Back In Your Head

Marisol Woods

latina • lone wolf • st. mungo's receptionist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Single (Bisexual)
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Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
2/2029 (24)
For Asaiah Murphy said:
September 20, 2046​
<FONT font="georgia">
Dear Asaiah,

How's life on the other side of freedom? Are you getting enough food and sleep and showers? I'm worried without proper supervision you'll resort back to the way kids live eating only junk food and staying up all night and not showering! :p What are you doing to occupy your time now that you're not stuck in these boring ass classes? Have you heard at all from Wyatt? I just want to say again for the millionth time that I hate you for leaving me all alone here. It's soooo boring without the two of you here. I don't know what to do around the castle anymore, I pretty much have no other friends other than you two losers and now I'm the loser with no one to hang out with!

Oh I made co-captain for Gryffindor. Didn't think Professor Kingsley would ever let that happen but I guess James Cade is pretty convincing. Merrill's the other co-captain and normally I'd be happy about that because she was practically my only other friend at this school, but we're not talking right now which sucks. It really, really sucks. Everything sucks so far.
The line ups for all the teams have changed drastically, it's hard to predict who's going to win the Cup this year. Maybe this year you can finally say Slytherin will win and it'll actually be a possibility. :p

Well, keep me updated on your life. Can't wait to hear from you since I pretty much have nothing else to look forward to in this place. Stay safe!

Marisol x
Letter to Marisol Woods said:
September 25, 2046​


You make it sound like the only reason I was ever healthy was because you were around. I do have to admit that I miss the occasional supervising by my favourite Puerto Rican. You'd think I'm an idiot for wasting all this freedom I now have, but I'm spending most of my time doing research on British werewolves by reading books in my tent - yes I'm sleeping in a tent. I guess you haven't heard from him either then? I'm worried about him you know? Perhaps I should visit him once I'm done here. I know you hate me for leaving you alone there, but is it really that bad? I mean, no more smelly losers besides you in class must be great, right? I'm kidding, obviously. I miss you, Mari. It's been almost a month since I left New Zealand and things have gotten really lonely without you, or Wyatt.

Guess she finally forgave you for trashing the Ravenclaw common room then. You'll be an amazing co-captain, Marisol. Is it because of the article in the Daily Prophet, the one about her parents? Call me an ******* but I'm happy the two of you aren't talking to each other. What if she's just like them and will find out about your condition? And come on, you've made friends besides Wyatt and me.

What's the line up for Gryffindor this year? Feeling confident in your team? I bet you're super scared now that James Cade has graduated. Want to make a bet on who will win the Quidditch cup this year? Loser has to do something nasty or something like that.

I visited my grandmother earlier this month but that's really all that has happened so far. Still looking for that pack of werewolves I told you about. I'm really hoping they can help me out. Don't die out of boredom, please.

For Asaiah Murphy said:
October 3, 2046​

Haha I definitely was not the only reason you were ever healthy, it was because you had professors or family members looking over you. But now you are completely free of any authority figures so who knows what sort of social behaviors you have abandoned or whatever you get up to!

If you are researching werewolf stuff please be careful out there Asher. I don't want you to get caught up with any hunters or worse, get bitten. Now I'm going to be more worried for you out there!! Couldn't you have just lied to me and told me you were researching fairies or something? :p I'd take you smelly losers being her with me rather than knowing you could get in a dangerous situation out there because of my stupid disease. I made the mistake of trusting someone whose parents ended up being werewolf hunters, so trust no one out there! But as dumb as it sounds, I do miss her. :/

It's hard to manage the team when I'm otherwise trying to avoid her, but we're doing fine so far I guess if I keep the conversation to just business. We have some new players but I've seen them during practice and they're all pretty talented for being so young or new. Kingsley's son is now the other beater since Wy is gone, and our alternates from last year are now starters. One of our alternate chasers from last year played really well in the final match last year so I know she'll be great as a starter now. Octavian's stupid fiancee is no longer on the team thankfully. I was mostly afraid for Seeker since James was pretty damn good, but the new kid shows a lot of potential! Now that I think about it, all the teams got new Seekers, so I think we've got a pretty good shot at the Cup again! Sorry (not sorry) to say this but without you and Lestat, Slytherin's chances of winning went from 25% to like 10%! Still want to bet on who will win? :p

Again, please stay safe! And try to have some fun while you're out there! Enjoy the freedom some of us don't get to have yet. :p

Missing you,
Letter to Marisol Woods said:
October 31, 2046​

If you think that Styx cared about whether or not I'm was healthy, you've gone completely mental. And neither of my parents could check up on me, couldn't they? Though I still haven't forgotten that time they grounded me because I almost failed all my exams. Haha, fun times, remember? I still have that very insulting letter, you know - I read it every now and then to remind myself to never forget to write back to you. (I'm sorry it took me this long to get back to you, I got rather busy.)

If I do encounter any hunters, it's shouldn't be my life you are worried about. How in Merlin's left nutsack haven't more werewolf hunters been rounded up? I might not be the most skilful wizard but I am armed with a bat. I promise I won't get bitten. I promised that I'd look for a cure so that's what I am going to do and I don't care how dangerous it can get. I haven't gotten anything so far, talked to a couple of werewolves who thought that it was idiotic of me to do because I would most likely die whilst doing it. (Their words, not mine.) I'm positive though that I will find something.

