Are You Like Your Character??


* Both like to read
*Both have a hard time making friends
*Both are jumpy about certain topics that make us weird


*He's a guy, I'm a girl
*He's deformed, I'm just plain
*He was born way late, I was born way early

Best I can think of at the moment

- Both have trouble being social
- Both have an older brother
- Both have a scar on the right hand side of their face
- Both like snakes and wolves
- Both have a curiosity with dark magic
- Both are pale


- Larissa turns her back on muggles
- Larissa has blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm naturally brown with hazel eyes
- Larissa is next to fearless, I am next to a gun labelled 'Use to kill sea serpants'
- Larissa loves people for their looks and blood type rather than personality
- Larissa is an EXTREME trouble maker, I'm just a trouble maker :D
- Larissa's parents are together, mine aren't

~Both Shy
~Both Tanned
~Both a kind hearted and care bout others
~Both put people first
~Both go for a guys personality and not looks
~Both come from New Zealand
~Both live in Taranaki.... :cool:
~Both love to read
~Both love music and love to sing


~She's 11, I'm 18
~I have both Parents and an older sister
~I'm not a witch
~She has long black hair, I have short, dyed, black and purple hair
~She's skinny, I am not
~She has green eyes, I have blue
~She's more of a girl than me
~I love sports, she doesn't
~She can play piano, I can't
~She is very tidy, I am very messy
~She likes birds, I like cats

((At first I only had one

Both reeeeeeeeelly pale
Both have brown hair
Both wear purple glasses
Both love rats/mice
Both love cats
Both have been attacked by a dog
Both hate out curly hair
Both rather blunt about things
Both unnaturally short (She's 4"8, I'm 4"11)
Both our names start with the letter 'A'
Both were born in NZ (she lives in England now though)
Both love reading
Both shy and awkward. :)
Both sing to much, and it tends to annoy people
Both dance whenever we hear music (sad but true)
Same age (She's 11, I'm 12)
Our bedrooms are both in attics :)
We both hate our siblings most of the time.
Both born early
Both love being in forests....
Both love wearing wigs
Both totally and utterly essentric and random!


My parents are not traveling artists
I do not speak French, Spanish or any other language. (I'm learning Spanish now though :p)
I do not have a sister named Stardust
I do not have an aunt called Evangeline
My middle name is not Evangeline (my mother hates that name :()
She doesn't have a brother (I envy her!)
My house is not two stories, only one and the attic.~

All I can think of now, I'll probably add more later =)
Well Why not do this for me too! :D

-Both 15 (currently)
-We can both be quiet at times
-We both love to pull pranks
-Both Green-eyed
-Neither of us get jealous easily

-She's tall, (5'7) I'm short(5'2?)
-I'm definitely more of a spaz.
-She's more rational
-She's magical. :mad:
-My Mom's not dead. :D
-I have siblings
-Zoe's rude to the little kids.
-She's more sarcastic and blunt.

- We both have brown eyes
- We are both kinda shy
- We're both not tall
- We're nice after you know us :D
- We both slack
- We both live at school

- She is 12, I am 20
- Her parents are muggles, my family is magical
- I would never be placed in Gryffindor
- I have no siblings and my parents are not divorced
- She speaks French better than I can
- She is from Switzerland, I have only flown over the country (In a low flying plane, of course ;) )

- Both have the same hair cut.
- We've grown up alot in two years.
- Like long relationships (General relations, Ie. friends.)


-Pez is loud, I'm not most of the time.
-Pez likes few people, I do too, but I also enjoy crowds.
-Pez can be very mean, I'm generally not.


- Both have very little balance.
- Rosalie is smart, I'm generally pretty smart.
- Rose likes having close friends, as do I.
- Pretty much I based Rose of of myself, there are differences though.


- Rose is terrified easily, I am rarely.
- She is not very good at making friends, i can sort of.
Aeon :D


- We both hate spiders.
- We both fight with our siblings and cousins
- We both have blonde hair and blue eyes..Oh, But then again that's mainly because my character looks exactly like me.
- We are both easily angered
- We are both childish
- We both like reading

- The only differences is that Aeon goes to a school full of wizards..I go to a normal school, and some of Aeon's talents on here I don't have in real life.

That's all I can think of atm ^_^
Kagyou was actually shaped after me, so we probably have a LOT of similarities.

