At least I'm trying

After complaining to Juliette, Valentine walk away from the common room, entering his room and slammed the door as hard as he could. He jumped onto his bed and bury himself with the pillows and blanket. After a while, he was drifted to sleep. But then, a roommate of his came and start making a loud noise. Of course the boy was awaken by the noise, and obviously he was mad. First was the argument with his sister and second the noise. He sat up and walked out of the room still in his uniform. He had no interest in changing so soon anyway. Class wasn't over, so why change?

Valentine couldn't spot anyone in the common room, he then decided to get out of it. He slung his bag and walk out of the common room, to the long corridors. The day was nice, the weather was perfect, it was pretty chilly just the way he liked it. Now, the corridor was a jungle, students began walking everywhere, anywhere passing him as if he didn't exist. He rolled his eyes and walk to the garden and spotted an empty bench. Quickly, he ran toward it and lay himself on it and shut his eyes.
Mizelea's last subject ended which made her smile, after a long day of school she could finally relax. Though she was unsure where to go, she hesitated to hcnage clothes as it was still early. The fact that her roommate was out of the town for a few days made her feel quite lonely. Walking along the hallways as she was holding her empty notebook, she decided to go somewhere quite. She needed some rest after all. The weather was just right, windy yet calming for her.While exploring the campus,Mizelea began to notice how friendly all the students seemed.

Everywhere she'd gone there were students chatting, laughing, and generally acting like the best of friends. She felt a pang for her friends back home and at Texas, but she was here now and all she could do was make the best of it.Mizelea was anything but better at the moment. She then noticed an empty bench, she took the opportunity to stay there but to her dismay a boy was faster than her. Still she insisted and wonder if she could join the boy. "Excuse me Mr. but can we share the bench together?" she asked him hoping her question was polite. The boy was now rather sleeping still she wanted that place and that very bench.
Valentine shut his eyes and was drifted to sleep, after a while, a girl came by and woke him up. `What the hell?` He thought and opened his eyes looking at the girl who wanted to share the bench. "What about that bench over there?" He pointed at the bench a few meters away from him with his sleepy voice as he yawned, covering his eyes from the sun ray. He was there first and he had the right to sat on it or sleep or even stand on it whenever he wanted. It was him who got the place first anyway.
The boy was folly rude, she just wanted to meet a new stranger was that too much to ask. "Well, I have chosen this one and I do want to stick to it." she said as polite as she can. Mizelea didn't wanted to seat anywhere for she had set her eyes on the bench since a few minutes has past. She stood there waiting for the guy to move over and if ever he would yell, she was ready for it. There was nothing that can make Mizelea sad or anything. There was something about her energy that kept her ruining her mood.
Was she deaf?! Valentine thought, `why does she have to be a rock headed?!`. These questions were in his head as he shut his eyes and turned to the other direction. `Who the hell is she trying to boss me around?` He covered his eyes still lying on the bench. "No, I got this bench first, you move missy" He said not looking at her, yes he was rude but so was she. It seemed that both were as hard as rocks, they both wanted the same place the difference was, Valentine got it first not the girl.
"Fine." she hissed as she decided to stay. Mizelea bended her knees and got to the groun next to the bench, she eventually sat there as he ignored that the boy was still there. "Who needs a bench anyway." she thought to herself as she could feel a light breeze passing by her shoulder. In a from of Indian seat she waited for the clouds to cover the sun until she decided to lay down. The grass was firm and dry, it wasn't at all dirty. Placing her right as a pillow while she stared at the sky waiting for her imagination work.
Actually, Valentine was quite surprised that the girl didn't hex him, well after all this was Beauxbaton not Durmstrang. Students had different way of thinking in those two schools. Valentine then sat up and gave a girl a are-you-kidding-me-look and grabbed the girl by the arm forcefully, making her stand and made her sat on the bench. "Sit" Obviously he was being a jerk and the girl had the right to be mad at him. "We can share" He shut his eyes and lean back to the bench.
