give it up to someone who can actually handle it? Why not give it up to me?" Iulian fought against Danielle as she continued to struggle relentlessly. He was stronger than her so he wasn't going to let her go anywhere. Danielle gave him a look and she nearly shrugged. This would be interesting to listen to. What would be her excuse to turn him down this time? He may not have been of kin, but his blood was clean, he was a decent leader, and he was most certainly not a woman. Why did she still deny him the power he desired. Once he brought her down he could bring down many other of her allies too. It would be like a row of dominos.​
<COLOR color="#5a70b3">Danielle had had enough of this. She hated being treated like a lower class than he was, just because she was a woman and he thought she was weaker. Dammit he knew so little about her, she could tear him apart if she wanted to, well, she could use magic or convince one of her many relatives to do it. So why was he testing her like he was? Did he want to make her mad. ”F*ck off.” Danielle never used language unless she was very upset. Which by this point she was. He needed to get his hands off of her and he needed to get him off quickly. Didn't he know how to keep his hands to himself? It wasn't that hard. Especially since she belonged to another man whom she....well wasn't important right now but Danielle didn't like being handled by anyone unless she trusted that person. Danielle shot a curse right at Iulian and with ease it hit him hard enough to send him flying back, right into one of the many bookcases she kept within the room. A few books fell from the shelf and landed onto his body. Seth froze from the other side of the room and Danielle watched as Greyson clobbered the punk upside his head. It wasn't enough to knock him out but it was enough to knock him down. Too bad bad it hadn't killed him. ”How many times do I have to tell you I don't like being touched by men? You selfish pig. I will never give my family to you. No one outside of the family will ever get my title. But if they did the first person it would go my husband or my eldest son. Not you.” Danielle readjusted the silk white gown she had been wearing and gripped her wand tightly as Iulian began to pick himself back up. He had gotten her answer. So no he should be willing to leave right? No one would ever get that title that she did't approve yet. The only two outside of the family to ever possibly be in the running for her throne, didn't even know they were in the running for it. So there was no reason why anyone should be trying to take it from her. Iulian wouldn't know how to run a family anyways. He was much too pig-headed and much too sexist for it to ever work. Danielle shot another curse but this time Iulian deflected it. So another was shot. Then again, then again, and finally again. The shots she made must have worked because Iulian was on the ground again, this time various places in the room were destroyed thanks to her fury. Danielle narrowed her eyes at the hunched over figure of Iulian's. He was motionless but she could hear that he was breathing still. Danielle didn't waste any time on cursing him one more. Iulian was lucky he hadn't been cursed with one of the three that were infamous for bringing misery. But Danielle didn't see any reason to use it yet. But the night was young right?

Danielle ignored Greyson and Seth going at it with fists instead of magic as she approached the injured Iulian. Her wand rested within her left hand at her side. When she was barely inches from him she raised her wand and readied herself to finish him off, for daring to march into her office and put his hands on her, and try to rip her title from her hands. But just as she started to open her mouth, Iulian cut her off by saying something that made Danielle freeze. ”I could tell them you know. Your family. About the awful things you've done to become a leader, or the awful things you've done as a leader. How you killed your dad to gain your power, he didn't die a natural death at all did he? Or how you were the one that framed Estelle and Etoile. To get your way. Because Estelle was a threat to you wasn't she? Etoile is a threat to you....isn't she? I could tell your family. They would hate you. They would turn against you. Tell me what you would have then Danielle.” Danielle's angelic blue eyes widened. How did he know about all of this? Did someone tell him about the things she had done all those years ago? Danielle became angry. The part with Estelle wasn't exactly true, but the rest of it, could get her into trouble. What if he told someone? Danielle gripped her wand tightly and had full intention of using it to curse Iulian like he had never been cursed before, but just as she raised her wand to give the final strike, a sickeningly painful pain engulfed her lower abdomen. Danielle froze again and looked down. When she saw blood beginning to leak through the white of the dress in the area of where the pain was, the wand fell from her hand and landed onto the floor with a soft clank. Danielle was barely able to grasp what had just happened.​

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