Arranged Fate

Clemence Cade

Active Member
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Never in her life had Clemence thought about being stuck in an arranged marriage. Sure that her parents were traditional but this was something else, what kind of man did they had in mind? And worse, he was a Cade. The girl was in love with a Cade, Ezra Cade. The feeling was vivid, a feeling that she had never felt before. All these news bombarded her mind that she couldn't sleep for several nights. The eighteen years old knocked on the manor of Anthony Cade, a house elf quickly rushed toward the door and lead her to the living room. The manor was huge, decorated with chandelier and golden statues. What had Anthony said to her parents that Clemence was forced to marry this man. He was much older than her and this scared the young lady. Clemence sat on the sofa as she waited for Anthony to come. Not too long, she heard footsteps echoing from one end to the other. She stood up and fixed her white colored dress, making sure that no unintentional wrinkle could be seen.
When the Huberta's first approached him with the idea he had thought they were crazy and he was definitely against it. Cade's didn't do arranged marriages, at least none that he'd known of. Of course there were worst things than having a hot young wife and the more he thought about it the more he saw the benefits. So he at least agreed to meet the girl, but in his eyes nothing was officially yet. Anthony made his way down the stairs to the foyer of the manor when he heard his house elf answer the door. The manor was still alien to Anthony, since his father left it to him he decided to move to it permanently but it hadn't been lived in since the Cade family based itself in New Zealand over a century ago.

