April Fools

Emmy Petit

Well-Known Member
What have you done to others, and what has been done to you?

My mom hardly does anything to us on April Fools. Today she thought it would be great to annoy us! She put a paper, held by tape across our doorways - I thought I was going crazy when there was a floating paper in front of me.
Then I go to brush my teeth, and what do I see? A paper telling me to look for my toothbrush in the freezer. My toothbrush was in a cup, water frozen solid around it. It took me ten minutes to get it out of the cup! Haha. Tell me your stories, so I can get her back next year!
Emmy Petit said:
What have you done to others, and what has been done to you?

My mom hardly does anything to us on April Fools. Today she thought it would be great to annoy us! She put a paper, held by tape across our doorways - I thought I was going crazy when there was a floating paper in front of me.
Then I go to brush my teeth, and what do I see? A paper telling me to look for my toothbrush in the freezer. My toothbrush was in a cup, water frozen solid around it. It took me ten minutes to get it out of the cup! Haha. Tell me your stories, so I can get her back next year!
Why can't my mother be as awesome as that? xD
My brother tried to trick me into believing there was an airport run entirely by pigs (this was on MSN at about three in the morning when I was very near believing it <_<) however, I remembered the date and replied that, yes, I had heard about this, and I then went on to explain some of the techniques I had heard they used to aid the pigs in this great feat.
My mum hasn't tried anything (to my knowledge) other than torturing me with her bad music.
I did trick my mum into thinking this new creature that passes wind through its eyes to escape predators, and lives in the desert, had been discovered.

I had been planning to leave a false spider hanging from mum's door, and I was going to use my spfx stuff to make my leg look manky and then stage falling down the stairs (sadly, I am unintentionally highly practiced in such a thing).
Hey :)

the idea about the toothbrush, i did it to my sister and she freaked =)) absolutely hilarious :p

about other ideas, my friends normally swap the cereal packets inside of the boxes so when you want coco pops for example, you get shreddies :p only works once though.... does this help???
Ok this is funny.

My teacher was going to walk in te classroom and we put a pot if water above the door and when he opened it, he avoided it, and threw jelly spiders at us!!!!

My headmistress said we had a surprise pop quiz for everyone.

The teachers pressed the fire alarm as a Joke and it evacuated the whole skl!! Lol x
I hovered over near my sister all morning and she thought i had done something and was waiting for he to find out. that annoyed her like crazy and made me laugh cus i hadn't done anything. that was the first april fool, "the april fool is that there is n april fool.
then i couldn't help myself putting salt water in her water bottle. but unfortunately she didn't use it.

I will remember the toothbrush one next year.
When I arrived at school in the morning, there was written on the mural (in red smeared paint - to look like blood) "THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE"
And there was a wet toy cat hanging dead next to it.

Also, the day before that there had been a note in the school notices for a meeting of Dumbledore's Army. And it had been written on a classroom whiteboard also, and scrawled next to it was "Stuff that join the Death Eaters"

I think my school pwns at April fools :lol:
The teachers on camp warned us the night before that a) if we pranked them they weren't driving us back home, and b) to stay on guard.

Apart from losing the keys and having to turn the van upside down to find them, nothing of consequence happened and I guess their prank was that there was no prank. Sort of wish I'd been in physics to see the annual year 13 joke though! Last year they filled the classroom (literally) with paper cranes!
One of the teachers at my school Mr. "Evil" (using a cover name for him here) is like the meanest guy at school He is the one who sits in Dention Hall with the bad kids, and patrolls the halls looking for skippers and such xD Well anyways on to the joke.

The chorus teacher stole the keys to his car, without his knowledge, drove his little compact car to the middle school parkinglot next door and park it sideways. Then two other teachers parked their cars right next it so he couldn't get it out. And the chorus teacher has a therapy dog which Mr "Evil" loves got the dog into the driver seat and took a picture!

During first period I was walking to the library to return a book and him and another teacher were in the hall talking about it where the other teacher said "Know who did it to your car yet?" Mr."Evil" was fuming at the point, but with a slight humor about and it replied no.

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