Closed Approaching Someone

Akihiro Chen

Too Cool For You- Pretty- Learning
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/18/2042 (19)
Akihiro had been doing a lot of thinking. For several years now, he had been focused on how he looked. How he appeared. And while yes, appearance did matter to him, he had slowly come to realize that he just wasn't happy. He was tired, tired of trying to be someone he thought he had to be. So this year, he wanted to make some changes. Starting with a visit to Professor Moncrieffe's office. He'd dressed up just a touch, looking casual but put together, and walked up to her door. He took a breath and raised his hand, knocking twice on the door. He took a small step back, waiting for her to let him in.
Gabrielle had possibly stayed up a little too late looking over some notes she'd made. What had been left for the fourth years was...outdated, and gave her a few more grey hairs than she liked. (The ideal amount was zero, but only possible with routine haircare potions). She was slumped over her desk, feeling rather lousy and hanging out for a coffee when there was a knock at the door. Grumbling to herself, she shuffled over, yawning, and openes it to see one of her students. One of her fourth years. She recognized Akihiro, he'd been one of her more enthusiastic third years, and that was always a relief.

"Mr Chen," she greeted, politely, about to open the door properly before pausing. "Two seconds." She closed it back in his face before turning around and casting a quick scourgify. It wasn't all as bad as she'd anticipated, though there were a couple of drink stains on her desk already. She reached up and pulled a pen out from her messy curls, wincing as it pulled her scalp, and brushed herself off, setting her coffee pot to boil. Sighing, she turned around and opened the door a bit more energetically. "My apologies, I was not expecting anyone so early," she explained, looking at her clock and realizing it was not in fact early at all. "Come in, have a seat. Would you like a coffee?" Was she supposed to offer students coffee? She had no idea. She sat down at her desk, sinking into her chair harder than she would have liked. "What can I do for you?"
Akihiro started to smile as the woman opened the door, but blinked when just as quickly she'd shut it in his face. He stammered a moment, waiting for her to come back. He straightened a little when the door opened again, trying to look his best. "Oh, it's absolutely alright," He reassured the Professor, walking in and sitting down at her desk. He kept his best smile on his face, trying to look as grown up and mature as possible. "I'm quite alright, but thank you," He turned down her offer for coffee, before clearing his throat. "I was hoping I could speak with you," He told her. "About my future." He clarified, smiling.

Gabrielle gave a sympathetic look to the boy. Approaching teachers was always awkward, although she figured he wouldn't have any worries about grades in this instance. He was certainly one of her better students, at least one who had enough engagement in the course to attain good marks. She knew the course was a little outdated, and she tried to work around what she had until she could present a formal lesson plan to the Department of Education and the new Headmaster. She rested an elbow on the table, tilting her head and regarding him carefully at his comment. "I would say you're awfully young to be worried about that, but they do tend to put the pressure on the moment you're old enough to put together two coherent thoughts." She leaned back a moment, looking him over once again. "But judging by the fact you've come to me, I would say you have something in mind already, and as long as it's not a BA in History and Literature, I will whole heartedly encourage you." She took a sip of her drink, nodding and giving Akihiro the space to speak.
Akihiro chuckled at her words, and shook his head. "No, though that does sound like an interesting alternative." He smiled. "I was thinking more along the lines of Architecture," He told her. "Honestly... your lessons sparked a newfound passion in me," He admitted bluntly, though he blushed as he said it. "I... feel like I've found a purpose." He looked away and then back again, biting his lip. "For a long time, I... have been focused on all the wrong things. Appearance, image. Being the perfect presentation of someone I thought I had to be. But... I don't know, somethings changed." He twisted his hands a bit in his lap, fidgeting nervously.
"Sure it is, if you have the money to back it up. Otherwise, a lifetime of instant noodles and couch surfing awaits you." Gabrielle joked. Her university debts had not been pleasant, but they were mostly under control. Mostly. The steady income from Hogwarts was good, plus not having to spend on food was even better. She did give a genuine smile when Akihiro explained what he did want to do, impressed. "A very good choice. Practically and on a more creative level." She decided to let the candor slide, seeing that he was being quite honest and even vulnerable in his explanation. He came across as a very stoic and rigid sort of young man, so she was surprised and a little pleased to have him speak to her so freely. "It's easy to get caught up in worrying about smaller things," she nodded. "But you have a very mature viewpoint," Gabrielle added, reassuringly. "If there's anything you want to talk about..." She was a little hesitant, not wanting to push him to talk to a teacher if he didn't want to, but by the same token wanting him to know she'd listen if he did. "But on your first point, I'm very happy to help you look a bit more into architecture, if it's something you want to pursue, really get a feel for what it might involve."
Akihiro smiled softly. "Actually, my fathers new beaux has promised to pay for any schooling my sister and I may wish to take." He offered. "It's quite the love story, really." He admitted, running his hand through his hair. "Even if fathers boyfriend is... eccentric." He decided on, nodding at the apt description. He hesitated as she called him mature, looking almost remorseful. "I have to be," He murmured. "Mother left us when we were young, and for the longest time I only saw my father as soft and weak. So did my sister. If I didn't care for us, protect her, then no one would. Or at least... thats what I thought." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I would like help looking into it," He diverted at the end, looking away bashfully.
Gabrielle had picked up a pen and notebook, intending to ask some questions about specifics for where to start on architecture and what sort of books to source, but as Akihiro spoke instead she leaned back, twiddling the pen between her fingers. She rested the notepad on her knee, letting him speak. Sometimes, the psychology studies could come in handy, she thought. "Lucky you," she said, not unkindly. She wasn't much of a romantic, being far too grounded and having had mostly awful luck in romance, but she could appreciate the joy it gave people. "I see," she responded, softly. "You have not had an easy start, it seems. Forgive me for prying, but by the sounds of it you're starting to reconnect with your father?" Gabrielle rolled her ankle, tapping the notepad with her pen. "You've taken a lot of responsibility for someone so young. I think this will be good for you. I think you're someone who needs to be focused on something constructive, but also something that benefits you, without worrying so much about how it will impact the people around you." Gabrielle gave a gentle smile, before clearing her throat. "So, do we start you on the logistical and practical side of things, or do we ease in with the aesthetics and inspiration?"
Akihiro rubbed the back of his neck. "I like to think so. He's a chef... I always thought he was a soft, weak willed man, but he's really doing well without mother." He bit his lip for a moment before letting out a soft breath. He smiled as she spoke, taking her words as a compliment. He considered her question. "Oh, we should probably start with the logistical side of things," He decided. "It's best to be realistic from the start." He told her, nodding at his own words.

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