Glad to know that the team is doing well so far. I don't think Slytherin is lost without Lestat, or me. Odette's a pretty skilled beater as well, I bet she's going to destroy the other seekers. I'm definitely sure that I still want to bet on who will win. Don't tell me you're trying to get me to chicken out, Mari - are you that afraid you will lose?

Sorry this is so short, a lot of things going on right now. It's a full moon soon and well... I'm about to do something you are not going to like.

Don't worry, I won't die!
For Asaiah Murphy said:
November 20, 2046​

True, Styx may not have cared for your health, but the pressure of not being ridiculed by your peers in school probably played a factor in making sure you showered and all the free food the school provided meant you ate regularly! But now that you have no one to impress and food or water to shower may not be as easy to come by, you may understand why I worry you're not doing much showering or eating out there!

Hahaha, I remember that letter! I'm glad my threats and insults at 11 years old still hold today! Wow I was so dramatic back then haha. I know, I know, you'll probably say I haven't changed much at all, but consider this progress: 11-year-old Marisol couldn't handle you not writing back all summer winter break and that was only 3 months!, but 17-year-old Marisol is coping without you being here for a whole year and that's after years of being inseparable! I'd call that growth!

Asher, how can you promise me you're not going to get bitten and then say you're armed with a bat within the same breath lol. But I'd listen to what the other werewolves said, they're right. Have you met many? How old are they? Is it hard for them? I'm pretty nervous for when I have to leave this place and I'm on my own. As much as I joke about you being gone and leaving me, I'm pretty impressed that you are really out there doing it all alone. Hope it doesn't get too lonely? Make sure you try and have some sort of fun too. I wouldn't want you to waste your freedom on finding something that isn't your problem. Do me a favor though, don't tell them about me, well at least not my name obviously. And now that I think about it you shouldn't be giving out your name either, to werewolves or hunters. I don't want you to become someone's target for whatever reason. Come up with an awesome fake name!

You know I never shy away from a bet. The Slytherin game is soon, so the next time I write to you, Gryffindor will probably have won already. ;) I say you should pick the punishment since you'll probably be the one executing it. :p

Sorry this letter isn't much longer, I've been swamped with homework (bet you don't miss that) and training for Quidditch (I bet you do miss that). Instead of looking for cures that don't exist you should go pro for Quidditch! That would be a much better use of your time and a lot funner too. It's not as if you're not talented enough to be drafted for a team!

If you end a letter with "Don't worry, I won't die!" it'll only make me worry more!! This is one of those times I hate that I wizard mail isn't faster like muggle technology. Don't be surprised if you'll start getting short slips of paper by owl asking "Are you still alive?" and I'll make sure the owl pokes you until you reply "Yes" so I can quickly reassure myself in between waiting for letters from you.

Well, don't do anything I wouldn't do out there!

December 26, 2046​


This may come as a surprise to you, but the only opinions I cared about in school were yours, Wyatt's and Tess'. Though I bet we were all really happy that I did feel the need to shower every other day. How do you know I have no one to impress? There's a really lovely squirrel outside of my tent who has been dying to get in. All jokes aside though, I'm still showering every other day and I've got plenty of food left, as well as some money to stop by a wizarding village and buy new supplies. I could probably spend two years living like this.

Exactly what I am going to say. Mari, you haven't changed one bit. 17-year-old Marisol is doing a hell of a job then. ;) You made me realise that this is the longest we have been apart and it feels so strange knowing that we've literally been at each other's side for most of our school years. Question, if you could turn back time, would you spend another seven years at Hogwarts? (I would, even though I was only there for six) And now for my monthly check in if you have heard anything from our other best friend. Have you heard anything from Wyatt?

I've spoken to four werewolves thus far. All of them are adults, and if you really want to know, it's not particularly easy for them here. You've spent your whole life preparing for surviving in the ''real world'' so I know for a fact that you'll be alright after school, Mari. I wish I wasn't alone though, it gets really cold here in the winter. It would certainly be more fun if you were here. My tent if very comfortable, you know. ;) I haven't really found a way to entertain myself yet as I am camping in the middle of the forest but reading up on books on lycanthropy is fun too. I haven't told anyone about you, don't worry, you're identity is safe. And so is mine, actually. Ethan Harris, it's a pleasure to meet you.

To be honest with you, I'm running blank on punishments. But when I will come up with something I will let you know immediately. Deal? In the meantime, I expect a detailed match report from you. Don't leave anything out.

Don't apologise, I figured you were busy with homework and stuff. I do miss Quidditch, there isn't much room for flying around here. I have barely started looking for a cure so I'm not giving up yet. (Keep me updated on that last Beater spot, though) Have you figured out what you want to do after school? You're a pretty good Quidditch player yourself.

I didn't die, though, didn't I? So you don't have to worry anymore. I barely survived but that's a story for another time. Not even the Killing Curse can kill me, Mari. ;)

Merry Christmas, Marisol.
I love you.


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