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Mima Scarlet

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
I got my muse back, guys, and I'm dying to RP!

Let's see who we have here:

First of all, there's Mima, my firstie. She's a Hufflepuff, but she's not all that nice. Her family are wealthy and snobbish, and they didn't like her associating with 'unworthy' people. As such, most of the time Mima only talks to Alice (the ghost of her great aunt), the portraits in her house, and her 'invisible friend'...who happens to be Mima's personification of her stillborn twin, Marielle.
Yeah, she's weird.
Her mother is a romance novellist, so she doesn't spare much attention to Mima, and her uncle and aunt are concerned with their own children. As such, Mima spends a lot of time alone and hasn't got to know many people. And because of the family's way of not associating with 'lessers', Mima doesn't know much about other people at all. She's a little stubborn and selfish because of this, not to mention very blunt. She's not really a bad person, though, just has a huge lack of understanding. Despite the loneliness, she's quite spoiled and perhaps needs people to teach her how the world really works.
She could use some friends, perhaps acquaintances and even enemies. She'd be more hesitant to be friends with muggle-borns and the less wealthy, due to her family's ways, but she could befriend them in time and learn to accept people for who they are, not their blood status or wealth.

Next, there's Stella Thompson. Stella is pretty much the only non-family member Mima's had regular contact with. She's twenty-four years old and is studying to be a child psychologist. She is Australian, having been brought up by her computer technician father. Her witch mother is incredibly eccentric, dragging Stella off to Beauxbatons when she was old enough to go to school. Amazingly, though, Stella is very stable and calm. She is well dressed and well mannered but has a decent sense of humour. She's maternal and protective over those she loves - when she was hired as a nanny/tutor for Mima, she became very attached to the young girl and would stand up for her if need be. She's a little stressed out with finishing her course work, and perhaps doesn't relax as much as she should, but at heart she is a kind and very intelligent woman, even if she is a bit too serious. She's also a lesbian, but she hasn't come out yet, as she's a little bit insecure about that fact/hasn't found a woman yet (and just hasn't really been worrying about relationships).
I'd like to find a girlfriend for Stella, not necessarily a final, but someone she could open up to/would make her feel confident enough to properly come out. Friends would be good too!

And last but not least, there's Sabrina Emmerich. Sabrina is a bit of a cloud-cuckoo-lander. She's very sweet, but also very naive. She doesn't have a stable job, she works as a fortune teller for muggles and magical folk for money and for the sake of it. She's incredibly good at reading people, but she masks her own feelings behind a smile. She's been battling major depression for a few years and while she has a mostly positive outlook on life, she has to force it most of the time. She's a real sweetheart, though, and could use some good friends.

So yeah, that's it pretty much for the moment. :U
Okies, I have a couple of suggestions for Mima ^_^

I think that if Mima wants to socialize with ghosts, then she'd get along with Kaitlyn. She's also pretty snobbish, and they'd probably get along quite well :p

Pixie is my Slytherin firstie, who's an attention seeking girl who had a rough life as a child, and so wants to be the centre of attention all the time. I think that they would either get along really well, or hate each other xD But that's up to you to decide, if at all :)

I dont have many adult charries, so I can't offer any more D: sorry! ^_^
Oh, I know Kaitlyn's a muggle-born, but still, she could lie about her blood status and Mima would only find out in the future or something xD
Sounds good! I don't think Mima would bother asking, I think she'd be relieved to find a ghost to be friends with that she wouldn't mind so much hahah.

I think Pixie and Mima would get along, though I'm sure they'd have a few disagreements too! Probably be friends who love to argue. :lol:
I was just looking around and saw this. Finally, I had the guts to say that I need some plots for my characters. xD

I've got Artemis Jackson here to offer. I think it is very clear that she is a second year Slytherin. But I just found out that Mima is a Pureblood which would probably affect Artemis with being a Halfblood. And since your description of Mima's family is that they are very "snobbish", do you think the two could make out as good enemies? Meaning the hardcore type.

Meanwhile, I also have Alliyah Jackson here. I thought that maybe the two of them could RP. Well, Artemis and Alliyah have the same surnames since they are sisters. But maybe Artemis and Mima could go first. Then after they are done, the Ally and Mima could meet. Alliyah is sort of a defender. She is considered to be very pretty. Obviously, she is prettier than Artemis. But it's a good thing that my Slytherin isn't jealous of her sister because of her looks. It's all in their family, anyways. I would like Alliyah to serve Mima as a friend, making Mima understand what she is worth for. Alliyah could probably make good company for Mima. Unlike Artemis, this Gryffindor is very friendly even though it comes to her enemies. Artemis usually bites back if ever an insult is thrown at her. It's natural, of course.

That's all. Let me know what you think. ^_^
I like these plans! I think that would be awesome. :3

Would you like to start an RP for Artemis and Mima?
I have Elvera Le fey, who i think will get on pretty well with Sabrina. she co owns the inner eye. she is generally nice and would help anyone out. she could do with some good friends too.
let me know what you think
I think they will be, and I finally got my butt in to gear and posted a thread for you in the Inner Eye! :D
Awesome i will have a look at it.
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