Aurora Night

Aurora Night

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Wild 10 3/4 Inch Reasonably Supple Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

[Aurora Dorothy Night]
Known as Rory

17 June 2031
Wellington, New Zealand

[Wants to Be Outside | Dog-Person | Dreaming Heart]

Spending time outside in the garden and up trees.</FONT></COLOR>
Likes traveling rather than arriving, writing in her too many notebooks, and people-watching, but not always people.​
Gets impatient with stupid ideas, not keen on being told what to do.​
[Strengths] Highly self-assured in who she is.
[Weaknesses] Prone to fits of temper and stubborness.
[Hopes] That something interesting will happen sometime soon.
[Fears] Losing something she really cares about; touching anything cold and clammy.
Usually unbrushed, Rory tends to keep her hair loose because even tying it back is still sometimes too much effort at this age [Hair]
Rory's eyes are brown, swinging between being full of wild excitement, or being glazed over in boredom [Eyes]
Though of average height, Rory carries herself tall. Her body type is solid, but she tends towards activity [Build]
Always casual, Rory often wears a t-shirt and shorts, usually with some spatterings of food or grass-stains of them [Style]
And can you see a highway stretching off into the distance? She's wearing boots, punching the sky, singing louder than the earbuds.
Rory often finds herself swaying between introvert and extrovert - she can have more friends than she knows what to do with, but sometimes she just wants to sit away by herself with only her own thoughts for company. Intrusions on this time can be met with resentment, and she'll often forget about the world outside the little space she's found herself in. However, when she's around other people she's loud, cheerful, and completely at ease with whatever the group may find itself doing.

While not entirely wrapped up in herself, Rory doesn't often think about how other people may be feeling, and doesn't quite grasp the fact that some people do care about what others think of them. This, in addition to her very blunt manner of speaking, can cause problems in her relationships. Her absolute conviction that her way of doing things is the best way can also cause tension.

However, Rory meets any external conflict, to herself or her friends, head on. She refuses to take anything but full responsibility for mistakes she has made (once she's realised she's done so), and she has no problem with making a scene if it means defending someone from what she perceives as injustice. She often wants to do things with her friends and frequently makes suggestions about ways to spend time together.​
ESFP | The Entertainer
gets caught up in the excitement of the moment · generous with time and energy when it comes to others · no greater joy than having fun with a group of friends · naturally curious, explores new things with ease · happily helps out others with problems · would rather rely on luck or opportunity · doesn't tend to think about or keep track of long-term plans​
OBLIVIOUS · · · · [·] | · · · · · PERCEPTIVE
SHAMEFUL · · · · · | · · [·] · · SHAMELESS
DULL · · · · · | [·] · · · · CREATIVE
COLD · · · · · | · [·] · · · AFFECTIONATE
LAZY · · · [·] · | · · · · · DISCIPLINED
PASSIVE · · · · · | · · [·] · · AGGRESSIVE
ILLITERATE · · · · [·] | · · · · · INTELLECTUAL
INTROVERT · · · · · | · · · [·] · EXTROVERT
DROP-OUT · · · [·] · | · · · · · VALEDICTORIAN
CHASTE · · · · · | [·] · · · · FLIRT
WEAK-MINDED · · · · · | · · · · [·] STRONG-MINDED
CONSISTENT · · · · · | [·] · · · · ERRATIC
MODEST · · [·] · · | · · · · · ARROGANT
GROUNDED · · · [·] · | · · · · · DISPERSE
SINNER · · · · · | [·] · · · · SAINT
ISOLATED · · · · · | · · · · [·] FRIENDLY
STONE-FACED · · · · · | · · [·] · · JOKER
DISLOYAL · · · · · | · · · [·] · DEPENDABLE
UNLIKEABLE · · · · · | · · [·] · · LIKEABLE
UNKEMPT · · · [·] · | · · · · · METICULOUS

A steadfast house full of sunshine, standing on a hill.

Rory grew up in a wizarding family, the eldest daughter of Igneous and Emily Night, with a younger sister named Sophia. The family home is the type of cottage known as cosy, with the type of garden that is slightly on the wild side. The colours that congregate inside are yellows and oranges, and the feeling amongst the family is just as warm.

