Closed Awkward is the right word

Cassius Styx

7th year ⋆ temperamental
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aubrie Dragonova
Curly 11 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core

Thought I'd write like I said I would. I don't really know how to write letters to girls. Or anyone other than family members. So, this is new to me. Don't hold it against me though. I am trying.

I am teaching a Hufflepuff student here how to use sign language. He recently went deaf. It was my fault. I think that he will get by easily. I had a deaf friend when I was a kid so I picked up the sign language as we grew up. But my friend moved off to another country so I've not seen him in a long time.

Anyway, how is school over there? Do you think it is weird for your mom to be with one of the professors here?
~ Cassius

One would assume that writing to boys and to girls are eerily similar. I would say this is a fairly decent attempt, so keep practicing and you just might get the hang of it.

You know, if you didn’t want me to know you made someone deaf, you really shouldn’t have wrote it in the first place. I don’t even wanna know.

And school is fine I suppose. It’s all a bit of a rush these days with preparing for exams. OWLs as you call it. They’re can be quite a pain with all the revision that needs to be done. And not at all. Why would it be? He makes her happy.

Looking forward to what other interesting things you’ll write,

You would think so, but it is a little different. Well, you are the only one that I am going to practice writing to, so you will just have to deal with my awkwardness. I'd apologize, but I would not want to lie to you.

I feel guilty about it, and trying to make up for it. But I am teaching him sign language, and I think it is going well. If you wanted to learn, I could probably teach it to you too. Just in case you have some sort of friend or sibling or family member that is or might become deaf.

Right, OWLs. I took them last year and I am honestly glad that I don't have to deal with it. It'll be done and over with before you know it, as long as you studied hard enough. I made straight Os.

I just heard a lot of complaints from my grandfather about him. Guess your mom likes that sort of man.

~ Cass

Are you alright? I heard there's a commotion at your school about your friend. I didn't get told much of course, it was just mentioned in a letter in passing. I wanted to check up on you though.

Let me know how you're doing.


Yeah, the headmaster made an announcement on bullying and all. And then Gregory made me promise to stay here at school to teach him sign language. And then he ups and leaves. I am still sort of livid about that.

The NEWTs are crazy. I've been working hard to make decent grades. I wish I had left this school and went to yours. How are you doing?

~ Cassius

Hush now and don't be livid. It's just a year, and I know you feel betrayed by him leaving, and it's unfair that he's tied you down, but we can't expect him to stay there as well just because of that promise you made. He's just probably trying to figure out how to go on with life, and you owe him that more than teaching him sign language love.

Study hard for your NEWTs, I expect both of us to do well. No sense in you uprooting in your final year, you know that. Just focus on your studies and I'll see you on the holidays.


You are right. The final year will be over soon, and then I can get started on a career. I'm not sure what I am going to do, but I'll have the grades for it. I do hope that, despite of everything, I hope that he will do well out there in the real world. That he will have the proper healers and learn sign language from a professional. I'm good but I'm not that good.

Yeah, but that isn't really enough, just seeing you on the holidays. But I will just have to deal and make sure that when we are together, it is a time to never forget. I can even cook for you. I'm a great cook.

~ Cassius

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