Attempt No. 3

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Dominic Thatcher

Well-Known Member
12 inch, Eucalyptus, Essence of bunyip fang

The story goes like this.

I left for about a month (I was busy with the end of the school year)
Tried to make a comeback but failed :(
And now. Alas! Another month later, it is the school holidays. I have quite a bit of spare time to fill and so now I will be active again! And so I am again looking for friends, enemies and love interests! Sorry if you posted on my failed comeback thread and I didn't get back to you.

Dom is an outgoing, talkative boy. Very intelligent and creative, though this does not show in his school work (He lacks focus and can be a bit lazy). A little eccentric, and almost wild.

Post away! Dom's up for anything!
Would you be interested in a relationship with Artemis? They could be good friends if you'd like, and I'm looking for a few more Ravenclaws who have things in common with Art. She's just starting to come out of her shell a little bit, and she's daring enough to approach an older student.

Do tell me if you want to rp or not ^^ I love rp'ing with other Ravenclaws, and Dominic's a curious thing that I'd like to get to know. Thanks!

Kasey would love to be friends with both of you.
How about a best friend for Dom? Kasey dosn't have many guy friends and a close friend from the same year and house sounds like just what she needs.
Kasey is a typical ravenclaw, studious and serious. She never breaks any school rules and is also a prefect. But in all this she realizes that she is missing out some fun in her teenage life thus she is slowly changing and trying to make new friends and relax for a while. She likes reading and playing Qudditch and she is even very good with her lessons
I could also rp with you Art :) PMing You
Welcome back Dom! Hope you stick around for a while. :D
Leah dropped out, buy maybe during Brightstone Weekend we could rp together?
Yeah. Sound great. I have one open in the cliffs. I'll see if I can start some more later. But if you want to start one feel free.
If you want Willow can be a friend or a temp love intrest. She has lived a life without rules ever since her mother was killed in front of her two 'years' ago and she had to live with her aunt Penelope. She's a bit of a tomboy so he would have to work a little bit to get her heart but just friends works fine too :D
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