apples and a chat

Praneil Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Praneil was in the student lounge at his school he was trying to do an essay for transfiguration. it want very interesting, about gamps laws of elemental transfiguration. he wanted to get it over and done with so that he could do something better however he looked up out of the window and decided that he could probably take a quick break. he pulled an apple out of his bag and took a bite feeling it crunch sharply. he looked around trying to see if there was anyone he could talk to.
OOCOut of Character:
I know its short but i cant think of much and i am about to go to bed
After a long day of school work, Mizelea finally finished her lesson earlier than she's expected. She was allowed to leave the class this early as she had already passed all her requirement for the week. This was the normal girl since she was eleven, her education always means the most to her. How she wished she would be a Prefect next Year, as Mizelea is much prepared for that. She decided to read some magazine and maybe roam around the school, until she ended up entering the student lounge. For no certain she reason, she felt a bit tired still she wanted to do something. Stretching her arms while shaking hands, she started to circle her eyes to see if anyone was there besides her.

Noticing the person beside her she decided to flash her big wide smile to stranger who ought to be a guy. "Namasthe!?" she stated quite cheerily. From the looks of the boy he was obviously Indian, it was her first time to see him. Also it was her first time to see an Indian, referring to the race. She loved to learn new languages, too bad it would take a couple of months to be an expert on it. Though at the moment Mizelea speaks French fluently thanks to her former room mate.
Praneil saw that there was a girl just entering the room. he smiled at her as she greeted him, surprisingly in his native language. "hello how are you?and where did you learn hindi?" he asked switching languages half way through, as it felt odd talking hindi at the school, he preferred french there as most people spoke it as the classes were in french. so what are you doing up here at this hour?" he asked. he, being a sixth year had a free period but most of the other students should have been in class.
Mizelea wasn't much fond of using French during her free time or even when talking to students here in school. She was born an all american girl, which made her quite attached to her language. As she heard the boy talking in Hindi and French, she shook her head and hesitated to use the two language. Her smile was still on and decided to continue talking to the boy. "Hey! I only know the basics, I've been practicing during m free time." she told him. Some people were quite amazed on how Mizelea could position her self, once their family had a trip to Cairo in Egypt. She was the only was who was actually talking to the Egyptians at that moment.

"Well, I've finished all of my classes so basically I just want to .. Ummm, Chill!" she told the boy twirling her hair then decided to pull it away from her face at it was covering it. The boy's accent was a bit endearing as he wasn't after all French, or was he? Well, he does looks pretty much Indian to Mizelea.
Praneil thought that the girl was cool, he picked up an american axxent in the english. he knew english, but was not much, his farther spoke it a bit to him but he didn't pick it up well. "three languages is pretty good. where did you learn it? have you bee to india before?" he asked smiling at her. he took another bight from his apple, as she explained why she was out of class[color=3cc0066]"you have done good, i always left my classes to the last moment.[/color] he said. he didn't need much from school, it was obvious that he would work in his families business after school, maybe starting a branch in france like his farther had done in india, and his grandfather in england.
The brunette started to giggle upon hearing the boy's words. "Well, Obviously English is my native language, French? My dorm mate taught me and lastly as for Hindi? I've been to India once." she answered the boy completely. Reminiscing her trip in India last two years or was it before entering Beauxbatons, she adored the colorful cloth's and the different art work presented to them. Mizelea smiled at Praneil. Slanting her head to the side and wondering what was the boy thinking. Also upon hearing about his reaction about her leaving the class earlier she remained her smile and was now simply nodding.