Igneous, more commonly known as 'Ig,' is from a more traditional wizarding family, whose attitudes and behaviours cause the name of Night to be associated with a reserved manner and sophisticated taste. In marrying Emily Mustard, however, Ig joined a larger family of loud and vibrant characters who were at their happiest when causing some sort of well-intentioned torment to one another. Rory is far more at ease amongst her Mustard family members than with the handful of Nights left in New Zealand.

Rory spends a lot of time with her sister, who is two years younger than her. This time is usually spent telling her stories, and playing outside in the garden. She also likes to spend time with her older cousins, but doesn't see them very much as they live on the other side of the world. She thinks her father is wonderful, and although her mother can be stern, Rory is proud of how talented she is and often feels important and talented by association. However, this doesn't stop them arguing about chores and other such things, and so Rory has decided that her easygoing father is the favoured parent.​
Related To:
<FONT font="Georgia">Gneiss Night
83 · Grandfather
Leah Mustard
<COLOR color="#6b78b4"> 18 · Cousin
Arkose Night
10 · Cousin
Jasper Night
11 · Cousin
Sophia Night
13 · Sister
Credits: Jung type and description from here. Trait sliders adapted from here.

Not having exams before Christmas is the best.
Rory is halfway through her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in New Zealand, a year which so far is considerably less eventful than her last. Rory was glad to have never received a prefect's badge in the mail, but found it hilarious that her friends Rose Holland and Hayley Elridge had. After the negative experience of coming face to face with a boggart* during her previous semester at Hogwarts, she is still a little out-of-sorts as far as breaking the normal routine classes and talking to her friends goes, but as Rory hasn't taken part in any adventures or shenanigans so far this year she often forgets the wariness that resulted from her experience. She is as happy to support her friends as ever, both Rose in her position as a ministerial candidate's daughter and Hayley in her plans to promote Muggle-born rights around the school.

2046 | Y31
<FONT font="Georgia"></I></SIZE>
<COLOR color="#000"><I>I really wish people would stop going on about OWLs already.


[ul][li][Rose Holland] Gryffindor House Meeting | Talk of Change</LI>[li][Harley Tsuji] Talk of Change<LI>[li][Hayley Elridge] Talk of Change[/li][/ul]


Ugh, Books for Studying | Design Your Own Prank Item
<SIZE size="50">*Admin approval ID #30460615

Always wanting to see more of the world.

Aurora Dorothy Night was born at 2:31pm on Tuesday, the 17th of June. Although there had been tentative plans for her birth to take place at the Night family estate, Emily went into labour during a day out shopping in Obsidian Harbour and so gleefully took herself off to St. Mungo's instead. The birth progressed rapidly, leaving Igneous barely enough time to make it to the hospital on time, let alone try to remind his wife of a promise she (cunningly) hadn't technically made. It had been previously decided to call the girl Aurora, a further break in Night tradition (which favoured a rock and mineral naming theme), but right from the moment the baby opened her mouth to loudly announce her arrival in the world, the graceful sounding name never quite fit her. Igneous soon took to the nicknames of 'Rory' and 'Rory Dory' instead, which much better suited the demanding baby.

As a toddler, Rory was always on the move. She had to be watched frequently, and even on one occasion managed to escape through the Floo to see her grandfather at the family estate. Always interested in everything to do with the growing world around her, Rory was happiest when out on walks and grumpiest when her parents tried to put her to sleep. She loved to spend time at her grandparents, and thrived on the attention given to her at family gatherings. Eventually her little sister Sophia, the new baby, began to share this attention, a fact which Rory at first resented. She soon came to see the positives, however, at realising that it was easier to escape outside if her sister was making noise, and often took to prodding the baby as an attempt at distraction.

Rory continued to have a thirst for exploring her surroundings as she grew up, but the older she got the less she was able to make new discoveries. Her frustration at this soon drove her towards books, and she loved to read about far off places both real and imagined. Although she was generally a very social and friendly child, she had few friends due to the fact that she did not attend muggle primary school, and so mostly relied on her sister and other younger family members to spend time with her. Even with the normal rules and regulations of childhood in place Rory found she was able to do mostly whatever she liked, and so once talk of school started looming on the horizon she quickly formed the opinion that she was going to hate it.​

2042-43 | Y27
The homework sucks, but most of the people are cool.
Initially convinced that she would hate being forced to live at Hogwarts, Rory soon grew to enjoy the experience. She made quite a few friends, but also became embroiled in a feud between two other first years, Harley Tsuji and Odette Harper. Although originally friends with both girls, Odette's attacks on Harley in the first semester left Rory disgusted with Odette and pretty much anyone who had anything to do with her, leading to varied arguments between Rory and other girls involved.

