Back Again

"Yes, you have a name," Rhyspa said. "It's Kat." Rhyspa laughed at Kat, it was hilarious to see her ask silly questions a three year old would know! "A garden is where pretty flowers are planted. Flowers are plants that have very pretty colors."

Rhyspa picked one and handed it to Kat. "Smell it!"
Kat, as she had just recently discovered that was her name, laughed at the Rhyspa girl. "Kat?!? Meow." she said, but not really sure why. "Pretty flowers? With pretty colors?" she asked curiously and then sniffed the thing that the Rhyspa girl had handed to her. "Mmmm! It smells....pretty?" Kat half said/asked, as she cocked her head to the side.
Rhyspa snorted with laughter as Kat said meow. That was just the icing on the cake, the confused cake that is. Kat sniffed the flower and Rhyspa said, "Yes. It does smell pretty."

Rhyspa asked Kat, "Are you ready to remember?"
"Finite!" Rhyspa shouted. She waited silently for Kat to respond, hopefully with something smart.
Kat shook her head and looked at her best friend. Her brow was furrowed and she said, "Well are you going to do it already or what?" She tapped her foot on the ground impatiently and looked at Rhyspa.
"Kat, I just took you off of it!" Rhyspa said. She laughed and said, "It'd be fantastic if we could do that to them." A glint of anger shone in her eyes. "Do you remember any of it?"
"Are you serious? Wait...are you messing with me?" Kat said trying not to laugh at how serious her friend was trying to be with the joking then she saw that look in Rhyspa's eyes. "OH! You really did do it didn't you? I don't remember anything. What happened?" she said excitedly.
"Kat, it was hilarious! You asked where you were and didn't know what a garden was," Rhyspa began. "Oh! I also told you your name and you meowed like a cat." Rhyspa doubled over with laughter. "And I made you smell a flower. It was pretty funny."
Kat fell over laughing. The part about her meowing was hilarious, but slightly least there was no one else around to witness it. "Oh man. And you laughed at me the entire time didn't you?" she sputtered out while trying to catch her breath and clutching her side. "That would be the best one to use on them. We could get a camera and snap pictures of them doing funny things." she said, thinking that might have been a good idea, but still not the revenge she wanted.
"I did indeed laugh at you the whole time," Rhyspa said, a wide grin on her face. "You were hilarious."
"You little twit! I can't believe you! Though I probably would have done the same thing if I were in your position." Kat said, still chuckling a little bit. She looked at her watch and saw that they'd been out there for quite some time and it was starting to get late and her stomach was making noises. "I'm hungry! You want to head up to the castle to eat?" she asked, thinking about what she wanted to eat.
Rhyspa snickered, "Yes, you probably would." She laughed a bit more, struggling to keep her laughter under control. "Yeah," she said. "I'd really like to get something to eat. I'm starved."
"Thank Merlin cause I'm way more than hungry...I'm about to starve!" Kat said as she hopped up and brushed herself off. "Race ya!" she said and with that she took off running as fast as she could to the castle, laughing the entire time.
"Git!" Rhyspa giggled, and raced off after Kat. She pulled her skirt up a little so she could have a longer stride.

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