At long last

Thomas Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
Thomas had been sitting up in his dorm room all day, it was becoming a habit of his now. He had been so used with sitting inside his room, reading books and nothing more. He decided that he would go outside, his mother was no longer there to stop him from doing so.

Leaving the Ravenclaw Tower, he made his way outside. A cold Autumn wind hit his face, it was cold, but he didn't mind, he just enjoyed the fact that he was outside. Making his way down a path, which he had taken to the Quidditch Pitch, he knew where he wanted to go.

After a few minutes of walking he arrived at the Lake. It looked lovely with the bright sky over head. Taking in the sights he sat down on a small hill slope and gazed over the lake.
Wendy had spent all day cooped up in Gryffindor tower. She had told herself that it was her favorite place in the castle, but she hadn't explored much of it. With that thought she got up off the comfortable couch, put her maroon converse, grabbed her red heart-shaped sunglasses and hopped down the steps.

She walked over to the lakefront and noticed a boy sitting there all alone. Feeling social, she walked over to him and said, "Hi, mind if I join you?" as she lifted her sunglasses to look at him.
Thomas was enjoying the view of the lake from the point at which he had decided to sit. Beside him he saw a few multi-colored leaves, dancing in the breeze, it was truly a beautiful site. He was glad that he had chosen this to be his first place to explore of the castle.

Behind him, Thomas could hear the rustling of the leaves along with footsteps, but he took no notice of them, not expecting anyone to want to talk to him. Then he heard a voice from behind him, Thomas looked round and saw a girl, who looked familiar, but he was unsure how. Smiling he said, "Sure, be my guest." Indicating to a piece of ground beside him. "The names, Thomas, Thomas Smith." He said streching out his hand.
Rhianne wandered around the lake after a tiresome day when she spotted Wendy talking to a Ravenclaw..She wasn't sure if she had met him but he sure seems nice..

Approaching them,she smiled brightly.."Hello,Wendy..May I??"She glanced at the guy Wendy was talking to and introduced herself.."Hello..I believe we havent met yet..I am Rhianne.."She said as she offered her hand for him to shake..
[color=00008B]As Thomas introduced himself to the girl who had joined him, another girl joined Wow, this is different he thought to himself, not used to talking to many people, let alone girls. Looking up at the girl Thomas smiled as she introduced herself, Thomas took her hand and shook it, "Nice to met you Rhianne. my name is Thomas. And please, join us why don't you." He said pointing to a free bit of grass, even though there was plenty of it.
Wendy smiled and said "Thanks," as she took a seat. She was about to introduce herself back to him when Eeyan came and asked to join. Thomas said yes and Wendy waved to her.
She turned to Thomas and said, "Well Thomas my name is Wendy Chaos, I'm a first year Gryffindor. What House are you in?" she asked, knowing he wasn't in Gryffindor.
As Rhianne sat down, he turned his attention back to the girl who joined him first. He heard Rhianne say the girl's name was Wendy, but he waited for her to introduce herself first.

As he turned his glance back to her she introduced herself, "Pleasure to meet you Wendy Chaos, First Year Ravenclaw." He said with a smile. "So how are you enjoying yourself so far?" He asked, laying back on the grass.
Wendy smiled and said, "Ravenclaw? So you're smart?" She was teasing him but she hoped he could take it as a joke. She saw him lean back and was tempted to do the same but stayed sitting for a while. "I am loving Hogwarts!" she said happily, still feeling like she was in dream land. "What about you? Any favorite classes yet?" she asked.
Thomas placed his index finger and thumb on his chin, looking as though he was in deep thought, "Well, I would like to think I know enough to get me by, but we'll see come exams." He said shrug, laughing. "What about you, brave?" He retorted, with a cheeky grin.