- My name IS Wu Xiang Ning. (Yes, I'm chinese.)
- Parent's name.. are.. more or less similar.
- Grandparents from dad's side is deceased, yes.
- Yes, I dislike my father.
- Yes, I was dote upon by my grandparents.
- Yes, my father has 2 other brothers.
- Yes, my parents are divorced.
- Yes, we both have a better childhood than compared to -now life-
- Hate physicaly activities.
- Enjoy drawing/painting
- Enjoy playing the piano.
- Enjoys daydreaming
- Yes, we gives nicknames to everyone we're friends with.
- Yes, we have pets.
-We both are more or less weird.
- When we're pissed, we'd punch you.
-And yes, we both love feathers and bells.

-No, mommy did not run away.
-Kagyou didn't really respect her mother because she disappeared, but I love mommy. D: She saved me from depression!
- I play the english piano, Kagyou does the Chinese one.
- Kagyou has white hair, white eyes. I have black hair, black eyes.
- Kagyou does homework, I don't even go for class. :drat:
- I swear hellva more than her. :>
- Kagyou's petite, I'm average, k.
- I have Japanese curled hair, Kagyou has short hair.
Pheebz - Libby

- We both like reading
- We're both 5'6
- We both have a younger sibling
- We both are not afraid of heights
- We used to have the same best friend (Larissa/Beth)
- We both hate fish
- We both climb trees
- We both have a green hoodie (lol)

- In real life my eyes are not green but blue
- Libby can sing. I can't
- I'm not a witch
- I cannot play any instruments
- I'm very shy unlike Libby.
- Libby wears skirts
Hmm, Should be interesting,


- We're both brunnette.
- We're both shy when we don't know anyone byt bouncy when we do.
- We're both mad.
- We dress the same
- We both a have a cat called Dizzy.
- We both like long words :p


- She's magical (Lucky)
- She's adopted.
- She has blue eyes, I have brown.
- She runs in the mornings.
- She makes mostly male freinds, I have both.
Phoebe Carter, by Pheebz

- We are both called Phoebe Elizabeth Carter
- We both have blonde hair
- We are exactly the same height
- Nether of us are scared of heights
- We both love the company of one or two but not a crowd

- Phoebe (game) is slightly less shy than Phoebe (me)
- Phoebe is a witch
- Phoebe is 10 and i am not
Me and Artemis ^^

We’re quite alike, but there are a few differences.
All of my characters are based off a part of me, though.

- Art and I are both little
- We are both Ravenclaws (of that there is no doubt)
- We have the same colour hair (dark blonde to brownish)
- Adore animals and mythical creatures
- Are extremely protective of our families
- We are both very boisterous with friends and very shy with strangers
- Can be very naive
- Hate being called adorable or cute except by select people
- Love to climb trees
- Can sing quite nicely
- Like to rock out vintage clothes
- *Has a button nose

- Art has hazel eyes, I have green (the hazel comes from my sister)
- She loses her temper far faster than I do
- Art doesn’t hesitate to shout. I do.
- I handle pain much better than she does and don’t mind getting battered about
- I only have two sisters
- My parents are not divorced
- I can’t sew for sh!t xD
- ...yeah, I don’t have pointed ears.
- ...or ridiculous amounts of strength
- ...or a button nose
- ...okay so I have a button nose. –puts that up the top-*

Right well I can’t be bothered finishing this list so I’ll just edit it if I remember one more prominent.
Generally my characters are an exact mix of talents/characteristic that I do have and ones that I wish I had.
I'll do Luciano, because I'm more like him than any of my other characters, strangely.


We are both average-tall height
We both keep an unsmiling face unless spoken to
We are both quite good at concealing our emotions
We are both very independant
We both like hooded jerseys
We both like being on our own
We both like being in a place with heaps of people in a big crowd, and watching everyone silently
We both have a lean build, with some muscle, but not that noticable
We both value the ones we truly love
We both tend to crush on one person (I have liked the same person for three years :tut: )


He can be very sarcastic towards anyone, whereas I only feel comfortable using sarcasm around people I know very well
He is a Slytherin, I am more of a combitnation of the other three houses
He doesn't really worry about what others think of his, but I tend to obsess over it
I am generally friendly towards people, whereas he puts up a wall
His mother is not alive, mine is
His is a wizard
His hair is lighter than mine
He's a guy
He doesn't worry about pleasing others, and following the rules, whereas I do
This should be fun. :)


We both have an older brother.
We both have darkly coloured hair.
We are both single.
We are both the same age.
We have both changed schools.
We are both the same height.
We both have 3 letters in our name. (Dan.) (Bex.)


