Apparition Lesson Two

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Apparition,6,2Irene knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but this was an entirely different matter. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You're wasting your own time" Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. As the final student entered, her niece, the woman waved her wand, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "Space yourselves out...there's plenty of room" she stated, pointing out the tables which had been pushed along the wall, leaving the entire middle of the hall free. When they'd settled into their space, Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might have been to a muggle. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson.
There had been a rather good outcome from the valentines day hogwarts celebration, she wasn't sure what it really meant for them in the long term, but she felt like things had finally righted themselves. Her affection for Felix was laced with both history and a genuine interest in everything that he was. Lydia was finding herself constantly smiling, she could barely hide it and though she could reason that her heightened mood was only due to a boy and this wasn’t necessarily a good thing, she was happy for it to be like that currently. It would be the beginning, it would be a start that she was rather thankful for. She would work on other things as they came, and while she would be more careful now she knew that she would be better prepared for the relationship. The teen was getting ready for the day and she was putting on her uniform, adding the prefect badge and the tying her hair up in a ponytail before leaving the dorm, heading straight to the great hall for the best class of this semester.

Lydia had been fairly happy when the next apparition class had come about, so she had gotten there a little bit before everyone else and found herself a good spot. Her gaze settled on the teacher at the front of the room who got started on telling them, or reminding them of how it would be done. Lydia did raise her hand to answer the question but was not picked upon, and since that appeared to be all the instruction that they needed Lydia got started. She reminded herself of the 3 D's that she needed. She focused and emptied her mind. She knew where she wanted to go and technically speaking she knew how she'd get to it, she just needed it to happen. It seemed fruitless as she tried her best to apparate and she was beginning to fear that she just wasn't going to get it. But as it turned out, she just needed to focus more, she felt an odd feeling within her, new and growing but rather than following her instinct to back away she leaned into it and was suddenly somewhere else with a little pop. She found herself in to the hoop, and Lydia checked to make sure that she had left not one part of her behind and was certainly glad to see that she hadn't. Lydia was over the moon she'd managed it. The lesson was brought to an end the girl was a little sad that she couldn't try more. But it made her even more eager for the next lesson and to finally pass it.
Desislav double checked his pockets before entering the Great Hall, sheepishly putting a dungbomb into Kayleigh's outstretched hand before waving goodbye. She'd yell at him later no doubt. For now, though, she'd have to let him go. It was time for his second apparition lesson. Desislav had forked over the money for these lessons from his very own allowance, not wanting to give his parents the opportunity to decline his request for the money because of any concerns. Desislav needed to be able to apparate.

Finding his space, the teen stood with his arms crossed over his chest as Irene Finch continued to lecture them. He hadn't paid for lectures, so he hoped she'd quiet down soon and let them have a go. Eventually, she did. Desislav wasn't too concerned about splinching though he likely should have been more concerned than most with his inability to typically focus on things. As they were left to their own devices, Desislav stared down at the hoop in front of him, giving it a small kick with the toe of his sneaker. "I will be in you in five minutes" he muttered to the thing, closing his eyes and giving his arms a shake to loosen up. Opening them, Desislav squinted, as if that would help him.

He likely should have changed his statement to the hoop because five minutes later he was still in the same spot, wondering how the heck one of his classmates had already managed this. Obviously, they'd cheated somehow. The rest of his classmates looked just about like he did. Loosening his shoulders, Desislav got back to work. Thirty minutes later, Desislav was busy trying to construct an excuse for Kayleigh. He'd told her he would apparate today, but maybe he could blame his inability to do so on the guilt that he felt for forcing a dungbomb into her hand. That would kill two birds with one stone, serving as both an excuse and the start of an apology. Satisfied that he'd accomplished something today, Desislav kicked the hoop before the Ministry official vanished it. "I'll be back" he muttered to it, looking at it as if it was a foe that needed vanquishing before he stalked off.
Alana knew that she could easily get by in life flying from place to place, so she really didn't see the point of taking these lessons. She hated side along apparition. It made her sick, so she didn't think there'd be any improvement from doing it on her own. So she entered the classroom with a look of annoyance on her face. As her father had bluntly reminded her, she'd already have a husband with no wand. There was no need to handicap her future family even more by giving herself a wizarding deficit by not obtaining her license.

As they were set to practice, Alana stared at the hoop with a clear look of disdain. Her classmates seemed eager to get to it, and she knew it was odd to not share their enthusiasm. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Already, she could feel herself getting sick, the feeling so entwined with this specific action. She thought about her destination- the hoop- and getting herself there so she could leave. Her determination was certainly lacking, however, and by the end she was one of the ones who had succeeded in doing nothing but standing for a while. The teen knew she should be more bothered by this, but she didn't care and left with a small wave to her aunt.
Felix was glad when the second apparition lesson came around, it helped that he was in a rather good mood so he wouldn't be bogged down with issues. Felix made his way i to the Great hall and immediately followed the instruction to find some space. Finally, they would actually be apparating. Once someone answered the question and they were left to their own devices Felix began to concentrate on the three Ds. Repeating them in his mind. When he was sure he had them down, once he had picked his spot and once he sufficiently psyched himself up for his first attempt. Felix was ready. He closed his eyes and thought about his destination, he started to feel queasy but he knew to expect it so he powered through and after he heard a pop he felt a feeling unlike anything he had ever felt before and when he finally brought himself to open his eyes, he was in the hoop. He'd done it. Felix didn't want to cheer or gloat because no doubt many of his classmates had been just as successful. Happy with the outcome Felix made his way out of the hall when Mrs Finch dismissed them.

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