[ul][li][Rose Holland] The Best Dorm of the School | Not Forgotten | Well, We Tried | Belle Rose</LI>[li][Harley Tsuji] The Best Dorm of the School | Forbidden is My Middle Name... | By Your Side | Ok, So I Lied | You Got a Friend | Fried Fiend[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Andi Forstrom] The Best Dorm of the School | Hunger Pangs and Half-Baked Ideas[li][Aodhan Kaelen] King of the Cliffs | Not Forgotten[li][Corrine Lagos] The Best Dorm of the School | Belly Aches[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Sodia Rosenberg] The Best Dorm of the School[li][Margo Ellis] Red-Handed[li][Aurelia Jameson] An Overdue Confrontation[li][Beatrice Fleming] New of a Kind[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Hayley Elridge] Fortuitous Circumstance | Fried Fiend[li][Lycus Jin Howard] An Overdue Confrontation[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Odette Harper] To Have Some Impact | A Total Coincidence | An Overdue Confrontation | Ok, So I Lied | Herbology: Lesson 2[/li][/ul]​

2043-44 | Y28
<COLOR color="#000">School still sucks, but most people are awesome.
As Rory made her way through her second year at Hogwarts, she was surprised to discover exactly how much she enjoyed being back within the castle walls, despite the academic environment. Being able to spend large amounts of time with her friends was of course the biggest reason she felt this way - although she did get into a minor disagreement with one of her best friends, Rose Holland, over differing plans for a night sneaking out. A positive development found Rory making headway in her opinion of the previously disliked Hayley Elridge (due to the forced bonding of her other best friend, Harley Tsuji), and she and the other three girls began spending more time together as a group after a sleepover at Rose's house during the Christmas holidays. The year, however, ended on a sour note, which stemmed from Rory's association with both Matthew and Odette Harper - an encounter that didn't end well for anyone involved.​

[ul][li][Rose Holland] A Warm Gift for Everyone | Never a Dull Moment | Untroubled Trouble | Snacks, Friends, and Laughter | Valentine's Cards | Questionable Plans | The Staff vs. Students Wheelbarrow Race | Zurie Pranks[li][Harley Tsuji] A Warm Gift for Everyone | Untroubled Trouble | Snacks, Friends, and Laughter | Yellow for You | Questionable Plans | Questionable Confrontations[li][Hayley Elridge] Double Dares and Other Shenanigans | Snacks, Friends, and Laughter | You Get One Too! | Questionable Plans | Apple Banter[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Aodhan Kaelen] Waiting for Something Fun to Happen | Party Preparations[li][Corrine Lagos] Gryffindor House Meeting | Sneaky | Zurie Pranks[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Leah Mustard] Quite a Lot to Deal With | Being a Red Flag, What Did You Expect?[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Matthew Harper] And If You Look To Your Right... | Quite a Lot to Deal With | Questionable Plans | Questionable Confrontations[li][Margo Ellis] Oh, It's You[li][Sofia Rosenberg] Never a Dull Moment[li][Violette Lao] More Fun, Yes Please[li][Perry Wyatt] Goal[li][Phoebe Holland] Snacks, Friends, and Laughter[li][Lennon Cohen-Knight] Just Make Me Not Terrible[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Asaiah Murphy] A Not-So-Fun Tutoring Session[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Odette Harper] Questionable Confrontations[/li][/ul]

Gabriel Rosenberg: On the Backstreets Until the End | Daniel Clairoux: To Face the Ties That Bind | Diane Winters: Brain Takes a Vacation Just to Give My Heart More Room | Professor Patricia Styx: Ought to Be Easy, Ought to Be Simple Enough | Desislav Zhefarovich: Two Hearts Are Better Than One