I'm friendly, Dan usually isn't.
He's a wizard.
He doesn't live with/know his parents anymore.
Skin Colour.
Eye Colour.
Hair Colour.


We're both skinny
We both like helping people
We both love performing - we both dance, act, and sing, although I'm not as good as her!
We both are quite dreamy
We both are kind of romantics
We come from similar families (parents together, middling richness)
We both have blue eyes and freckles
We both write songs (but shhh! it's a secret!)
We're both single


She's a tomboy, I'm not as much
She skateboards, I attempt it, but fail.
She's a witch
She's 11, I'm 15 (okay, 14. But aren't I allowed to round up?)
She has red hair, I don't. So therefore she's also paler than me.
She's waaay shorter than me (she's like 4 foot 7, and I'm like 5 foot 10 1/2).
She doesn't have braces or glasses
She's much more outgoing and brave
She has a quicker temper and is good at fighting
She's fiercer and more rebellious than me
She's way less shy, and is a lot bolder and more adventurous than me.
She's in a band
She's more used to being friends with guys than I am

I made Sidda almost my complete opposite, but we're more alike than I thought!

We're both white - skin girl
We both like helping people
We both love adventurer
We both are quite dreamy
We both are kind of romantics
We come from same town
We both have brown eyes and black hair
We both got mad easily
We're both single and looking for :)
We're both a girl, a chinese girl


She's a energetic girl.
She loves fighting and I don't.
She's a witch
She's 11, I'm 18.
She doesn't love her past. I love my past :)
She's shorter than me
She likes fashion better than me
She's much more outgoing and brave
She got everything in herife and I didn't have all I want.
She's a good debater than me.
She's out going and I'm very shy to speak with new friend
She will fight for her dream and I will think twice about it.
She's can get popularity quicker than me.

I made Sidda almost my complete opposite, but we're more alike than I thought!
Well, I only just made this character buuuut.....


*Both have younger sisters.
*Both speak Japanese (obviously)
*Both single
*Both have parents that are together
*Both have Brown hair (although hers is more black)
*Both like school
*Both are not so popular


*She has a younger twin- I don't
*She lives in Osaka- I don't
*She has no animals- I do
*Hates people- I don't
*She's pretty mean- I'm not

Thats all I can think of right now.
Hmmm lets see here..

Both have older sisters
Both speak Japanese
Both happily single
Both parents are together
Both have brown hair
Both choose one person to befriend and stick with them through thick and thin
Both have a very nasty temper
Both have an evil side
Both quiet around strangers
Both VERY loud around friends
Both speak their mind (Mostly at the worst of times)
Both think school is boring but also love to go there (Wierd huh)
Both are terribley sarcastic at the worst of times
AND were both 14

She has curly hair mine is stright
She is magical and i am not :(
She has no animals I have LOADS
she has a twin i dont
She has long hair mine is short

as far as i know thats about it
We're pretty much identical. Andrea is basically my 7 years younger, magical reflection.

We have brown hair and eyes that are brown with green and hazel flecks in them, and are about average height (for our ages, of course ;) Andrea's not as tall as an 18 year old)
We both love and value our friends and friendships dearly and with our lives
We both are willing to fight for what we love
We are both willing to examine both sides of an argument and change our views as a result if we find a rift between ourselves and the truth
We both try to be diplomatic as much as possible
We both tend to be kind of evasive sometimes, and may lie to get out of a sticky situation
We both love nature and art and martial arts
Causing others unnecessary pain hurts us almost if not just as much as it hurts the person to whom it happens. Whenever possible, we are as gentle as we can be.

She's an only child, I'm the youngest of my family
She lives in New Zealand
She's not old enough to be interested in guys yet, and probably my chief ambition is to find true love (in person only, sorry gents ;) )
She's a Gryffindor in the flesh, I'm only either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff at heart. Probably a combination of the two.

And beyond that, I haven't done enough RPing with her yet to have gotten all that well acquainted with her. Open invitation, btw ;) I am into a more serious style of prose, however. I can do casual, but I am looking for a bit more detail if you'll indulge me ;)
I thought we would have more similarities, but maybe I just can't think of any.

We both have brown hair
We are both average heights for our age
I think I'm a Ravenclaw too. Either that or a Slytherin. Not the bad kind that hate mudbloods.
We both like the arts; singing acting and dancing. Neither of us can draw.
Both happily single
Neither really know any guys xD

She is an only child with no family, I have many siblings and a massive family
She lives in NZ
She can do magic
She has a cat, I don't
None of my family I know/knew have died
She has way longer hair than me.
She goes to a co-ed school. ;)
Well, Shay is more like me than any of my other characters.

