- Messages
- 73
- OOC First Name
- Jodie
- Wand
- Straight, 10" Hawthorn Wand, Unicorn Hair Core, Flexible
- Age
- 5/2031
Full Name:
- Aurelia Isabel Jameson
Date of Birth:
- 29th May 2031
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- About average height for her age (4 ft 3) she is still rather petite looking, with slim features. A heart shaped face, Aurelia has deep brown hair, almost black and hazel eyes, ringed with green. Tends to dress in casual, comfortable clothes and the few times that she has had to dress up, felt slightly uncomfortable. She has a scar on her elbow from falling out of a tree after her brother, Titus, had dared her to climb it.
- Innately shy, Aurelia isn't one to be chatting all the time, or the first to volunteer an answer in class. Shes a rather quiet person; albeit one that is very observant which is helped by her ability to almost blend into the background. Not very comfortable in crowds, Aurelia prefers to spend time with a few close friends or exploring alone. Shes a very curious child, about anything and everything. This is matched by her stubbornness - when she wants to know something, she is relentless in finding out all she can. Not very spontaneous, Aurelia thinks most things through, weighing up the options. Kind, Aurelia hates bullying. So much so, that she actually got into a fight in primary school. This absolutely shocked her family since she was usually such a well behaved child. If she was nothing else, Aurelia is fiercely loyal to her family and the few close friends that she had made. Enough so to make her react completely out of character and punch an older boy who was picking on her brother.
- Lieutenant Richard Jameson; 39; Father; Muggle.
Richard was born in Dartmouth, England. The only child to Helena and Andrew Jameson, Richard decided at a young age that he wanted to join the Royal Navy. He enlisted at the age of 18 and realised that he had truly found his calling. Serving on ships travelling the length and breadth of the world, the young man saw many beautiful sights - but none more beautiful than meeting a young woman whilst on leave in Italy, who would eventually become the future Mrs Jameson. When it was discovered that Aurelia was found to be magical, Richard was shocked to find that there was a whole hidden world and being a logical man he struggled with it for a long time. Eventually it was his daughter's fascination with everything magical that made him realise that to him, it didn't change anything. He would embrace it as much as he possibly could.
- Alexandria Jameson nee Boniface; 36; Mother; Muggle
The younger daughter of French parents, Erika and Maxwell Boniface, her brother, Matthew, is almost 12 years her senior. Alexandria went to a boarding school in Oxford, England from the young age of 8 and as such wasn't very close to her parents, or her much older brother. From her teen years, she started spending summer holidays with her paternal Aunt, Sofia, whom she adored, even though she was a little bit "quirky". When Alexandria left school at the age of 18, she moved in with Sofia, rather than move back home. During a trip to Italy with some friends she met Richard Jameson and became instantly smitten. They started exchanging letters and before long had started dating, with marriage and children following. Alexandria started work as a copy editor for a London publishing house and managed to juggle home and work life quite well. She was as shocked as her husband when Aurelia's letter to Hogwarts arrived, although she was rather glad that it explained many of the unusual and unexplainable things that had happened over the years.
- Titus Jameson; Brother; aged 8
Titus is a very energetic and outgoing child. He pretty much worships his older sister and was absolutely thrilled when it turned out she was a witch - although more for the reason that the chances of him being a wizard increased. He is eagerly looking forward to all the stories from Hogwarts that Aurelia is sure to send him.
- Family dog called Rex, a Rottweiler, that has been part of the family for many years. Aurelia hopes that her parents will get her an Owl when she goes shopping for school supplies, though it is still undecided.
Area of Residence:
- Wellington, New Zealand. Born in Oxford, England, the family has recently uprooted to New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- Muggle born
- English and French.
Special Abilities:
- Unknown as yet, but one day would love to become an Animagus
Interests or Hobbies:
- History. Reading. Snowboarding
Additional Skills:
- Started learning Italian from her great Aunt Sofia. Not very good at it yet, but shes getting there.
- Loyalty to those she loves.
- Believes in doing what is right, over what is easy.
- Shy, Aurelia finds it difficult to just go up to new people and introduce herself.
- Fear of heights.
Describe your character in three words:
- Stubborn
- Curious
- Loyal
Favourite place to be:
- The coast. Loves the smell of the sea air and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Aurelia enjoys pebble beaches more than sand ones.
