Open Awkward Valentine's

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Abigail Payne

7th year | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (02/2044)
Abigail wasn't really sure why she was here. She thought that maybe attending this event would be fun and an opportunity for her to make some friends. She wasn't really that great when it came to that. But when Abby had arrived, the girl was second-guessing herself and was wondering if this was a good idea. But it felt like it was too late to walk back to the common room and just forget about it all. The Gryffindor stood outside the great hall, standing in the middle of the entrance hall, as she looked past the door and into the great hall and fiddled with her hands nervously, deciding if she should go in or not.
Valerius didn't have an actual plan for when he walked down to the dance. Luck seemed to be on his side, however, as he bumped into a fairly pretty girl from his year standing in the entrance. He approached her with a charming smile. "Hello. Abigail, wasn't it?" He asked, offering out his elbow for her to take his arm. "Might I escort you inside?" He asked.
Abby decided that maybe it was best for her to turn back and go back to her common room. But the young Gryffindor girl whipped her head around when she heard someone say her name. The boy was familiar, she had seen him in a few classes. But she felt bad that she had forgotten his name. Abby nodded shyly and slowly, confirming that she was in fact, Abigail. "T-that's me," Abby says slowly with a nod and shy smile. She looked between the boy's offered arm and the Great Hall entrance a few times before she decided to shyly and gently grab the boys arm. "I guess," Abby says shyly. "I'm sorry, what's your name again? I forgot..." Abby says sheepishly.
Valerius smiled, pleased that she eventually decided to take his arm. "Valerius," he told her, walking into the Great Hall with her. "You look absolutely lovely tonight, Abigail. Are you waiting for anyone?" He asked, though he thought the answer was obvious. If she was waiting for someone, she wouldn't have looked ready to flee back to the dorms, right?
Abby smiled as the boy had told her his name. She knew that she was gonna remember Valerius' name. "Call me Abby," Abby says with a small smile, as she was then guided inside. The girl didn't mind being called Abigail, but she preferred to be called Abby. It was much shorter. "Oh, thanks. You don't look so bad yourself" Abby says with a small smile. She hadn't really expected anyone to compliment her. "Nah. I came by myself. I was gonna head back though. Big events and parties aren't really my thing"
Valerius chuckled. "Thank you. Not so bad is what I was going for," He winked playfully. When she mentioned leaving, he frowned and shook his head. "Nonsense. You just haven't been to a party with the right person." He patted her hand on his arm. "Come, dance with me. Let me show you a good time. And if you still think that parties aren't your thing by the end of the night, well, I'll buy you whatever you'd like from Honeydukes,"he told her with a charming grin.
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