As she was staring at the sky Mizelea felt someone grabbing her arm, it quite painful. She then turned her head and was surprised to see that the boy made her stand.Mizelea had no choice but to sit and wonder why the boy had done that. "You're not that bad after all." she said as she stared blankly at the couple snuggling meters away from them. After a minute she then decided to once again stared up to the sky while leaning her head. Mizelea's hands were together. "Er, Thanks." she said to the boy not bothering to look at him.
Valentine opened his eyes widely as she looked at the girl and smirked. How can someone be that nice? Even his sister will kill him if he did that to her. "You're not mad?" He looked at her as if she was an odd creature. Of course he thought she was odd, a lot of girls were mad because he had been acting like an @ss all these time. But again, she might be yelling at him a minute from now. "I mean yelling at me and stuff" He said adding a little more.
Mizelea then decided to glance at the boy, he was staring at her in weird manner. This didn't distured her at all, after all she was used to people being judgmental about her. "Should I be?" she said to him giggling. Mad wasn't her style, she was raised to be jolly person. After all she was also used to guy acting like a total jack-ass. "I don't do yelling or anything violent." she answered him laughing. Mizelea's smile took over as she was seated to the who seems to be a good person after all.Hopefully she was right.
What was worse was that the girl giggled, how could she? Valentine had never met such a person, mostly they would either attack him verbally here in Beauxbaton or cried and ran or physically back in Durmstrang. "Hmph" He looked at the girl and then back to the sky and smiled. Wait what? Smiled? Yes, the boy smiled. "I'm Valentine sorry about what I did earlier" He finally apologize, it seemed that the girl knew his weakness. Valentine would be worse, much worse than what he did if the girl was acting the contrast of what she was now.
Mizelea's smile is irresistible. "Valentine, weird name and when I say weird I mean it's cool." she exclaimed with excitement. She never expected to meet a new staranger around the school, she obviously needed one right now. "I'm Mizelea you can me Mizzy, Zel, Leah, Mizel and anything related to my name perhaps?" she introduced herself to the boy just like to everyone else. It was her usual thing to blurt out her nicknames to the people she just newly met. Some people couldn't pronounce her name correctly that she decided to create some nicknames for herself.
Valentine chuckle when the girl said that his name was odd, of course he dislike his own name but he couldn't do anything about it. "I know, I don't even know why my mother name me Valentine" He said feeling tired and yawned. The girl had an usual name as well, he had never had a friend named Mizelea before. "I'll go with Mizzy" He picked one of it, he would start calling her that. "No brother? Sister? In this school?" Wondering if her brother or sister was a friend of his, since they were in the same school.
"Still I thanks it's great." she said to him in mild tone as she was back staring at the sky. She heard Valentine choose a nickname, she smiled. The was sun was still shining, Mizlea could feel the heat through her face which was quite amazing. She loved the sun it reminds her Texas and their barn and all. Nope, I'm the only one here" she answered as she was still looking up, from the looks of it Mizelea was somehow sun bathing or anything near to that. "How about you? Any siblings?" she asked as she then turn her head to him, seemingly staring at the boys face.
Valentine was a little upset that she turned out to not have any siblings who was currently enrolling in the same school. "Yeah, a twin sister, Juliette. I think she's been here since the first year. Well I was transferred from Durmstrang so people should know her more than me" Valentine shrugged, he was always caught fighting with her. Mostly arguing about nonsense but he never hurt her. She was the only one that he never lay his hand on, he loved her too much.
"Twin sister?Are you two Identical?" she asked him with amazement. There were only a few people she knew who had a twin sibling. She always want one but she was left with separate siblings. Just like Mizelea her sister was bubbly and friendly, a perfect daughter to describe. Ximena was always on the top of her class, gorgeous and lots of guys wants her. Still Mizelea would still shine out as she is here studying in a prestigious magic school unlike her sister who's in a muggle school somewhere in Texas. "I see." she said to him to place a reaction on his words.
Valentine looked at Mizzy as he rose his eyebrow "That's a she so we don't really look a hundred percent alike" He said flatly as if he wasn't interested in talking about Juliette. He hadn't seen her for a while and he had missed her. "You have no idea who she is huh?" Probably Juliette wasn't popular around the school, or probably it was Mizzy who wasn't popular. "Where are you from by the way?" He asked trying to figure out her heritage.
