Aurors to the rescue

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Dympna Bella-Donna

Well-Known Member
If anyone has been following the story of Sapphire Bookchild they will know of this woman, Dympna Bella-Donna. Child stealer, abuser and killer. If one where to confront her about this they would hear in their last breaths her saying that it's all for the good of magic kind. She has made a mistake though, she didn't make sure that her latest fail was really dead. Sapphire drew her story out for the world to see and with the help of her knew caretakers have turned that book into the Auror department which is what I need help with.

I need four Aurors that are willing to go and bring Dympna in. Thing is this won't be a regular S.W.A.T type of thing where one can break in and take names. Dympna's mansion is in the middle of a giant wood which she has bewitched to turn into a maze unless invited and there are creatures in the forest which are the living example that sometimes dying is the best thing that can happen while under the care of Dympna. Technectly five go in but I need only four because one of the fifth will be an NPC which will be killed off.

The four that survive tired but determined take on the powerful witch that is Dympna and sucssed in taking her down. One of the reasons they are there are because the disaperence of one Jade Clow whom now one is supposed to remember. They find her body along with the bones of others buried in the backyard.

Interesting dynamic and a whole lot of fun for some of my freakier characters and your Aurors if you've been trying to find some for them so if anyone out there is interested in doing this post here :3
Hey Ana. Id be willing to put Lexi in here. She hasn't done much and this could be interesting.
I presume Naomi will be involved somehow, of course? :D

I can't wait for this. It sounds like it'll be so much fun. :)
Naomi, her 'sister' Violet, and Zeal will inharet the house. Dympna's brother Eir will tell them this as she commands him to take her treasures and run.
Of course Ana. Always :hug:
If it's a quick plot I can lend a hand, otherwise I am super busy with everything else.
Love you Madz. I will be doing a bit of self rp here since I control some of what's in the forest Otherwise I would have Jaylisa in this mix. TWO OPEN FOR TWO MORE!
I can even offer up two, one can be the one who gets killed too. If you like that? Because i have three and i don't mind killing one off.
This is one and the one I want to kill of is Eliza Parris? And Leonzio might be apart of it cause he is Maya partner ;)
I'm in as well. I wonder how I haven't spotted this one before as I'm desperate for plots for Leonzio.
I haven't followed that plot but I think I'll do fine.
Why not? You don't want to fill out a plot request? :r
just let me know when the thread is started.

It's part of the plot request. I had to run the Maze through the Admins before I posted this up. :D

And that makes four I will be posting up the link then!
Oh okay, so yeah, I think that's enough? Cool then.
I get the impression Madz, that you love killing a couple of your characters now and then :cyndi:
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