Are You a Bully?

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Kovu Lothorien

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Kovu Valinor Lothorien!
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so this is kovu. he comes from a large family of three brothers and one sister. throughout
his life he has constantly been competing for attention and has always found it hard to
make friends. all his older brothers have been forced to go to durmstrang because of their
fathers desire to straighten up their rough behaviour. however kovu was wary of going to
durmstrang because of the way he was bullied throughout his old schooling. instead, his
father granted him permission to go to hogwarts so he could avoid the students he knew
that were attending durmstrang and had bullied him in the past. now that he is in hogwarts
he is hoping to start fresh, however i have other plans for kovu. instead i want him to be
bullied again, because this will trigger certain behaviour patterns that i have planned for
him in the future. it will only be light bullying, but if your character seems like the type to
pick on someone without a legitimate reason, then i need your bully! this plot would work
better if there were more than one, perhaps a group of bully friends that gang up on kovu?
basically i just need kovu to feel like he doesn't belong and get to a point where he would
do anything to fit in. if you have any other ideas in regards to this plot, let me know what
you have in mind! i'm always open for new plots, so i'm sure we could work something out.

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I know you're looking for enemies, but I thought I'd offer Oliver as a friend, in case you were interested in one of those as well. :p They both seem somewhat similar, but with interesting differences. Oliver's charming and a bit cocky, with the height of a third year and the maturity of a negative-third year. He's always joking, a bit bossy, but very protective. He's kind of a natural leader, but I think Kovu could be like.. his co-captain, if you get what I mean. xD

If Oliver witnessed the bullying, he would simply tell them to piss off. However, if he wasn't present when it happened, he probably would remain oblivious if Kovu tried to tell him (Oliver's never been good at understanding serious things). So yeah, maybe he could try to be a friend, but a bit of an unsupportive one, unintentionally? Or maybe best friends, or just partners-in-crime? I don't know, Kovu might hate him, so possibly none of the above. :lol:
Actually, I was just thinking that Jai Dionysus might be good for the bully role. He doesn't have a group but I say he'd do a fair job of making Kovu feel like a right loser.

He doesn't go out of his way to victimise people since he feels like more of the victim, but he hates mostly everything and everyone except for one person. If Kovu was trying to fit in, he might attempt to make friends with Jai because he's in the Brotherhood of Magic and therefore "obviously someone worth knowing". Kovu would p*ss Jai off and he'd tell him exactly what he thought of him, which would basically consist of things like "spineless" and "brown nosing worm" (Aye, he's a rude one alright).

However, if you're looking for a twist then I have something in mind as well.
Jai is actually terribly insecure about his place in the Hogwarts system so he keeps away from everyone. He's rude to people, but not as vicious as usual bullies are. Kovu might pick up on this and try to tentatively pursue a friendship with him anyway. The best thing that works on Jai is persistence, so over the years if he continues to try and get on Jai's good side, he'd eventually cave and end up slightly fond of Kovu.

What do you think? Message Audel if you're interested.
I'm actually wanting Bella to be a bit of a bully, but I'm not sure how well it would go if she bullied a boy.
She'll most likely just embarrass Kovu, and pick on him. Just an irritation that won't go away. I'm not sure haha, but let me know if your keen, and if you have any ideas ^_^
I have Melanie White who is likely to make a huge fight out of him just looking in his direction at the moment.
Helena; I actually really like this idea! When Kovu gets to about his fourth year, he's going to be extremely cocky because he's suddenly going to have these killer looks that girls swoon over. And every good womaniser needs a wingman, right? I think Oliver and Kovu could be the perfect buddies. I'd love to do this!

Donna; Maybe Bella can be the first girl to completely snub him. It will be a real punch in the gut if he tries to get on her good side, but she just isn't concerned for him at all. It will sort of push him away from the idea of being in a relationship with a girl, which will be handy for his later years! Does this sound okay to you?

Maria; Is there anything in particular that you had in mind? I would prefer some sort of plot in the RP. So how would Melanie affect Kovu?
Sounds awesome! Would you like start a topic ?
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