Closed At Long Last, My Love

Rosie Archer

kind; soon to be new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had been waiting for this for months. She had loved her time at Hogwarts, but being pregnant and away from the father of her child and therefore her boyfrend had been hard. She loved him deeply and dearly and knew that having him with her in this step in their life journey would be preferably. She knew that he hadn't really missed that much, but it was still something. The baby moved and wouldn't know his voice as much. She was much more visibly pregnant when they'd last been able to spend time together, and was wearing clothes that made the bump a little more obvious, she'd been doing careful in school to hide it a little. But the train had just pulled in and Rosie left her things with Aurora. She had spotted Xinyi and was off the train first and rushing to him as quickly as she really should. "Xinyi!"
Xinyi had been on edge all day- Rosie's favorite meal was waiting for her at their new apartment, the nursery was ready, everything was in place. Now, he just needed to go pick her up. Seeing her at the graduation had been good, but he was ready for the seperation to be over. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, hands shoved deep into his pockets. He watched the train come in and his eyes were immediately scanning windows, eager to see his girlfriend, but before he could spot her he heard her voice. He turned, a bright smile on his face. "Rosie!" He called out, hurrying over. He wanted to sweep her up and hold her tightly, but he was cautious of the baby, so he stopped just in front of her and held open his arms, giving her the freedom to decide how she wanted to continue.
Rosie immediately jumped into his arms, as much as she could given that she was still being mindful of her bump. She went to throw her arms around him and went in to kiss him. "I missed you so much," Rosie told him easily. She was so glad to be back, back with him. She was out of school and could move in with him. "We missed you," she added quietly.
Xinyi sighed happily, resting his cheek on her hair, wrapping his arms gently around her. "I missed you, too," He shifted a hand to rest on her stomach, kissing her temple. "How are you? How are you feeling? Shall we sit?" He asked, ready to led her to the nearest bench. "I can rub your feet?"
Rosie smiled, leaning into his touch, into the kisses he was giving her. She gave a little laugh at what he was saying. "I'm okay, I slept most of the train ride," she said to him. Though, she began moving towards the bench even if she knew she wouldn't necessarily need it. "We can just sit for a moment, while most others get out and Aurora said she'd grab my trunk, then we can head home right?" she said softly.
Xinyi followed Rosie, hand hovering over her lower back. "Of course we can," He promised. "You'll love it." He couldn't wait to show her the home he'd set up for them. "How are you feeling? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Feeling sick?" He reached for the bag on his shoulder. "I brought stuff, snacks, water, medicine,"
Rosie felt very cared for and loved as Xinyi spoke, but as he did, their baby, moved, it kicked its little feet. She went to take Xinyi's hand and went to place it right over where the baby was kicking so that he would feel it. "Baby knows daddy is here," she said softly. She knew that she had been sick, that being pregnant was not fun, but she also knew that Xinyi just needed a moment like this, so that he could feel a little more at ease.

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