Once he heard the house elf lesd his guest into the parlour Anthony followed. Rather than address the girl he headed straight for the drinks cabinet and poured two glasses of clear muggle alcohol, the only thing Anthony ever indulged in from the muggle world. Taking a seat on the couch he placed one glass in front of the girl and sipped the other. "Clemence I assume," He smirked as he took in the sight of her. She would do nicely.
Clemence's heart pounded so fast that she could barely breathe, but of course she concealed all her nervous feeling. She took a seat once Anthony sat on the couch. She eyed the glass in front of her and quickly looked at Anthony in the eyes with her hands well placed on her lap, with her body sitting straight not touching the hand rest, not even close to it. "Yes sir" she addressed formally to the older man. She must admit that the Cade were all good looking but her heart was with Ezra no matter how sturdy and handsome the man in front of her was. "May I ask for an orange juice instead, I- I don't d- drink" she neevously lied. Clemence didn't want Anthony to like her, she didn't want to be in the arranged marriage. It was Ezra that she wanted to be with, he was the only one who had stolen her heart. "Papa refuse to tell me about the deal that he had with you, hence I am here to feed my curiosity hoping to know what is currently happening" Clemence was frustrated, her parents wont tell her what was happening. "I apologize in advance if I make the impression of being inappropriate but I am truly grateful for your precious time that you're wasting to meet me" her breath was deeper and slower, she was scared. True that she had been with older men but she didn't expect to end up with one, especially one that she knew nothing aboutl
Anthony watched with some amusement as the girl nervously took a seat on the couch and went onto decline the drink in front of her, instead asking for something softer. Anthony flashed his most charming smile at the her, hoping to make her comfortable. "Clemence, drink, this is an awkward enough situation, drink it and relax so we can talk," He smiled sipping from his own glass. It seemed Clemence didn't know much about their arrangement. It figured her gutless father left it to him to fill her in on the details. "When you graduate we will marr, you will move in to this house with me and you will never want for anything for the rest of your life," Anthony kept his eyes locked on her as he sipped from his drink. "You will have your every need catered for here, what more could you possibly want from a marriage?"
Clemence took the clear glass in front of her and took a tiny little sip on it before putting it on her laps. "Thank you" she gestured on the drink making sure that he knew that she appreciated the drink. Her face reflected her feeling of being surprised when she knew that she was going to have to marry the man next to her a year from now. She gulped on her drink instead of sipping it little by little. At this point she didn't care if she wasn't as proper as what her mother would expect her to be. "Oh but Anthony you deserve someone who can take care of you well. I do not worth to be a wife of yours, not even as a lover" she placed a hand on his laps and lied, she was just making excuses to break the arrangement. She then took another sip of her drink and placed both hands on the clear glass. "What should I tell Ezra? she looked at the man with frustration reflected in her eyes. She wanted him to know that she was in relationship with his nephew, perhaps he would just let her be with him and find another woman for him if he knew about Clemnce and Ezra.
Anthony dranked as he listened to Clemence rattle off excuses as to why they couldn't marry, each more ridiculous than the last. When his glass was empty he calldd his house elf for a refill, all while not breaking eye contact with Clemence. "Oh my dear you are no child, you are of age now, and will be older still when you graduate, but don't worry, I'm sure you are more than skilled enough to satisfy as my wife," He smirked, he wasn't referring to any of her domestic talents of course. Anthony was a little surprised when she mentioned Ezra. Of course they were a similar age, had people in common and Ezra was known was a heartbreaker so it was no surprise he would make his way to Clemence. "That's cute, tell him nothing, I will allow you to keep seeing him, for now. But once we marry I expect you to be faithful, and in return I promise the same,""
Clemence had never been so speechless before, she had no idea what to say. Anthony was persistent and he wasn't going to give up. There must be a way, there should be a way. "But... You don't know me, you don't know how incapable I am. I'm afraid that I may upset you and I do not wish for that to happen" there must be a way, there should be. Clemence was at the edge of giving up, she had no idea how to make him dislike her. He was no child, he knew how to play the game and Clemence is a new player. "I promise" she lied and finished her whole drink, her mother would've brought her outside and probably slapped her for doing such thing but she wasn't here. The alcohol was affecting her, she felt much more relaxed to the point of being tired. She hadn't been sleeping well for the last three days. "I'll sort things out" a sweet fake smile was plastered on her face.
The more Clemence protested the more Anthony wondered if she was being genuine. The girl in front of him didn't sound like the Clemence he knew of. Shy was not a word he had heard used to describe her, which made her behaviour all the more curious. "It's ok Clemence, everything will be ok," He smiled at her and summoned his house elf to refil her drink, ignorijg her protest. "I'm sorry your parents made this deal without consulting you but its done, I promise yo try and make this as easy as possible, that's my promise," Anthony smiled and placed his hand gently on her thigh.
Everything will be okay? It's not okay and it will never be. She had never been in love before and is now in love how can anything be okay if she is ti be destined with someone who she knew nothing about? "You're very kind" she was screaming in this inside, she wanted to burn her manor down to show her parents how frustrated she was. Suddenly his hand were on her laps, she wanted to fix her skirt because it was so short. But she dared not to, she didn't want to offend the kind man. In a way she was relieved to see how sweet and gentle Anthony was but she was a teenager, her rebellious spirit was raging inside of her. For once in her life Clemence didn't know what to do when a charming man had his hand on her thigh. If he was someone else then she would've sat closer to him but he was Anthony Cade, her future husband. Clemence looked down to Anthony's hand as her eyes slowly went back up to see his eyes. She knew what he wanted. "But Ezra" her voice went deep.
Anthony wanted to do what he could to reassure the girl that she would he safe with him but he knew she was still getting used to the idea. An arranged marriage felt strange to him but for Clemence, she was seventeen and entering her final year of school. It must have felt like her life was ending before it began. But she would be taken care of with him, it was the only thing he was sure of. With one hand on her thigh, inches from the hem of her short skirt, Anthony used his other hand to put down his glass and put hers on the table. "Forget Ezra, you're mine," He whispered and moved closer to her and leaned forward to kiss her.
Clemence took another large sip on her beverage and placed it on her laps near where Anthony's hand was. She felt his hand taking her glass away and next was his soft lips on hers. Her teen hormone started to rush as she felt strange things in her. Part of her wanted to stop as Ezra's face popped up in her mind, but she didn't want to offend him. But part of her wanted to continue on her lust toward the older man. Clemence decided to just go with it, she thought it would be for the better. Her parents weren't going to be happy if she disagree with the arrangement and she was afraid of making her future husband angry. "I'm yours" she pulled him into a more aggressive kiss as her hand began to brush on his blonde hair. "Dear Merlin" she stopped after realizing that she was sitting on his laps, facing him. Clemence fixed her skirt and attempted to roll back to the couch but Anthony's hand was too strong and she didn't want to give the impression that she disliked him. Now why did she choose to wear this dress?
Clemence surprised Anthony by the way she reacted to him. He had expected her to be timid, maybe kiss him back gently but the aggression she showed when kissing back and her telling him she was his, maybe she was more onboard than he thought. One thing led to another and Clemence was on his lap, she stopped the kiss and Anthony looked up at her and without a word pulled her dress off over her head and tossed it to the floor and kissed her again. Anthony was so engrossed in his kiss with Clemence that he didn't hear his house elf answer the door. He didn't realise he has company until there was a crash as a vase hit the floor. Anthony broke the kiss and looked over Clemence's shoulder to see the visitor. It was Ezra Cade.
Clemence pressed her body on Anthony's as she roughly brushed her hair on his hair and pulled a grasp of it. Her fingers slowly rolled down his neck and started to unbutton his shirt. A loud sound of a broken glass was heard by the two of them that were full of lust. Clemence quickly glanced to see who it was and her jaw dropped when she saw no one but Ezra Cade. "Ezra" her eyes widen out. She looked back to Anthony and quickly took her dress and wore it before Ezra walked away. And before she knew it, the man she loved looked the other way and slowly made his way away from Clemence and Anthony. She quickly wore her heels and walked away from Anthony until she saw her arms being held by him. She looked back to see what is it that he wanted. He said that he wont stop her from seeing Ezra, what is this all about?