Y28 Electives Fair

<FONT font="Tahoma">2044-45 | Y29
I'm even a bit excited about some of the classes I get to take this year.
While Rory got up to most of the same old shenanigans in her <I>third year, such as a playing games of truth or dare with her friends and sneaking out after dark, Rory also started feeling some slight pressure from people around her in terms of the time spent with her one male friend, Aodhan. Though they went to the Yule Ball together in what each felt was a purely platonic sense, the atmosphere of the setting, and other teasing comments on their relationship by her friends, had Rory begin falling prey to the unfortunate social falsity that girls and boys can't just be friends, and wondering if something else might be going on between them - a thought which was confusing for her.​
[ul][li][Rose Holland] Winter Wares for Everyone | A Meeting of the Girl Gang | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[li][Harley Tsuji] A Meeting of the Girl Gang | A Loud Rose | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[li][Hayley Elridge] A Meeting of the Girl Gang | Rose for Aurora Night | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Aodhan Kaelen] Bored, Please Help | Pins and Needles | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[li][Andi Forstrom] Bread and Butter[li][Corrine Lagos] Yellow Rose for Aurora Night | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Gneiss Night] Many Stirrings Throughout the House[li][Sophia Night] Many Stirrings Throughout the House[li][Jasper Night] Many Stirrings Throughout the House[li][Arkose Night] Many Stirrings Throughout the House[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Sofia Rosenberg] While You're Here | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[li][Violette Lao] Yellow Rose for Aurora Night | Last Minute Valentine Coupons[li][Leo Benivieni] Out of Bounds<LI>[li][Soloman Mordaunt] Round Two of the Torture[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Odette Harper] DADA: Lesson 3[/li][/ul]

Fleur Worth: Change Was Made Uptown | Octavian Vetrov: Beautiful River in the Valley Ahead | Leif Odegard: Moving Down That Same Line | Professor Maurice Welch: With a Vow to Defend | April Ward: The Wildest Things We'd Ever Seen | Falon Urie: Nothing Left to Say

2045-46 | Y30
This has been a really up and down year.
Rory's fourth year was one that provided her with a number of challenges and changing situations in her life. As well as <I>gaining a job at Gambol & Jape's in Brightstone alongside Harley, one of her best friends, Rory also found herself being asked out one breakfast-time by her friend Aodhan – a concept she wound up agreeing to (despite the initial surprised silence) on the grounds that dating was generally thought of as 'fun,' and how would she know if she never tried it? This brought on numerous amounts of teasing from her friends, something she tried to reverse back on them whenever the chance presented itself, particularly as she and Aodhan never really engaged in traditional dating activities during their short time together.

Other change was less innocent in nature, and Rory witnessed first hand the outspoken opinions flying back and forth at her friend Hayley's meeting for resisting prejudice against muggle-borns – most of the negative remarks being said against her friend and the foundation of her idea making Rory absolutely livid. However, as the school moved on from the incident Rory's life returned to a normal state of affairs – until halfway through the second half of the year, when she chanced upon a boggart* that had found it's way into the castle. Shocked to suddenly find what she thought was the dead body of her grandfather, Rory believed the creature's deception implicitly and continued to cling to the 'reality' of the horrible vision even once her friend Rose found her and confused the boggart with her presence. After the event, Rory became quiet and withdrawn – a state of being that worried those who knew her greatly.


[ul][li][Rose Holland] Not a Date, Right? | Aftermath | That's What You Get | Is This Not the Excitement You Desired? | Never Seen You Like This</LI>[li][Harley Tsuji] Gambol & Jape's Staff Meeting | Not a Date, Right? | Aftermath | That's What You Get | Finding Aurora | Never Seen You Like This[li][Hayley Elridge] Aftermath | That's What You Get | Never Seen You Like This[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Aodhan Kaelen] Slow Motion | Is It Usual to Feel This Awkward? | Lost and Found[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Sofia Rosenberg] Time to Open Up[li][Andi Forstrom] When the Going Gets Petty[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Sophia Night] Start of Year Feast | Shining Water | Mind in a Whirl | Hope You Like It | One for Rory | Never Seen You Like This[li][Gneiss Night] Impulsive, But With Love | A Drone is All There is to Hear[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Thaddeus Miller] Hope You Like It | One for Rory[li][Professor Kahurangi Josephs] Is This the Excitement You Desired? | Never Seen You Like This[li][Fleur van Houten] Shining Water | A Fruitless Endeavour<LI>[li][Charlie Abberline] Not a Date, Right?[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Phoebe Holland] Red and Blue Fire[/li][/ul]

