Baby, I miss you.

Quincy Ashe Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Ivy Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Veela Hair
For the past few months Ashe Cavell have been hanging around London, visiting her parents. Ever since she left home, her dad got ill; some say it was just a fever but Ashe knew that it had something to do with her leaving them. Since his older brother Enzo moved out, her parents grew fond of their garden, renovating their home but when it was Ashe's turn; everything started to become less lively, even their garden started to loose it's vibe. There was no question that her father loved both of them only it was different with Ashe, she was the youngest and the only girl in their family, her father's daddy's little girl. She didn't regretted when she moved out, it was her own decision though before doing so, her father had countless of attempt to stop her, in the end he lost and accepted Ashe moving out. She was at her peak of enjoying her privileges of being young and carefree, after graduating from Durmstrang Ashe has been wandering Australia doing some personal research and when she's back at her apartment it's either means practicing some new spells or cuddling and making out with his gorgeous boyfriend. Kiefer had been busy with his own career but that doesn't mean that he was that busy to make time for Ashe, he was lucky enough to have her as a girlfriend. There are days when Ashe would wonder if she would still be joining the scicotari or any dark movement out there, she could but right now she wanted to enjoy the freedom that she has.

Doing things without thinking of any consequences, of course she could hook up with any boy right now but instead she decided to choose only one, Kiefer Harris. It took some time to finally admit to herself that she loves him, although she haven't said it to him yet and Ashe hope it wouldn't be that soon. It was hard for her to admit her feelings, unless she hates someone then that would be easier. As she left her apartment and locked the door, Ashe grabbed her leather jacket and went down with the use of the building elevator. She was lucky enough to find a decent apartment without the help of anyone, not even her brother. Enzo haven't even visited her, how could he when Ashe didn't gave him her address. The last time she heard from him was when he couldn't stop bragging his best friend, that Fox girl or something. It was the first time she saw her brother liked that, all googly eyed for a girl, his got gaga over some stupid brunette, the same girl she heard bad rumors about. She couldn't care less, for Ashe knew that they would eventually break up sooner or later. Apparating her way into a small cafe shop, wherein she asked Kiefer to meet her there. Ashe entered the cafe and ordered some shot of expresso, she couldn't wait any longer for her boyfriend to not order. She took a seat and reached for some muggle magazine, scanning every page for some latest trend.

The sunlight hit her perfectly, her collarbones shining with the light. She stopped scanning the magazine when she noticed that someone was looking at her, particularly a man. Tall, handsome and Russian man, looked at her with interest, he smiled and waved, Ashe on the other hand smiled and returned her gaze on the magazine that she was still holding. If it wasn't for her love for Kiefer, she would directly make a scene or something. Crossing her pale long slender legs, Ashe grabbed her compact mirror inside her purse and checked her face for a while, admiring her beauty at the same time checking if her lipstick was still on after her sips of her drink. After finishing the magazine, she stood and ordered a cup of iced coffee for her. Surprisingly, Kiefer was running late and she didn't like waiting for anybody and Kiefer isn't an exception for that. As she returned to her seat she noticed that the magazine was now gone and that the same Russian guy was there on the other chair in front of her. "That seat is taken." she told the stranger, trying her best not to sound annoyed.

*Ashe speaking in Russian

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