Godmode approved
As soon as Clemence clocked Ezra she was off him quicket than he could blink, desperately putting on her dress and heels in an attempt to go after him. Once Ezra left and just as Clemence was about to walk out Anthony held out his hand and grabbed her by the arm. "Let him go," He said softly. Anthony knew his nephew well. He would be hurt, if there relationship was more than Ezra's usual conquests. He would lash out and say things tha would hurt Clemence and he didn't want that. "Let him cool off before you talk to him, it'll just make things worse," Using the grip he had on her he pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry he had to find out this way," He whispered to her.
Anthony was right, she should've just let him go and clear his mind. Clemence wanted to explain, she knew that Ezra would play it cool as they had agreed in keeping their relationship open. But Anthony was his uncle and this would be something else. When Anthony held her into his arms, Clemence started to sob. She had never cried in front of any of the men that she dated before, not even her parents. But Ezra meant a lot to her and she was scared, scared of losing him. She knew that eventually she would have to let him go, but she thought that perhaps they could do something about it, run away? Or talk to her parents and made a new agreement? "What should I do?" she quietly cried. She looked at Anthony in the eyes and grabbed him by his shirt "Promise me, promise me that you'll love. Don't you dare hurt me" she forcefully pulled his shirt toward her and shook him. "Ezra and I are very much in love, a feeling that have never been there before. We've never believed in it but we do now." her eyes were filled with tears, and her sight began to be blurry. "If I have to let Ezra go. Don't you dare Anthony, don't you dare treat me like other men. For I am very much like any ordinary woman though I may not show it but you will have to learn to read my emotion" she shook the man once more.
Anthony could only stand still as Clemence buried her face in his chest and sobbed. He felt for her, he really did but there was nothing he could do now. Their marriage was arranged, there was no backing out. He remained quiet when she asked what she should do. Anthony had no advice for but when she demanded that he treat her right, that he love her and not be like other men. Anthony felt able to respond. "I promise," He whispered as he stroked her hair. "I will love you and take care of you i promise you," He placed his fingers under her chin so she was lookibg up at him. "I promise, i will make you happy," He added and kissed her lips softly.
Clemence's heart was crushed, never in her life had she ever been so afraid of losing someone. The thought of seeing Ezra with someone else now scared her, what if he avoided her? She couldn't help but to sob any longer "Why me? Why did you choose me?" she couldn't help it. She had concealed her honest feelings and she just purged everything that was in her heart. "I love him" her body became weak when Anthony planted a kiss on her cheek. She slowly fell down on her knees "I can't believe that this is happening" her hands were now covering her face. At this point she didn't care if she was offending Anthony. "Why me? she whispered to herself, her voice was so little that Anthony might not be able to hear it.
Had he known the pain it would cause Anthony may not have agreed to the arranged marriage. But he was in now and like or not Clemence would have to make the best if it. "I'm noyt sure if this helps, but your parents asked me, they wanted a good match and you're young and beautiful, why would I say no?" He asked not sure what else to say. Anthony had no idea she was with someone. "Ezra will be ok, you know what he's like with his feelings," It probably wasn't the most comforting thing to say but he needed to get it in her head Ezra would probably be over her in a couple of weeks. When she sunk to her knees he sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug.
Clemence quickly looked up to Anthony when she heard that her parents were the one who gave her to a Cade. "M- m- my mama and p-p- papa?" she felt so betrayed, they were never in any arranged marriage. None of her siblings were in any of the arranged marriage, how could she be in one? Why can't it be Liesl or Hayley? Out of all her siblings who were less obedient, why her? "I'll let him go" she hugged Anthony closely and pulled him into a kiss so gentle that he could feel her trust in the affectionate gesture.
The betrayal in Clemence's voice was awful to hear. It must feel like she had been sold to the highest bidder. "I'm sorry? I can't imagine how you're feeling right now," He said hugging her tighter. Anthony was surprised when Clemence told him she would let Ezra go. He expected her to keep fighting to stay with the man she loved. The gentle kiss was a nice touch, Anthony kissed her back gently at first but quickly deepened, wondering if he would be able to reawaken the lust she had showed just before Ezra showed up. Hopefully he wasn't pushing her too much.
There was this feeling that Clemence had never had before. She assumed that her parents knew what was best that she had to end up with this man. She trusted him, a feeling that she had never experienced before, this way new. Completely new, and this vivid feeling was odd to her. "Don't you dare Anthony Cade" she held him by the shirt roughly and pulled him closer to her as she continued kissing. "Don't you dare leave me" she said between her kiss as her lips made it's way to Anthony's lower neck, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. She was going to use this opportunity to forget about Ezra. Her lips slowly went down as she forcefully ripped his shirt off him. She didn't care if it was expensive, he lived in a manor and he should be able to purchase a new one. Clemence pulled him by his waist close to her so that he was on top of her.