Short tempered
Brunette (although I'm naturally blonde)
Loyal (I guess I am)
We don't make friends very easily
When we get in bad moods we go mental

There's probably more but I can't think right now.
Adele is kind of like me. I suppose. But also not. ;)


Adele loves Riley Smith/Taylour Lautner. ;)
Adele is a girl.
Adele has brown hair.
Adele is generally a friendly person.
Adele has a blonde brother.


Adele is engaged.
Adele has had a baby.
Adele is 18.
Adele is a massive, massive flirt with other boys.
Adele isn't afraid to go mental at someone she doesn't like. (I'd never do that. ;) )
Adele's brother is dead and younger than her. (Mines alive and older than me. :) )
Ha, it's been in awhile since I've started or posted in this and since both my characters and I have changed a lot I figure it wouldn't hurt to post in it again or anything. I might do some of these with my other characters but I figure We should probably start with my main. ♥

We Both Have Blue Eyes
We are Both Left-Handed
Both Alyssa and I are really tall
We Both have amazing boyfriends
We Can Both Sing pretty well
Weirdly enough we both have a lot of siblings too
Shopping is something we Both Enjoy..too much
We Both Hate spiders with a burning Passion
Both of our parents aren't together anymore
We Both have best friends who look like our complete opposites but aren't really
We Can Both Speak French
We both love the color pink
We both adore animals
We can both be really bossy at times
Chocolate is something we both could not live without
Banana's are our favorite fruit
We both can have very low confidence at times but it doesn't stick around for long
Were both around the ages of 17
Seeing our own blood makes us both weak
We both have our blonde moments
And were both fairly girly

Alyssa is very graceful while I happen to be the worlds biggest klutz
I eat meat and Alyssa is a vegetarian
I have my nose pierced while Alyssa has only her belly button pierced
Alyssa is far more kind-hearted than I will ever be
Alyssa wants to become a doctor/healer while I do not
Alyssa is in love with someone but I'm not
She has a twin brother and I don't
I'm not a brunette but she's a blonde
Alyssa is very pretty while I'm not so pretty
Alyssa is far more into fashion than I will ever be
She also has more money than I probably will ever have
My favorite season is autumn while Alyssa's is winter
Alyssa is a Part-Veela, I'm not
I'm more of a Death Eater fan while she would rather side with the Aurors
I don't have an accent while Alyssa has a very strong French accent
And while Alyssa has moved out I still live with my parents.
Well... I love this topic so much I think I'll point out the similarity's and differences of Andy here :D


We both have large families.
We are both small.
We are both gentle and very kind.
It takes a very long time to get either of us angry (though I don't think Andy can get angry :p )
We both have a strong sense of family and would not think twice when trying to help them, close friends count also.
We both have one cousin we're super close to.


I am older than thirteen.
Andy is a worry-wart, I find it hard to worry.
Andy is a scaredy-cat, I find it hard to be scared of anything, except planes, they're just evil.
Andy is a wizard, I am most certainly not.
Andy is part Native American, I'm Native nothing :p
Andy faints never everytime I Rp with him, or gets close to it. To my knowledge, I have never fainted, ever.
Andy finds it hard to make friends. I think I'm a pretty personable person.
Andy is never mean to anyone, ever. I must admit, when I am angry at a particular person, I can be pretty cruel.
Andy has zero artistic talent.
Andy is timid. I'm pretty tough.
Andy faints in tough situations. I handle most situations pretty well.
Andy has a bad home life. Mine's pretty smitten.
Andy is an only child. I am stuck with two super annoying sisters, but they're my annoying sisters.
I have three of the bestest best friends ever. Andy does not really have friends.
Andy is a pretty lonely kid. I wish I was a little more lonely at times.
Andy is quiet. I am anything but.
Andy is very intelligent. I can't spell, can barely speak the Queen's English and I forget a lot of school related things :r
Andy is a very balanced person and rarely falls down. I fall over air.
Andy can speak Native American. I cannot.
I am unbelieveably sarcastic and love to joke about, Andy is a very serious kid.
Andy has one father, I have two parents.
Andy has a bird. I have two dogs.
Andy is still not over the death of his mother. I have never had to deal with this. (And hope to not have to for a very long time)

I can't believe I forgot this one :tut: Andy is a male, I'm female xD

I think that's about it

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