"I'm guessing your ancestors are from India? So what are you doing her in Europe?" she asked him as she was curious. Looking at Praneil, she remembered how Indian people looked like. He shared the same face with the other people back in India. Mizelea was always fascinated with different cultures and hope someday to travel before even settling down.
Praneil smiled as the girl explained her languages. she sounded interesting. she hadn't met anyone else here who had been to india, or maybe he hadn't asked anyone. "did you like india?" he asked. it would be interesting to know what a tourist thought of his home country. It was his home, but he sometimes found the exuberance a little overpowering, and was often relieved to return to France. "I come from india, but my farther grew up in england and he wanted me to have a european education. he found hogwarts was a little disjointed when he was there, so he decided here would be better" he said. he took another bite from his apple.
Mizelea smiled once more, somehow she felt quite comfortable talking to the boy. Well, almost other boys was just too much for her to take but then again maybe not all of them. "Very Much!" she exclaimed with joy. She adored India as it was pretty much cultural, religious and indeed a fascinating city. The foods and even the spices was a must, also the people were quite friendly there. Though there trip ended in just a week, it was still an amazing experience for her to have. Nodding at Praneil's words, she remained still and simply smiling at the boy.

"Oh, Yeah my dad too didn't agreed on Hogwarts for me.. The system being sorted wasn't that erm good for him." she told him not sure how to explain the whole incident on why she was enrolled here in Beauxbaton not in Hogwarts. Even Mizelea felt that being sorted to different houses wasn't her thing at all, besides having the chance to wander around the streets of France specifically Paris was more thrilling than being grounded in Hogwarts.
Praneil smiled as Mizelea said she liked india. "I'm glad that you liked your holiday." he said. he knew that when he was out of school he would travel the world, Then he would go back to india, as he had to marry Tara, as that is what his family wanted. then he would move away to France, or america, or England, or australia, anywhere really.
"It wasn't the sorting that put my farther off, it was the fact that when he was there they had a chain of different professors, and events that disrupted the school every year. I don't think that they were recovering from the battle of hogwarts helped much ether." he said. his essay had been long forgotten. he would probably remember it the evening before it was due, one even in the morning it was due, and rush to finish, only just getting it in on time.
Simply nodding at Praneil's answer she then started to stretch her arms side ward then upwards and finally downwards. Leaning her head on her arms, she watched Praneil's expression as if he was thinking of something deep. "Guess So." she answered back. Mizelea was still smiling of course, then at the same time thinking of what to ask next. "What year are you in? she asked him a bit of curious if he was older than her. Well obviously, he was but still he just wanted to make sure. A couple of students went in the room and started to make some noise, though she was pretty much used to nois after all.