Clemence lied by his side, resting her head on his chest and felt his heartbeat that was beating fast. Perhaps Anthony wasn't as scary as she thought, perhaps she could let go of Ezra. But how could she not love Ezra? He was her first love. Clemence looked up to Anthony and planted a kiss on his cheek gently.
Anthony was enjoying the side of Clemence he was seeing as she forced him on top of her. She gave him a couple of warnings that he wasn't to hurt her of leave her. "I'm not going anywhere," He assured her between her aggressive kisses. She tore off his shirt and threw it to the side, he had plenty more and in the moment he couldn't care less what condition his shirt was. He was too focused on his future wife.

Anthony had one arm behind his head and one firmly holding Clemence against his chest. Maybe she was coming roubd to the idea of being married to him after all. What they shared had been amazing and a lifetime of that sounded pretty good. One thing he knew was unfair was that Clemence had no say in the arrangement so he wanted to give her some control and give her the chance to accept his marriage proposal. "Clemence, will you marry me?" He asked kissing her forehead.
Clemence couldn't believe what she had accomplished with Anthony when it was just her first time meeting him. Perhaps part of her trusted her parents so much that she started to trust the man that they chose. Though she had no other choice in marrying this man, Clemence was quite surprised to hear the question coming out of Anthony's mouth. She wanted to answer him sarcastically but she wasn't that kind of person. "What stone might you have for me to say yes to your question?" she rolled to her side as she rested her chin on her arms. The upper part of her body was lying comfortably on Anthony's chest, she looked at him and looked to see his facial expression. She was trying as hard as she could to stop Ezra's face from popping up in her mind, it was hard, it was h3ll but there was nothing that she could do.
Anthony couldn't believe how his first meeting with Clemence had gone. She had been against their engagement at first as he had expected, but things between them had escalated so fast he soon found himself in bed with her. He laughed at her response to his proposal and remember he actually was prepared for the question. He managed to reach over to the bedside table and grabbed the ring box, "How about this," Anthony said opening the box and revealing the pink diamond ring inside, he wasn't sure if she would like it or not but it was one of many family heirlooms.
Clemence looked up to see the ring, judging from the design of it, it wasn't a new ring. "Was this your mama's?" she had no idea who was still living and who was deceased. The ring was beautiful and antique, she gently touched it and looked at Anthony in the eye "May I?" she asked his permission to see the gem. Her feelings were all mixed up, she dared not to obey her parents or Anthony but she didn't want to lose Ezra for he was the only person that she had ever loved. "How do I tell Ezra about this?" she whispered as her voice began to shiver "he had never loved anyone but me, I... How can I not hurt him?" Clemence was in fear to lose the man she loved.

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