The boy seems to be quite different, there was something in his aura that made Mizelea feel insulted or anything. "Guess, she's not that popular." she said as her smile changed into a straight face. "I'm from Dallas, Texas" she said to him, answering his question. Mizelea was born and raised there but she had some Latina blood in her which wasn't obvious to some. Staring once again the sky she hoped the boy wouldn't be boring or a waste of time.
Valentine scoffed as he listened to the statement that was given by Mizelea. He didn't care if she would want to think about Juliette that way, it was her life anyway not his. "Probably" Was all that he could say, he didn't know what was going on around the school anyway. He spent his days in his room sleeping all by himself. "I'm gonna go eat, do you wanna come?" He asked trying to involve someone in an activity of his which was rare and odd.
Mizelea sat there as her smile was fading, she hear Valentine talk. He was asking her if she'd like to come join him to eat. Mizelea could quite feel her stomach grumbling. After all the she haven't eaten any breakfast that day, she was too busy reviewing her notes that she forgot to eat something. "Sure." she said with a grin painted on her face. Mizelea wasn't a fun of the cafeteria at all, at times she would go out of the school just to eat.
There weren't so many bullies in the school, Valentine was one of them tho. As he stood up, he saw a younger students, he grabbed him by the collar, commanding him to carry his bag and the younger student did exactly like what he said. Of course he didn't do that to impress the girl, definitely no, but he didn't feel like carrying his own thing. "Can you believe this school? They dont even teach dark arts here, and I'm not even sure why I'm here" He complained as they enter the hall. He sat on the seat and took the bag of his from the boy, pushing him to the side and grabbed whatever was in front of him and place it on his plate.
It was the first or maybe second time that Mizelea was going to eat some cafeteria food. As she followed Valentine she saw him bully a younger student. She felt quite disappointed still she ignored them both and walked straight to the table nearby. "Yeah, So Why are you here?" she said to him sarcastically followed by a giggle. Mizelea wasn't a fan of Dark Arts and that is why she decided to go to Beauxbatons rather than Dumstrang. As for Hogwarts New Zealand, she wasn't a fan of the whole sorting stuff and it was quite far away from home. A few years ago, Mizelea also decided to enroll at Hogwarts Scotland. She was even practicing her accent, too bad her parents already made their decision.
Students began to come and eat, Valentine was quite disappointed that he had to be with those people. "I don't even know why I'm here" Honestly he had no idea why he was there, all he remember was that his mother telling him about going to Beauxbaton so he could be with his sister, but after he got himself into the school, he didn't even spend much time with her. "I'm leaving this place soon, hopefully." He said flatly as he ate the salad, he hated the food as well. "What year are you in?" He asked without looking at her but to the food. He was so sick of his diet. He wanted to eat more than these, hopefully he got himself out of this school in no time.
Mizelea had no interest with Cafeteria food that she decided to munch on some salad and mixed fruits. She then wondered how she felt about being a vegan. After all she loved animals and had no intention on harming them. It made her a felt a hand punching into her stomach as she could felt that something was wrong with the smell of meat around them. Still she shaked her head and glanced back at Valentine who was busy talking. "Why leave? Is Beauxbaton that bad for you?" she asked him with amusement as she raised her left eyebrow toward him. When she hear the boy asking her year was he swallowed the apple apple she was munching on. "Third Year, is that bad?" she said as if she was a witness from a murder crime. Some part of her hated the fact that she would hang-out with older students still she loved having friends around.
Valentine started chewing on the food of his, it tasted odd and awful, yes he hated it with all his heart. "Bl00dy h3ll" He pushed the plate away from him. He wanted something more, vegetables tasted wierd, he didn't like greens. "It's boring here, life's so monotone. Back in Durmstrang you get to fight or at least I get to fight with different students everyday" It was true, he did beat up a boy just because he wasn't feeling so happy but here in Beauxbaton, they were all so nice and cheery and he didn't want those kind of people. "No, I was just asking" He said flatly as he looked at Mizelea as if he had no interest in her.

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