Back in Texas, the noise was coming from their farm. Imagine different animals making some noise, squealing pigs, mooing cows and also barking dogs. Still for her it was't that annoying, she even once did attempted to teach then how to sing. Though her dogs and one of her pigs did sing very well. It was in a high tone, and it was pretty much similar to a normal person singing in upbeat or in a high note.
Praneil watched Miz stretch and smiled, she was pretty cute. he wondered what she enjoyed doing other than quidditch, he had heard that she was the captain of the school team, and he wanted to try out. she threw his core across the room and it landed neatly in the bin. he wiped his hand lightly on his jeans, to try and got some of the sticky juice off. "I'm a sixth year, how about you? he asked.
a couple of other students came into the room, they were younger than he was, and he was pretty sure that they were younger than miz too. they were not talking loud but he felt like they were interrupting them. he looked at them and back to Mizelea, he raised his eyebrows and roled his eyes, "second years, dont know when to keep the volume down" he said winking, he had switched to hindi so that they wouldn't understand him, and he hoped that Mizelea knew enough hindi to understand him.
"Fourth Year." she simply told him still smiling at his direction. It was somehow weird that almost every time Mizelea wanted to find a conversation partner he ended up chatting with a boy. It not that he didn't liked it or something, actually he even liked talking to boys rather than girls and most especially rather that animals. She was getting the hang of it, especially when the boys were kind of nice to her. The only one who was a bit of tough cookie was Devlin that is. She watched the different students entering the room, there were another batch of course. Mizelea simply waved at them even though some were actually strangers. "Second Years will be Second Years." she cheered and stated to giggle once more. "So are you a Transferee? I've never seen you before?" she asked him playing with a strand of her hair, curling it. Mizelea somehow knew almost everyone of the students in Beauxbatons.
praneil nodded as miz sid she was in fourth year. "fouth year was pretty good, but this year has been better so far" he said, he had been isolated quite a bit during his first year as he was trying to learn French, and refine his english, nether of them were perfect yet but he could get along quite well in both of them. "i guess i want much different in my second year, must have driived the older students crazy" he said laughing at the younger students. "I've been here since first year, and i am supried i havnt seen you before, i guess its a big castle." he said, a little surprised that he hadn't met Miz before.
"Each year is getting better and better." she said nodding with her agreement on Praneil's statement. When Mizelea was a second year she wasn't that loud nor rowdy, being a newbie was definitely hard as others students would look at you as if you're some of like a creature unseen in the wizard world. At her first day of school at Beauxbaton's she somehow felt homesick, missing her friends and all including her pets. Still she never regretted enrolling in Beauxbaton, as it is now her alma mater. "No Kidding huh?" she answered back giggling. "Yeah Me too, though they wanted me to step ahead of time. I decided to start as a first year. .. It is indeed." she told him as she decided to stare up at the high ceiling of the room. It was no surprised that it was her first time meeting Praneil, as back in her lower years she was too busy studying inside her dorm mostly all the time.
Praneil looked at mizella "I guess each year you get a little more comfortable, and a little more in control of yourself in the castle. if thats the case next year will be a ball." he said laughing. he looked out of the window and saw the sun slip behind a cloud. casting a shadow in the room. "It took me at least a two months before i could negotiate to all of my classes in my first year. he said. he had never needed to negotiate much before moving to france, his home town was in the mountains so there was only one main road, and everything was off that. and it was only a small town anyway. "you mean they wanted you to start as a second year, wouldn't that be hard. I mean most of the basics are taught in first year, or were your family going to teach you at home." he asked. he briefly wondered if her family were muggle or magical, but as she said her farther didn't want her to go to Hogwarts she guessed they were magical. It didn't make any difference to him ether way, he was half and half.
It was a good time to have a chat with a stranger and just take some time off, she wasn't worrying nor even thinking about school for once. "I guess so..." Mizelea answered as she was listening to Praneil's opinion. Classes wasn't a problem for Mizelea when she was a newbie, it was gaining friends. She was too friendly that some students thought of her as awkward and weird, but now was totally different as she has lots of friends now. Other than that Europe and the whole France was just amazing to her, living miles and miles away from her sister seems to be wonderful. There were no comparability or anything like that, she was known as Mizelea not by Ximena's little sister. "Nah, not at all. Since I was a toddler my parents already taught me of magic, it was kind of my hobby." she told the boy who seems to be quite surprised with the whole advance school thing. If it wasn't for her brother, she'll probably agreed and went to Beauxbatons.
Praneil nodded. he had heard that some families taught magic to their children. His family hadn't taught him much magic as his mother wanted him to have a normal education as she was a muggle. teacher, his farther had obviously shown him some of the basics, and used it around the house. "I wasn't taught magic until i started here, i guess everyone thought a severn year old who knew magic would be too conspicuous." he said laughing. there had been a slight incident once wen he was little but it had thankfully remained under the radar. "whats it like in New York?" he asked. he wanted to go to NewYork once he graduated, it was part of his trip around the world.
At a young age Mizelea was already taught and trained for magic, as she fast learner and enjoyed chanting spells. Unlike her sister who wanted to be a muggle other than using her wizard blood. "Not all." she followed through. She remained still and quiet until she heard Praneil's question,who said she was from New York? Not that she haven't been there or something. "I don't really know as I'm not from there? Are You?" she asked him quite confused. It was obvious that she not from New York, sure it was a great and big city though she never did imagined herself living there.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry i could have sworn that she said she was from new york, but looking back i couldn't find it, it must have been another RP i was in.

Praneil frowned slightly as he girl said she wasn't from new York. He was pretty sure he picked up an American accent, and she guessed that his mind had associated America with new york. "sorey, i picked up an American accent, and i assumed, so what is it like where you are from" he had shrinking slightly in his chair. he didn't like to be caught wrong. "I do want to travel, and new york is one of the places on the list. the hub of modern civilisation" he said, smiling. he was glad that he would soon be able to aperate, as that would cut the cost and useless traveling time down for his world trip. wake up in london, have breakfast, and a few hours, and then be in america for breakfast again.

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