At the Balcony

Leonardo De La Cruz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
After class let out for the weekend, Leonardo De La Cruz, felt himself wondering up the staircase of the hollow castle walls. He had been thinking about his future lately. This will be his last year in school, so it came to mind he needed to figure himself out more than he wanted. However, with his mother Maria and his grandparents support, he would more than likely be working at their vineyard. Besides that, he would also be playing with Ares Moon, they hadn't made it big yet, though he figure it will happen soon. Things just take time, that's why he didn't seem much worried. He arrived in the balcony of the school, some other students were there too. Some were reading, others chatting it up. Leonardo walked towards the elegant design railing, were he peaked out over the school's landscape. He will be missing this school, well what it had to offer. Soon the world will be reality, and he will have to tell his mother sooner or later what he's been hiding from the rest of the world. He just wish it went well when he did so, besides that, he didn't really care what anyone will think of him. He will just live his life like anyone else, he defines it more than anyone else will ever in his position. Just his mother meant more than anything in the world, besides his family and friend. She did everything to make him happy and that's why she matter most to him.
Adonia had just finished writing to her lovely boyfriend and was walking down the staircase when she saw a boy leaning against the balcony. He seemed to be deep in thought and she really didn't want to disturb him, the only problem was he was in her way. She waited about a minute or two but he still didn't move, eventually she gave up.

Adonia tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me." She smiled at him. Watching him think had made her think. She had a lot of things going on in her mind too. She just didn't understand what was wrong with her relationship. There had to be something otherwise she would trust him enough by now.
Leonardo moved his eyes to notice a girl had been tapping his shoulders quite a few times. "Oye, I'm sorry" he moved for her to get a bit view of the balcony herself. "I didn't notice you till now.." he smiled at her. "Hey are you a seventh year? I think your in my muggels studies classroom?" he wonder out loud, forgetting every seventh year had the same lessons, but the electives were quite smaller than the regular classes. Regular classes just means a whole classroom overly crowded and never really tells you who's in them or not. "I could be wrong, not many takeks muggel studies.." he grin said, his eyes moving now back to his evening views. He hadn't actually talk to anyone else in his classroom anymore. Since Bass graduated and Tracy hasn't spoken to him in a while, Leonardo basically was alone. No boyfriend, girlfriend, or friends to keep him company.. Leonardo thought by seventh year he had more than just a few, he sighed...It had to be him just being shy, that was it. No other reason why he didn't have friends...
Adonia nodded. Once again, she had forgotten someones name, this time it was okay though, he hadn't said hers. "Yeah. It is a pretty small class." She leant against the banisters that surrounded the floors of the school. "I'm Addy." She was going through more of an 'Addy' stage now opposed to her usual 'Nia' introduction. Adonia found it quite funny that she had made it up to seventh year with pretty much no friends and now she was meeting new people left right and centre. It was weird having people to talk to.

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