Marcos Morales: He Rides With Me From Town to Town | Amber Chou Wilson: Better Days With a Girl Like You | Aminia Macksimov: Catch a Smile | Yvette Maxwell: Bicycle Spokes Spin 'Round | Flavio Morales: Just Winners and Losers | Stella Finch: The Stars Crackle in Fire | Antonio Rey-Martinez: Moon Throws Seven Rings | James Cade: Laughter Fills the Air


Defence Against My Mother's Wrath
*Admin approval ID #30460615
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Georgia">First Year

Second Year<SIZE size="50">


Thank you Daphne!
Third Year


Thank you Daphne!
Fourth Year


Thank you Daphne!
[ul][li]Rory is better at magic that requires emotion or strong feeling, as she finds this naturally easy to channel.[li]She struggles with magic that requires focus or devotion, as she becomes bored/frustrated with the less-than-immediate results.[/li][/ul]Boggart: Rory would have faced off against a boggart during her third year of Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons; however, she began feeling sick halfway through the lesson and had to leave the classroom. As such, she was unprepared for the experience of stumbling upon a boggart during her time in Hogwarts Castle at the age of fourteen. Rory never recognised the creature for what it was on her own, and neither was she the one to finally banish it. Her boggart takes the form of her grandfather, seemingly deceased. This is in fact based on a repressed memory from Rory's childhood, from when she found her grandfather passed out on the floor of this potions lab.

Wild, 10 3/4 Inches, Reasonably Supple.
As Rory grew closer to the age when she would finally be allowed her very own wand, Igneous and Emily were approached by Ig's father, Gneiss, who suggested that the girl could try her hand with some of the old family wands stored in the estate vault. Knowing how much it would mean to him, and seeing no harm in trying, Rory's parents took her to her grandfather's one afternoon to see if she would be able to inherit one of her ancestor's wands. Although Ig and Emily weren't expecting too much to come of it, Rory happily spent about fifteen minutes trying various wands and enjoying the damage they wrought around her (forethought made sure they were nowhere near the vault or other valuable furnishings, of course). It was almost looking like they would need to pay a visit to Ollivander's after all, when Rory discovered a wand that looked like it had been stored away in a dusty corner precisely to be forgotten about - which, perhaps unsurprisingly, turned out to be the most highly assuring match.​
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider... the ebony wand's perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Assuredly crafted in the times of Garrick Ollivander, this particular inherited wand wood worked well with Rory in some aspects, and less well in others. Her tendency at a young age to unwaveringly approach life on her own terms with single-minded determination married well with the wood's desire for independence and willfulness - but her own tendency to lack concentration and motivation in certain situations meant that that the wand was never able to perform Transfiguration spells as well as it should have, a conflict that often causes trouble between Rory's magic and that of her wand's during these times.​

As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner... It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Is is the steadfast nature of this wand core to bond with its current owner that causes it to work so well for Rory despite the less than perfect match in their personalities. The heartstring, in conjunction with her 'feeling' rather than 'thinking' approach to spells also accounts for her more pronounced ability in charm-work, although its temperament also adds to the trouble Rory finds herself having with Tranfiguration.​

[/td][/tr][tr][td][STYLE] WILD
Rory's wand really looks like less of a wand, and more like a stick that has been randomly picked up in the forest somewhere. The particular piece of wood that was chosen to carve from may have had an unusual grain, or perhaps was never finished at all. Rory doesn't mind her wand's unsightly appearance, as it is the abilities the instrument can perform that are of greater interest to her.​
</i>[/td][/tr][tr][td][LENGTH] 10 3/4 INCHES
<COLOR color="#000">A slightly strange length for a wand, it is entirely likely that a small piece may have been chipped off either end of what was once a eleven inch wand. Whether this is the case or not, the wand works just fine for Rory's purposes, and has grown more comfortable to wield as her arm length has grown over the past few years.​
Owners of wands with this flexibility are patient and kind, but they have limits to this patience and kindness. They are not as likely to burn themselves out in an attempt to please everyone, but it is still possible.
Rory has a very <COLOR color="#cc0000">easy-going personality which, coincidentally or not, is reflected in the flexibility of her wand. She will tolerate just about anything from her friends, but blow up at the slightest provocation from those she perceives as a threat to them. Despite this, she attempts to make friends with just about everyone she meets, regardless of previously existing relationships that can make such a goal complicated.​



The detested necessity, also known as 'school.'
As Rory's eleventh birthday began approaching, the conversations amongst her family began in earnest. The Nights have always been Slytherins says her grandfather, conveniently forgetting the truth. The Mustards react in the usual fashion, and begin a betting pool. Five people, including the great-aunt she inherited the ginger hair from, win by choosing Gryffindor. Three people, having chosen Ravenclaw, shrug good-naturedly, but the last one fumes silently, having also forgotten that not every Night ends up in Slytherin house. Rory, to be honest, wasn't bothered either way.