- Alicia Bennet (Muggle). Best friend from primary school, they lived on the same street and Alicia was like the sister that Aurelia never had.
Hogwarts House:
- Unsorted
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Hopes to be able to fit in - her lack of first-hand knowledge of the Wizarding world feels like a real handicap to Aurelia and she fears her lack of exposure will hinder her school experience somehow.
Best school subjects:
- History; looking forward to taking History of Magic and to seeing how Wizarding History compares to what she has been taught.
Worst school subjects:
- Maths; is very thankful that Arithmacy isn't taught in the first year.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Chess, even though she's not all that good at it. Intrigued by Quidditch, but she's a bit unsure whether she'll like flying enough to try out in the future.
- Several years away.
Current Job:
- Student.
Plans for your future:
- To graduate Hogwarts with good grades, after that - who knows.
Your Patronus:
- Hopes something like a sea turtle, her favourite animal.
Your Patronus memory:
- That warm glowing feeling of a Christmas morning, wrapped up in her Fathers' arms whilst watching Titus opening presents.
Your Boggart:
- A zombie - has been terrified of them since Titus made her watch a zombie film a few years ago.
Your Animagus:
- Unknown.
Mirror of Erised:
- Surrounded by her family, graduating as head girl, happy and smiling.
A page from your diary:
We've been in the new house for a week now and things are starting to settle a little. Mum started her new job today. She seems excited, but I'm not sure how much of that is real or a front for Ty and me. After all, it's a big leap going from London to New Zealand. I feel a little guilty. It's my fault we're here at all. Not that Ty minds - he loves the outdoors here and the fact that you can see the bay from our house. But if it wasn't for my being a witch, we'd all be back in England and dad wouldn't be thousands of miles away.... Dont get me wrong, I'm excited. I mean REALLY excited. I can't wait to see the school and get my books, and a WAND! I still have to pinch myself sometimes. But that doesn't stop the guilt from threading through me. I just hope everything goes well, and I don't make a fool of myself. Going to talk mum into getting me a few extra history books when we go shopping - got to make sure I know as much about this new world of mine as I can. I better go, Rex is barking and I left Titus in the garden.... I just hope he hasn't climbed that tree again! Mum isn't here to get him down and he knows what happened the last time I climbed a tree. Brothers!!
- Aurelia Isabel Jameson
Date of Birth:
- 29th May 2031
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- About average height for her age (4 ft 3) she is still rather petite looking, with slim features. A heart shaped face, Aurelia has deep brown hair, almost black and hazel eyes, ringed with green. Tends to dress in casual, comfortable clothes and the few times that she has had to dress up, felt slightly uncomfortable. She has a scar on her elbow from falling out of a tree after her brother, Titus, had dared her to climb it.
- Innately shy, Aurelia isn't one to be chatting all the time, or the first to volunteer an answer in class. Shes a rather quiet person; albeit one that is very observant which is helped by her ability to almost blend into the background. Not very comfortable in crowds, Aurelia prefers to spend time with a few close friends or exploring alone. Shes a very curious child, about anything and everything. This is matched by her stubbornness - when she wants to know something, she is relentless in finding out all she can. Not very spontaneous, Aurelia thinks most things through, weighing up the options. Kind, Aurelia hates bullying. So much so, that she actually got into a fight in primary school. This absolutely shocked her family since she was usually such a well behaved child. If she was nothing else, Aurelia is fiercely loyal to her family and the few close friends that she had made. Enough so to make her react completely out of character and punch an older boy who was picking on her brother.
- Lieutenant Richard Jameson; 39; Father; Muggle.
Richard was born in Dartmouth, England. The only child to Helena and Andrew Jameson, Richard decided at a young age that he wanted to join the Royal Navy. He enlisted at the age of 18 and realised that he had truly found his calling. Serving on ships travelling the length and breadth of the world, the young man saw many beautiful sights - but none more beautiful than meeting a young woman whilst on leave in Italy, who would eventually become the future Mrs Jameson. When it was discovered that Aurelia was found to be magical, Richard was shocked to find that there was a whole hidden world and being a logical man he struggled with it for a long time. Eventually it was his daughter's fascination with everything magical that made him realise that to him, it didn't change anything. He would embrace it as much as he possibly could.