Thomas smiled, he had the exact same feeling about Hogwarts, it was a great place. "Ditto, it's wonderful." He said, his smile growing wider. "Mmm, well, when it comes to classes I'm definately a Ravenclaw. I love them all so far. And yourself?" He asked.
Wendy laughed as he came back with a tease about the stereotypes of her own House. "Not sure if I'm brave just yet, but I'm definitely prideful and courageous," she said sticking out her chest proudly. She grinned at him and said, "I think Defense Against the Dark Arts is my favorite. I want to be an Auror someday." She thought of being one and thought that was a long way away from now but she still spoke of it as if she could be one tomorrow.
Thomas laughed at Wendy's come back, "Well, we both fit our stereotypes then, that's one good thing." He said, smiling. Thomas listened to Wendy talking about her favorite class and her dreams for the future. When she mentioned how she would like to be an Auror, it made him think of his father, he wanted to follow in his footsteps. "I can't wait until next term so I can do Defence Against the Dark Arts, but I do have Charms this term." He said happily, he was happy to make do with it. "Being an Auror would be amazing, I want to follow in my fathers footsteps." He said, with a certain pride.
Wendy perked her head up with interest. "Oh is your father an Auror?" she asked in awe. Her mother was a Police officer, and she had always wanted to follow in her footsteps, but once she joined the wizarding world and heard of Aurors, she figured that was the Wizarding equivalent so that was her career choice now.
Thomas looked down at his feet, trying to avoid the question. Giving a sigh, he thought he owned Wendy an answer, he should be over it by now anyway, "My father was an Auror. He passed away 5 years ago." He lifted his head, holding back the tears which he had shed so many times. "But he was on the job at the time, so at least he was doing what he loved." He said with a sigh.
Wendy looked at him when he sighed and once he replied she immediately covered her mouth with her small hands. Why did I have to ask! she thought to herself. "I'm so sorry Thomas!" she said putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. She smiled at him weakly when he said at least he was doing what he loved and said, "I'm sure he was a wonderful Auror."
Thomas heard Wendy's voice and her hand touching his shoulder, if felt nice to have someone comfort him, his mother never talked about it must anymore. "Thanks Wendy. It's OK, really." He said, not wanting her to feel bad, by making the comment, most people did. "Well from what I can remember he was a great man, so I assume he was a great Auror. It could talk much about it because most of his work involved undercover work." He said, trying to recall some of his memories.
Wendy smiled at him reassuringly and said, "I'm sure you're just a great a person as you said he was." Her curiosity was peaked when he said his father had done a lot of undercover work, that just made her more determined to be an Auror. She leaned back and laid against the grass to watch the clouds. "So, you want to be an Auror. Any other ideas, in case you change you mind?" she asked him, trying to change the mood of the subject.
Thomas returned a smile to Wendy's kind words. Leaning back, Thomas joined her on the grass looking up at the clouds. "Well, it's only recently that I knew I might have a chance been a Auror. Mum wasn't going to send to any magic schools. I've been home schooled for all of my life. So it would be a teacher, but I'm not sure what subject yet." He said, remembering his dreams of been a teacher, like his mother was to him.

"What about you? Any back up plans?" He asked, seeing it was only right to return the question, to keep up conversation, if nothing.
"You were home schooled?" Wendy asked a little amused. She couldn't imagine not going to a public school. "Why didn't she want to send you to magic schools?" she asked before she could stop herself. She hoped it wasn't another personal question, if it was she would zip her lip and ask no more questions.

When he asked what her back up was she said, "Well before I knew of Aurors, I always wanted to be a police officer like my mom. I might do that if Auror doesn't work. Other than that, I'm still learning about the wizarding world so we'll see what other careers magic can lead to," she said happily as she watched the clouds go by. She still had her heart-shaped sunglasses on so the sun wasn't blazing in her eyes.
[color=00008B]Thomas give a slight laugh, when he heard the amusement in Wendy's voice, "Well, she just became protective over me I suppose." He said with a shrug, he never really understood his mother. "Mum always said that we lived too far away from any of the wizarding schools, but she didn't know about here." He said, it was the story his mother always give him. He knew that she didn't want him to learn magic, because magic was what killed her husband, Thomas' father. But he wasn't going to let Wendy know that, he could sense she felt bad about asking the last personal question.

