Archer Noah Thompson

Archer Thompson

Beauxbatons graduate ⋆ Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/2033 (28)



Archer Noah Thompson
Archer being pronounced as ARCH-er.
Noah in both French and English is announced as NO-uh.
Archer is derived from the Middle English archere, and Old French archer, archier.
Noah meaning consolation; response; long-lived.
Archer's parents could never truly explain why they chose his first name. What they could tell the boy was that they both loved it, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen it. Archer isn't always happy with this explanation, as he has a love-hate relationship with his first name. His second name, Noah, is a name that runs in his father's family, as it's both his father's second name, as well as the name of his grandfather.
Archer often goes by the shorted version of his name: Arch. He will only allow his close friends or his family to call him Archie, as he isn't too fond of that.
Mixed Blood. His mother comes from a Pure Blood family, but his father is a Half Blood.
Archer doesn't care about anyone's blood status as he believes that it's a stupid thing to judge people on.
Archer's mother comes from a long line of wealthy, Pure Bloods. Her family finds their roots in Marseille. His father is from New Zealand, although he is also partly American, as his great-grandmother came to New Zealand from America.
The Thompson's currently reside in a cosy family home in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons, 2045-2052.
Archer works as a model for EVELYN.
Knotted 15 1/2 Flexible Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: 'Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts, and flying.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.


Archer was born on the 25th of November, 2034.
Archer was born in Marseilles, France.
♐ Sagittarius. Sagittarius' can be recognized by their open and magnanimous, carefree style. People born under Sagittarius have an optimistic view of life and are probably one of the most striking star signs of the zodiac given their unstoppable drive and positive zest for life. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac and ruled by jovial Jupiter, their good nature and wonderful sense of humor wins them friends, wherever they go. They exclude self-condifent and, in fact, are sometimes probably a little overconfident. Strangely, you still endear others with your infectious laugh and generous manners. Jupiter is responsible for luck and because people under Sagittarius have a tendency to believe nothing will go wrong, they're known as a bit of risk takers.
🔥 Fire. Those graced by fire are fiery. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. Just like a fire that is left unattendes, however, fire signs can burn out of control, so it's best to tend those embers. A fire sign is also an indicator of creativity. This element manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its glow are courageous and lively spirits. Those influenced by a fire sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and possess a tremendous zest for life. Aries under the fire sign are not known for their patience. They prefer cutting to the chase over any tactic. They are brave, impetuous and direct.
Jupiter. In Roman Mythology, Jupiter is the King of the Gods, a guardian and protector. Jupiter is a tolerant and expansive planet. Being the first of the social planets, Jupiter searches for insight through knowledge and wisdom. Keywords associated with Jupiter include morality, hope, gratitude, honor and the law, while being associated with good fortune, prosperity, growth and expansion.


Francisco Lachowski
Archer has light brown hair, which most of the time just does its own thing. It's not long, but long enough for him to run his hair through it. His hair seems to be on his good side, because it almost always seems to work with him. His hair is one of his little sister's favourite things, as she likes to mess it up.
His eyes are of a chestnut brown shade. When there's little light they appear much darker, but in the sun the different shades of brown they host truly get their justice.
Archer has a dimple in his right cheek that shows when he laughs or smiles.
His dominant hand is his right hand.
Archer is a tall man with an athletic build, although he also works for that by working out a lot.
He will honestly put on anything he likes, as long as it fits together. One day you might be seeing him in a loose t-shirt and some jeans, and the next day you might run into him wearing a nice shirt with a sweater and some dress pants. Whatever he feels like that day. He loves his converse and wears them as much as he can. He also got a bracelet from this little sister and a watch from his parents, which he almost never takes off. Ever since he started working for EVELYN he has made sure to put a little extra thought into his outfits though.



Outgoing. Friendly and socially confident.
Competitive. Relating to or characterized by competition.
Logical. Chracterized by or capable of clear, sound reasoning.
Confident. Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.
Genuine. Of a person, emotion or action: sincere.
Archer is a confident in most aspects of his life: his looks, his personality, his actions and his education. He's smarter than he gives himself credit for and had no trouble doing good in school. However, this also lead to him being a bit lazy when it came to his schoolwork. Even with his competitive nature in other things, school never was a competition for him. He never felt the urge to get the best grades, completely fine with just passing his classes. He's easy-going, confident and has little difficulty befriending or charming new people. He can be a little overconfident and cocky at times as well, yet somehow still manages to easily grow on people since it's not quite arrogance. After graduation Archer grew out of most of the troubles he had a kid, like how he could be difficult to calm down once someone got him angry, and is doing better than ever.
Archer would smell the scent of iris flowers, streets after it has rained and
Mastiff. English Mastiffs are regarded as one of the most gentle dog breeds, despite their large statures. Mastiffs are a combination of confidence, loyalty, and intelligence and are considered good family dogs
Piano. Although you might not expect it from him, Archer has been playing piano ever since he was young and still loves it. It helps him relax and calm down as he enjoys giving in to the music.​


Isaac James Thompson
Hogwarts New Zealand alumnus
Elodié Fleur Thompson (née Laurent)
Pure Blood
Beauxbatons alumnus
Chloë Célestine Thompson
Mixed Blood
Hogwarts New Zealand


Archer has a white cat names Bluebell that he got after his sister moved out of his appartment.


Archer was born on the 25th of November 2035, in his parents home in Marseille, France. He was his parents first child and they absolutely adored him. Archer took his fair time starting to show signs of magical abilities, but eventually he did. When he was three years old Archer's mother gave birth to his sister Chloë. The boy absolutely loved her from the moment he first saw her, even if he was a little kid. Archer spend the first eight years of his life in Marseille, where he was homeschooled with his sister and some other neighbourhood kids. Although most of his mother's family lived in the same city, Archer rarely got to see them. They had been against his parent's marriage and had disowned his mother when she went through with it. Even though his mother loved Marseille and would have rather stayed there, the prying questions her young children asked about seeing their family eventually got the better of her. So, after a long time of debating his parents decided to move to her father's home town of Dunedin, in New Zealand. In comparison to his life in France Archer got to spend a lot of time with his father's family in New Zealand. Suddenly he and Chloë had grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. When he was getting close to the age of attending a wizarding school Archer's parents allowed him to make his own decision between Hogwarts and Beauxbatons. Since Archer had spend the majority of his life in France and missed the country his choice hadn't been difficult to make. Thus the boy started school at Beauxbatons and would divide his time between being at school in France and being at home in New Zealand during his breaks.

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