- Alexandria Jameson nee Boniface; 36; Mother; Muggle
The younger daughter of French parents, Erika and Maxwell Boniface, her brother, Matthew, is almost 12 years her senior. Alexandria went to a boarding school in Oxford, England from the young age of 8 and as such wasn't very close to her parents, or her much older brother. From her teen years, she started spending summer holidays with her paternal Aunt, Sofia, whom she adored, even though she was a little bit "quirky". When Alexandria left school at the age of 18, she moved in with Sofia, rather than move back home. During a trip to Italy with some friends she met Richard Jameson and became instantly smitten. They started exchanging letters and before long had started dating, with marriage and children following. Alexandria started work as a copy editor for a London publishing house and managed to juggle home and work life quite well. She was as shocked as her husband when Aurelia's letter to Hogwarts arrived, although she was rather glad that it explained many of the unusual and unexplainable things that had happened over the years.
- Titus Jameson; Brother; aged 8
Titus is a very energetic and outgoing child. He pretty much worships his older sister and was absolutely thrilled when it turned out she was a witch - although more for the reason that the chances of him being a wizard increased. He is eagerly looking forward to all the stories from Hogwarts that Aurelia is sure to send him.
- Family dog called Rex, a Rottweiler, that has been part of the family for many years. Aurelia hopes that her parents will get her an Owl when she goes shopping for school supplies, though it is still undecided.
Area of Residence:
- Wellington, New Zealand. Born in Oxford, England, the family has recently uprooted to New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- Muggle born
- English and French.
Special Abilities:
- Unknown as yet, but one day would love to become an Animagus
Interests or Hobbies:
- History. Reading. Snowboarding
Additional Skills:
- Started learning Italian from her great Aunt Sofia. Not very good at it yet, but shes getting there.
- Loyalty to those she loves.
- Believes in doing what is right, over what is easy.
- Shy, Aurelia finds it difficult to just go up to new people and introduce herself.
- Fear of heights.
Describe your character in three words:
- Stubborn
- Curious
- Loyal
Favourite place to be:
- The coast. Loves the smell of the sea air and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Aurelia enjoys pebble beaches more than sand ones.
- Alicia Bennet (Muggle). Best friend from primary school, they lived on the same street and Alicia was like the sister that Aurelia never had.
Hogwarts House:
- Unsorted
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Hopes to be able to fit in - her lack of first-hand knowledge of the Wizarding world feels like a real handicap to Aurelia and she fears her lack of exposure will hinder her school experience somehow.
Best school subjects:
- History; looking forward to taking History of Magic and to seeing how Wizarding History compares to what she has been taught.
Worst school subjects:
- Maths; is very thankful that Arithmacy isn't taught in the first year.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Chess, even though she's not all that good at it. Intrigued by Quidditch, but she's a bit unsure whether she'll like flying enough to try out in the future.
- Several years away.
Current Job:
- Student.
Plans for your future:
- To graduate Hogwarts with good grades, after that - who knows.
Your Patronus:
- Hopes something like a sea turtle, her favourite animal.
Your Patronus memory:
- That warm glowing feeling of a Christmas morning, wrapped up in her Fathers' arms whilst watching Titus opening presents.
Your Boggart:
- A zombie - has been terrified of them since Titus made her watch a zombie film a few years ago.
Your Animagus:
- Unknown.
Mirror of Erised:
- Surrounded by her family, graduating as head girl, happy and smiling.
A page from your diary:
We've been in the new house for a week now and things are starting to settle a little. Mum started her new job today. She seems excited, but I'm not sure how much of that is real or a front for Ty and me. After all, it's a big leap going from London to New Zealand. I feel a little guilty. It's my fault we're here at all. Not that Ty minds - he loves the outdoors here and the fact that you can see the bay from our house. But if it wasn't for my being a witch, we'd all be back in England and dad wouldn't be thousands of miles away.... Dont get me wrong, I'm excited. I mean REALLY excited. I can't wait to see the school and get my books, and a WAND! I still have to pinch myself sometimes. But that doesn't stop the guilt from threading through me. I just hope everything goes well, and I don't make a fool of myself. Going to talk mum into getting me a few extra history books when we go shopping - got to make sure I know as much about this new world of mine as I can. I better go, Rex is barking and I left Titus in the garden.... I just hope he hasn't climbed that tree again! Mum isn't here to get him down and he knows what happened the last time I climbed a tree. Brothers!!