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Chloris Durand

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand, 14' 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
OOCOut of Character:
This topic is open to Hogwarts (Scotland) students/professors/staff/e.t.c. However, I cannot promise speedy replies as IRL things keep cropping up. This RP is mostly to try and get me back into roleplaying with others, rather than writing a mini-series of my own.

The letters had been too difficult to write, and each scratch of quill on paper had damn near broken her heart. The months, though they had passed in number, had ached and scraped at her insides. The whole thing had been too painful, and she was only thankful that she actually had somewhere to go during the holidays, even if that was to the home of an elderly auror. But the woman had been kind and understanding, taking her in when she had no-one. Her identity had been changed for not only her own protection when the press blew up in her face, but also to give her a chance at having a fresh start.

Now back at Hogwarts, her head still held high, Chloris Durand walked the corridors, heading for the Great Hall. It was drizzly outside, and not even the thought of some peace and quiet could tempt her into the cold grounds of Hogwarts. She found herself a place to sit, adding some bacon to her plate and feeding hungrily off it. A boy opposite, obviously younger than herself, gave her a peculiar look. She had no doubt he had probably identified her as the child of Vanetta. Chloris tried not to think about it, instead turning her eyes on the children from the other houses. At least one other child present must have had a relative in Azkaban.. Right? Never had she felt so alone.

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