Back to School

Johanna Murray

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Johanna walked into the school and couldn't help the smile appear on her face.She had missed it over the holidays and it was great to be back.Since it was her last year and last term she had grown more attatched and was almost afraid to be leaving it forever.She had arrived back from her home yesterday but she had already gone to the library to get started on her studies.She had some big exams coming up at the end of the year and she wanted to get the best marks even though they wouldn't matter in her career choice.She and her mam had some arguments over her career choice but Johanna had refused to give it.She had wanted to be a musician since she learned to walk and talk and she was not giving up on that dream.She had done well in school just in case her musical career didn't work out but she wouldn't give up.Sighing she walked outside into the cold morning sunshine with a pile of books in one hand and a copy and pen in the other.She sat down on the nearest bench and started to make notes.
Logan took a deep breath, like he had been doing even before he had come to the school. It was so different to Hogwarts, where was everything. He had to ask random student where places were, the library was one of them which was where he was sat now with his head in a book. Just so he didn't have to face anyone until classes started. Although even the Library seemed different here, two students came in noisily and started messing about, he tried to ignore them but decided that leaving was probably the best option Logan packed his book away and headed outside, where he could get lost for the millionth time today. He found himself on the grounds, which still had various people about. he sighed it looked like he wasn't about to be on his own in the quiet and seeing as all the benches closest to him were taken he was already not liking this school very much. The young veela walked up to the closest bench to him which had a girl already doing work on it. He mustered up a smile as best he could. "Would i be disturbing you if i sat down would i?" He asked not wanting to be too much of a bother to the girl who was mostly likely in a higher year than him and could be quite mean for all he knew and he didn't want to be in a fight so soon in to the new term.
Johanna was enjoying the cool winter air.It was early January and the sun was already starting to get some of its warmth back.She still had had to put on some extra clothes before coming out though.She felt the top of her nose starting to get quite cold but she ignored it liking the fresh air. She had wrote a page and a half of notes and she was already pleased with her progress.When she occasionly looked up she saw various different people walking by and a few she knew and waved but other just passed her by.She was starting to write again when she heard an unfamiliar voice beside her.She looked up and frowned at the unfamiliar face.She then saw the nervous look on his face and she knew that he was new.She smiled "No you can sit down"She said shifting a little.When he was settled she looked again and saw he had books in his hands "Library get a bit loud"Johanna said smiling.That often happened and that was why she preferred to study outside.
Logan gave her a smile as she said that he was welcome to share the bench with her. Sitting down next to her he took a book out of his rucksack. "Yeah i learned that just before. Totally different to Hogwarts." He said opening the book. He had not yet memorized his timetable but he knew what his first lesson was and as long as he had the timetable in his bag then he would be fine, it would just be a matter of finding the rooms he needed to be in. He felt like a first year all over again. "Do you know where the Astronomy classrooms are?" He asked thinking it wise to get directions for his first lesson. He could follow other people through the day
Johanna looked back down at her book as the boy took out some books.But she found herself distracted and looked back up and him just as he spoke.Her curiosity levels soared when she realized he was from Hogwarts though she wasn't sure which one . "You came from Hogwarts? Which one?"She asked closing her books for the moment.She had heard lots of things about Hogwarts but she prefered Beauxbaton.Johanna smiled and pointed at the bog tower to the left of them "They are up there.Once you enter the hall turn left and go to the the very last staircase and its there one your right"Johanna said saying slowly so he wouldn't forget.

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