Thomas give a small chuckle when Wendy said she would have become a police officer, "Oh, the fun you could have. In a muggle job, but with magic." He said with a cheeky grin on his face.[/color]
Something Thomas had said triggered her mind. "Do you live in New Zealand?" she asked curiously. For this school being in New Zealand, there weren't very many natives. Not that she minded, she loved learning about other cultures.

She let out an airy girlish laugh and said, "Being a Muggle police officer but using magic would be rather fun," she said with a mischievous smile. "Almost more fun than an Auror even," she said quietly.
Thomas gave a slight chuckle, he forgot how a lot of people didn't actually live in New Zealand, "Yes, I'm from Nelson. What about you? You local?" He asked, he couldn't really tell from the accent.

Thomas smiled at Wendy's laugh, it was the only laugh that a young girl could give, "Oh, I don't think I'd go as far to say that. Yes a bit of fun with muggles, but it would be hard. At least when your an Auror you have no fear of using magic." He said with a shrug.
Wendy smiled, glad that she had finally met someone else from New Zealand. "Yes I'm from Chirstchurch," she said with a shrug. "It's about time I meet someone else from New Zealand," she said with a playful smile on her face.

"You're right, I'd still rather be an Auror any day," she said nodding her head in agreement with herself. She was watching the clouds through her sunglasses and pointed up in front of her. "Do you see that cloud?" she asked. "Don't you think it looks like a butterfly?" Wendy spent a lot of her time staring at clouds, more of a day time sky watcher than a night sky watcher and had gotten pretty good at seeing shapes in clouds.
Thomas laughed at the happiness in Wend'y voice, "Like wise." He said shortly, "But, it couldn't really be that hard to find someone from New Zealand in this school. Actually Wednesday Hardly, is from New Zealand too." He said, remembering her happiness at metting a fellow New Zealander.

Thomas nodded, but said nothing more on the subject of Aurors. Lying back on the ground, he followed Wendy's suit and gazed up to the sky. He had never done this before, the only time he got to gaze up to the sky was at nighttime when his mother would teach him about the stars.

Thomas stared at all the wonder shapes and sizes the clouds were forming. Thomas had never seen clouds properlly, so he was easily amused. Thomas saw Wendy's arm go up and heard her ask if he saw a cloud, "Which one?" He asked with a laugh, "There are so many." Thomas followed Wendy's finger and saw the one she meant, "Oh right, I see it now. Very pretty." He said with a smile.

Looking in front of him again, trying to see if he could make a shape out of clouds, but he wasn't that imaginative, "Oh I see a blob." He said, trying not to laugh, "And an other one, and an other one." He added.
"Well for this place being in New Zealand I've never met anyone else from here," she said quietly.

As they moved onto the subject of moving clouds and Thomas couldn't find shapes into it she giggled. "Use your imagination Thomas!" And she had thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be creative as well as smart. She studied them for a bit and said, "Look right there," her hand shot up to point again, "there's a whale! And right above it...a heart if you tilt your head to the side," she said as she tilted her own head. She must've looked silly but what was the harm in being young and carefree when you were eleven.
"Well have you met many people yet?" Thomas asked questioningly, there was bound to be some more people from New Zealand, why else would a Wizarding school be set up, where no wizards lived.

Thomas laughed, "I may be a Ravenclaw, so yes I'm smartish, but I'm not creative." He said shaking his head, remembering his hopeless attempts at art when he was younger. Thomas continued to look at the sky and tried harder to find a few shapes, other than blobs.

Thomas looked up at the part of the sky where Wendy was pointing, this time he was able to see the shapes a bit easier than the last time. "OK, I think I can get the hang of it now." He said, putting his head back now where it was a moment ago.

After a few more clouds moved through the sky Thomas finally saw something other than a blob or line, pointing his finger to the sky he turned to Wendy and said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that one looks like a bird in flight."

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