Although she enjoys reading and creative writing, this does not translate into enjoying academic study. Rory is quite disgruntled by the fact that she has to take part in the structured schedule of school, although she does enjoy living there away from what she sees as her mother's bossy directions. The main draw of Hogwarts, however, is the friends she's made there as they make her time there extremely fun and interesting, and the school aspect infinitely more bearable.

Favoured Academic Discipline:
[ul][li]Classes that are spell-based, with Charms being her favourite.</LI><LI>[li]Any class with practical application will likely appeal to her interests, such as Potions, Herbology and Flying.[/li][/ul]​
Astronomy · A · 3 · 5
Although Rory enjoys stargazing and the idea of looking through telescopes, she quickly discovered that the factual and theoretical content of her Astronomy lessons was less than exciting and often dozed off in lessons, or doodled badly on her parchment instead of taking notes. It was only thanks to the fact that the majority of the exam was multi-choice, and that many of the questions were so basic, that she even passed the class at all.​
Charms · E · 1 (A) (:cool: ( C) · 2 · 3
Rory decided very early on that Charms was her favourite class at the school, due mostly in part to the fact that the lessons always focused on actually learning the spells, rather than talking about them. Rory readily participated in these classes, and although she didn't always manage to remember to do the reading beforehand she found that she was generally somewhat successful at each spell - her best being the Levitation Charm (even though she mostly learnt it in an attempt to one day get revenge on one of her annoying uncles).​
Defence Against the Dark Arts · A · 1 · 6
Although Rory initially thought her Defence classes would be interesting, she soon grew to find them less than exciting due to the nature of the professor who taught the lessons. Wary of Professor Styx's strictness, and his penchant for assigning them essays for homework, Rory kept her head down and alternated between actually trying to take notes, or feigning that she was. Most of her time was actually spent crafting stories in her head about the professor, building him up to a fearsome gargoyle that could kill you just by looking at you if you stepped even one toe out of line.​
Flying · A · 1 (A) (:cool: ( C) · 3
Rory was eager to participate in the flying lessons, but unlike some students this unfortunately never translated into doing particularly well at the subject. She was always convinced that she was slower than everyone else due to the great age of the school brooms, but her natural non-athleticism ensured that she was never going to have the same level of skill as the best fliers in her year. Rory definitely had fun, however, and exhibited a passable control of her actions on a broomstick.​
Herbology · E · 1 · 2 (A) (:cool: · 6
Although not particularly excited to learn about plants, Rory was happy enough to immerse herself in the practical aspect of the subject - particularly as it was her one bright spot in a semester filled with other theory-based classes. She never tried to do especially well at the subject, but her enthusiasm for getting outside and doing things (in addition to her tangential love for pumpkin), helped her get through the exam with better results than she had expected.​
History of Magic · P
Even before she began her history classes, Rory knew that it wasn't going to be a subject she particularly enjoyed. Despite liking the occasional historical story, she quickly grew to hate listening to things she didn't care about and being assigned to write essays on them. Her note-taking was poor at best and she often spent the lessons drifting in and out of attentiveness, daydreaming about being somewhere far more exciting than where she currently found herself.​
Potions · A · 1 · 6
Initially excited for her Potions lessons and the prospect of blowing up a cauldron (as her grandfather had so often warned she might do if he let her brew a potion by herself), Rory was quickly disappointed after the first exciting lesson. Never able to concentrate properly on theory, she didn't learn the required ingredients until a few days before the exam - and even then only did so surprisingly well due to guesstimation and using ingredients mentioned in the exam questions to answer others she was less sure of (originally writing 'Belladonna' for almost all of such answers).​
Transfiguration · A · 1 · 4
Although believing that Transfiguration would come to her as easily as Charms had, Rory was soon proved otherwise. Her lack of ability to concentrate on visualing the entire change meant she was never able to perform a spell completely during the first lesson they learnt it, and during subsequent practicing was only ever able to get partway through most of the transfigurations in one attempt. The most trouble came from changing the object's material, and she always found it harder to transfigure things that were more different than alike to begin with.​

