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Rukevra Vanderzuk

Well-Known Member
*sets up a table and chair in the middle of the room*
Girlfriend Auditions Are Open!
Okay. I don't know why; but Ruki needs to be interested in something now he is on the path away from darkness. I want his future to be happier than it was at Durmstrang, and during his first year at Hogwarts. I don't have a plan for a relationship, and I did state yesterday that one wouldn't happen because I find it difficult to role-play; and it just wouldn't be fair on the other person.

Not a great way to start. I guess having someone he can be close to would show him he is doing the right thing. (The right thing for him at least, since he wants his parents to pay for what they are; and I dare say a few of you love Death Eater stuff. But bleh.).

*sips a cup of Yorkshire Tea*

So; it's over to you. I shall not list items to which I am, and am not, looking for. I'll be honest, if I don't like your character; then I won't choose you. That may seem harsh; but I ran out of coating sugar. Nothing may come of this, which is fine. Something my start, and then die; which I will apologise for now. And then something may flourish, which would be okay; no?

If you are too shy to post, or have something private to say, Personal Message. Ruki's biography isn't really complete, so if you have questions; ask me. :)

Also, any posts mentioning Patricia will be requested to be trashed. Thank-you for understanding.

Also tonight:

19:00 - Aerobics.
21:00 - 5-a-side.
2:cry:30 - 50's Disco.
Sponsored by Yorkshire Tea.
I offered Ruki Willow once I'll do it again. Will is a bit of a hot headed girl, even more so now that she found out that her aunt is not really her aunt but her mother. She also found out a bit of the story behind her birth father, a man she never thought would come into her life. With all the family drama it would be nice for Willow to have some stability in her life.

Pros: Willow's loyal and kind of goofy when you get to know her. Music is her life so half the time she's either with her guitar or with her DJ-style headphones on. She would give her life for her friends and even more so if she ever found someone she really loves.

Cons: As I mentioned before Willow is a bit of a hot head. She is also the kind to spread a bad mood around when she's in one and a fighter. On her hands are usually biker gloves that hide bruses that she gave herself from punching something. Willow is dark though because she had her own sense of justice. She's fowl mouthed though
Well seeing as how my dreams have been shattered I have Lola Mason that I can offer up. I still don't have much planned for her and haven't really done much RPing with her (she was originally my sisters character and then she abandoned her so I took her over) and the few things that I did have plotted have pretty much all gone to crap. Anyways, enough of my whining :erm: Just a few little tidbits...she's a 4th year Ravenclaw and definitely a bit of loner. She's really on the shy side and has very few people that she will open up to, but because she doesn't talk much she's one heck of a listener. Lola is the uber geek and about 99.6% of the time she can be found with her nose stuck in a book. If you're interested then just let me know and if not then that's fine too.
I have Riley Lillis, she's 7th year Beauxbatons. If you don't mind long distance for Ruki.. she's confident and cheerful, and tries her hardest to be a good rolemodel to her younger sister Olive. She'll be moving to NZ after she graduates, she currently lives in Ireland.

I haven't really worked out much for her, I'm focusing on my main characters atm. So she's really able to be modeled by who she RPs with :)
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