Closed Art Blocked

Blanche Broomhead

younger twin 🎨 weird artist 🧹broomhead heiress🧹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Pansexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
9/2044 (19)
Even after two years, there was only one place Blanche really felt at home at Hogwarts. She had come to terms with the fact that life seemed determined to pry her away from her twin at every opportunity, but it still made the school feel like an unwelcoming place most of the time, a first impression that was hard to shake. The arts room, though... that was the exception. A place she could be herself and make whatever she wanted... that was precious. She was holed up in the room as usual, settled in front of a large canvas and playing with the idea of what to do. She had been experimenting with just splashing paint on the canvas recently, taking inspiration from Jackson Pollock, but she felt like a change of pace today.
If there was one thing that Senna was certain she wanted to do before graduating it was knowing the entire school like the back of her hand. Every nook and every cranny. Finding all the good spots others weren't determined enough to find. There was no giving up. Even so, she knew she had to start with the well known spots if she was ever going to achieve it. Rooms she hadn't even visited yet in the two years that she had been here. Like the trophy room or the arts room. Today, she had decided on visiting the latter. Senna was far from creative and didn't feel like she belonged in the room but she had to at least have seen it if she was going to cross it off her list. "Hello-o!" She greeted in a singsongy tone when she threw open the door to the room and noticed someone else there as well, taking a second to realize it was one of her classmates. "Oh, Blanche, hey! Are you painting? What are you painting? That canvas looks huge. Do you do this a lot?" She rambled as she skipped over to where the other girl was situated in front of a large canvas, curiousity immediately piqued.
Blanche's search for inspiration was disrupted by the sound of a classmate's voice and she looked over, spotting Senna as she came closer. "Uh... yeah." She said uncertainly, trying to pull her thoughts away from the canvas and onto socialising. "I was just trying to figure out what to paint." She added, figuring that if nothing else the Gryffindor might give her some ideas. "Don't really have any specific ideas today."

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