Astronomy · P · 1
Unenthused to attend another year of astronomy lessons, Rory struggled in vain to keep up with the increasingly heavy information supplied in lectures, and often tuned them out in an attempt to give her brain a rest (or, in her own words, 'stop herself from dying of boredom,'). Barely taking any of her own notes, at the end of the year she tried to study from various efforts of her friends' efforts to generally poor success. Her exam was answered with more guess-work than knowledge; the multi-choice section the major contributor to any answers she happened to get right. The final grade of 'Poor' received allowed Rory to drop the subject for her third year, much to her excitement.​
Charms · E · 3 · 5 · 6
Rory continued to do rather well at Charms during her second year, in comparison to her efforts in other classes. She consistently managed to learn the set lessons rather quickly, although balked at the idea of being taught a cleaning charm - something that was only useful and not at all fun, the latter being her primary motivator throughout the classes. She sometimes managed to do the readings beforehand, but found that not doing so didn't often hinder her ability to eventually cast the spells with a reasonable degree of success. It also helped that practicing the spells in her own time was something that Rory did without prompting, not really regarding doing so as work.​
Defence Against the Dark Arts · A · 2 · 6
<FONT font="Georgia">Although Rory found the basic material of her second year Defence lessons interesting, she was disappointed to discover that they didn't get to actuallly learn most of the jinxes mentioned. The numerous essays asked for by Professor Styx both bored and annoyed her to write in equal measure, and being back in the classroom of silence and seriousness once again served to make Rory even more disliking of the lesson situation than the previous year. She did manage to take in a lot of the information that was passed to her, however, doing rather well in the exam despite her blunt and simplistic answers.​
Herbology · E · 1 · 2 · 5
Taking care of a Mandrake during her second year of Herbology was something that Rory did eventually end up enjoying, despite initially getting off on the wrong foot with her seedling. Though her attempts to feed, water and re-pot the Mandrake were a little ham-handed, Rory's enthusiasm to do so more than made up for the slightly rough care, and she soon came to embrace the plant's grumpy nature, calling it 'Fang' at her friend Rose's insistence. Rory quite liked keeping a journal of her Mandrake's growth, and it was her remembrance to keep up with this that helped her in the majority of her exam.​
History of Magic · P · 1
Rory's second year of History of Magic went even more poorly than her first, and she frequently found herself wanting to escape each and every lesson almost as soon as she had stepped into the classroom. Continuing to pay barely any attention to the lectures or take notes, Rory remembered almost nothing by the time for studying came around, and severely vexed her History of Magic tutor in the process as he tried to prepare her. Once again her answers were comprised of mostly guess-work and random things she did happen to remember, but in receiving another 'Poor' grade for the subject Rory was heavily relieved about not having to continue the subject in her third year.​
Potions · A · 4 · 5
Initially beginning lessons in a slightly less-engaged fashion, Rory's interest in the subject picked up exponentially once they began brewing potions. It was something she had been looking forward to for years, considering her grandfather's own interest in the subject, and she happily plunged into creating her own attempts. Although she generally tended to follow the instructions correctly, Rory's chopping and stirring methods were always rather more haphazard and imprecise than they should have been for perfectly brewed potions. Her exam was also answered in this carefree manner, once again using more hopeful than strictly correct answers to try and achieve a passing grade.​
Transfiguration · A · 1 · 6
Rory once again struggled in these classes, hardly ready to move onto a new type of Transfiguration when she had barely managed to make any headway in the previous one. Most of her efforts failed to be complete successes, and although her tutor was sympathetic and helpful to her plight Rory barely scraped through the year's practical work. She did achieve a small triumph in the last lesson, however, managing to transfigure an ordinary chess piece into one fit to take part in Wizard's Chess - a feat that both dazzled and confused her in equal measure.​

Care of Magical Creatures · E · 1 · 4 · 6
An elective that was immediately on her list as soon as she heard of it, Rory was enormously excited to begin taking the Care of Magical Creatures class. Lured in by the prospect of animals, outside classes, and practical work, she was glad to also find that a few of her friends were taking the subject as well, and the class quickly became one of her favourites even if the beginner's material was sometimes a little boring to cover. As usual the more theoretical side of the lessons gave her some slight trouble when studying, but overall her efforts to study for Care of Magical Creatures were more beneficial than some of her attempts for other classes.​
Charms · P
Despite the fact that she usually enjoyed learning Charms, with only one other class to take part in during the semester Rory found herself slacking more and more in terms of her schoolwork, procrastinating readings on just about every charm. She also didn't find herself practicing many of the charms as much as she should have, and her somewhat natural talent didn't show itself as easily come time for her exam as it had in years previous. Once she discovered her overall grade, Rory felt slightly annoyed at herself that she couldn't have at least got an A in a subject she was normally rather good at.​
Defence Against the Dark Arts · E · 1 · 3 · 5
Although Rory usually tended to be closer to the dislike end of the scale during her previous years in Defence, the course's focus on Dark and other more dastardly magical creatures piqued her interest enough to allow her to remember the material better than she had done so in previous years. She was also excited to learn that she would get to practice defending herself against a Boggart, although during the lesson in question she had such an upset stomach that she ended up having to excuse herself before getting to do so. She also perhaps came the closest she had ever been to earning Professor Styx's ire during her exam, as instead of properly writing an essay explaining the motivations for prejudice against werewolves, she simply used the word count to reason that it was because 'people were stupid.'​
Herbology · P · 1
As in the past Rory had quite enjoyed the practicality of her Herbology lessons, the beginning theoretical class for the year caused her to begin rethinking her previous interest in the subject. She was quite happy to take part in the field trips, but continually became distracted from the information she was supposed to be learning by her surroundings, and by the time the exam came around no amount of catch-up studying in the world was able to help her pass the year satisfactorily.​
Muggle Studies · A · 1 · 3
Although not originally intending to take the class, Rory got sucked into impulsively signing up for it after talking with the representative professor at the Elective Fair. Already knowing a few things about the society due to family connections, Rory's curiousity was enflamed by the display of technology and hints as to how muggles managed certain aspects of their life without magic, and absolutely cemented by the mention of field trips. Optimistically looking forward to taking the subject in her third year, Rory found aspects of the class that were great, and those that were far more boring than she had expected.​
Potions · A · 2 · 5
<COLOR color="#000">Once again happy to have a practical class to focus her efforts on, Rory threw herself into her potion brewing with the usual enthusiasm, and the usual haphazard method of doing so. Her attempts varied between slightly more successful and slightly less, depending on whether she had read all of the instructions properly, or was paying enough attention. During the exam she found it slightly strange to have someone watching her so closely for the practical portion, but luckily for her there wasn't any chopping of ingredients to potentially mess up her attempt - allowing her to skate through both the practical section in addition to the theoretical one this time.​
Transfiguration · A · 1 · 2 · 3
Due to only being allowed to drop two school subjects by her parents for her third year, Rory reluctantly found herself back in Transfiguration - a class that she suprisingly seemed to continue managing to pass, despite her difficulties. Her wish to do better once again found her in tutoring for the subject, and although her new tutor seemed determined to guide her through the use of practical application, Rory continued to find herself following the trend of failing at new practical material in the lessons. Her difficulties caused her interest to wane in the theoretical side of the subject as well, and at the moment she is stuck between wanting to do better, and wanting to just fail and be allowed to drop the subject.​

Charms · A · 2 · 5
<FONT font="Georgia">Although Rory had promised her parents that she would pay more attention to her studies in order to avoid doing so badly on subjects she had never had a problem with before, she never quite back into the hang of it after the long winter holidays. With OWL examinations approaching in the next year, the effort that was to be put into each class was stepped up a notch and Rory's previous lackluster approach to note-taking and revising wasn't enough to get her the same grades as he had achieved in the the lower years with minimal effort, despite her continued talent to pick up casting spells quicker than her studying suggested she should - something Rory was grateful for, even as it influenced her to do less theory and practice than she could have applied herself to.​
Herbology · A · 1 · 5
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Georgia">While Rory enjoyed the more practical portions of her Herbology class, once again her lack of will to do anything more than the bare minimum in regards to studying and note-taking left her with a lower grade in the class than she had become used to - even if it was still better than the failing one she had received in her third year. Complacent with the fact that she technically hadn't broken her promise to her parents, the fact that she had achieved a lower grade than usual in each of her first semester classes did cause Rory some worry as to how she might fare in the usual classes she managed to only just pass.​
Credits: Wand wood description from here, core description from here, and flexibility description from here.

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