Apparition Lesson #2

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood at the front of the hall, her hands clasped in front of her, waiting for the sixth years to enter for their next lesson. Today, she planned to have the students begin practicing right away. She didn’t really expect anything too much from them as this would be the first time that any of them made an attempt to apparate, but she was hopeful that one or two of them might surprise her.

“Welcome back. I won’t waste too much time this week” Irene began with a smile and her blue eyes twinkling. Pulling out her wand from her robe, Irene gave it a small flourish and a wooden hoop appeared a few feet in front of each student. “Ok. Be sure to give yourself plenty of space...Now, I'd like each of you to try and apparate into the hoop in front of you.”

She looked around at the students faces, some of which looked alarmed while others look excited. “And, don’t forget the three D’s. Destination. Determination. Deliberation.” she sang happily. “I’ll be walking around in case any of you get splinched” Irene began, wondering how many of the students knew the term. “Not that I expect any of you to” she added hastily, “you’ll have nothing to worry about if you concentrate.”

Irene clapped her hands together twice. “Get started” she said excitedly and waited for them to begin.


You know the drill. Rp the lesson. I would like to try and make this more interactive, so I will be posting every so often as well, especially if someone splinches themselves :p
Ashley was at the foot of the revolving stair case, nervous about today's lesson. They are now going to attempt to apparate inside of the great hall and that's what she was nervous about, brushing her clothes for a much presentable look. Ashley walked inside of the great hall and saw her fellow classmates, ready to have this done and passed it. Going at the side of the great hall, she stayed there until the class was done. The instructor in front started to welcome them back and making out of the blue a wooden hoop a few inches from them appeared. Listening to the instructor carefully, she told them to remember the three D's, this time Ashley had memorized it perfectly.

When the instructor said to begin, she felt nervous again and clumsily took out her wand which it fell to the ground. Ashley groaned and took the her wand at the floor, she took a deep breath and started to think the three D's, starting with her destination which is the hoop in front of her. Thinking it clearly, she went on and closed her eyes, tapping her wand once, Ashley didn't felt anything. Opening her eyes she sigh as she was still on her spot, "What the hell" Ashley mumbled irritable. Ashley made another second attempt and didn't see the worst came, she did apparate ... except her legs which is still on the spot where she was awhile before. "Oh, my god. Merlins pants, help!" She called out for any help. "This is my first ever apparation lesson and this will happen." Ashley sigh over and over, waiting for help to come.
It was a bright, happy sunny day until when Kasey realized that they had apparation lessons today. She was scared to apparate especially after hearing all the jokes Benjamin made about his apparation and the way it brought goosebumps to her. Praying in her head as she recalled the three D's as she dressed up in a simple and sober, white t-shirt and shorts together with some matching accessories.

Climbing down the staircase she got more and more nervous by the minute. "Hope it goes well" she said to herself. Taking a bit of toast and coffee for breakfast she ate nervously before the hall was cleared for the lessons. Giving a weak smile to her new friend Ashley she greeted her with a "Hi".She heard the talk of their teacher. It was nothing new! Kasey had been expecting loads of tips so it would go smoothly.

Swallowing hard, she remembered the three D's. Destination. Determination. Deliberation.Destination. Determination. Deliberation. she thought in her mind. Making sure she had no one in a few tiles around her she made her first attempt. Making a tile, few spaces away her Destination, she focused with Determination on her apparition power. She visualized herself being in her new spot but nothing happened.

Groaning as she shrugged her shoulder, not getting it right was never something this Ravenclaw had experienced before and first time was always hard. She heard her fellow friend call for help. Kasey watched in shock as half of Ashley was in another place and the other half remained behind.
This made her more scared yet she continued trying.

Irene was walking around the students when she heard a female voice shrieking for help. Racing over, Irene noticed that one of the students had left her legs behind. She hadn't expected anyone to actually be successful so she wasn't too surpised that a splinching had happened. "Merlin's Beard" Irene mumbled as she pulled her wand out and put the girl back together. She had seen many people go and splinch themselves before, so this was nothing new for her. She knew, however, that the sensation of being splinched was quite unpleasant though. "Would you like to go up to the hospital wing?" she asked.

Turning to the rest of the class, Irene cleared her throat. "For those of you who don't know...that was a splinching. It happens only if you are not concentrating enough." She gave the girl a small smile, hoping that everyone was listening. "You have to move with determination so that every inch of you travels to the destination. Picture every part of you...from the top of your head to the tips of your toes entering that hoop." Irene gave the group an encouraging smile, noticing that some of them looked even more afraid now that they had seen one of their classmates splinch herself. "Ok, back to work."
As the instructor came to help her put back, Ashley sigh that she's going to be put back to her other part. When she was put back the instructor asked if she wanted to go at the Hospital Wing. Ashley shook her head and said, "No, I'm perfectly fine, Ma'am." The instructor explained that was a splinching and said it happens if you don't concentrate, yes, Ashley doesn't have the concentration when she did it. She was scared to tried it and made a mistake. At the last parts the instructor said, Ashley really picture her whole body to be inside of the hoop.

Destination, Determination, Deliberation Ashley thought over and over until her mind was all about it. She think her body inside of the hoop and the determination to go at that destination and give a simple deliberation with it. Ashely turned her wand making an invisible little circle in the air, closing her eyes again for she doesn't want to see her body un-attached with the other half again. Destination, Determination, Deliberation the only thing was on her head, feeling as she was on a tube, sip by its force like a human sipping on a straw.

Ashley open her eyes again feeling sick when she had touch the ground. She was there at the hoop, all her parts are all attached to her's. She made it at her third attempt, she smiled as she tried to get out of the hoop, the only problem was she's not back at her spot in front of the hoop. Ashley was beside Kasey, "Must try again." She told her and smiled. Trying it again with her Destination, Determination and Deliberation; she went back to her spot safely and done it greatly.
Kasey watched with fear as Ashley was put back to normal. Reminding herself that there was nothing to get scared of as the instructors were here to help she concentrated once moreDestination, Determination, Deliberation she thought making sure she visualized herself apparating into the hoop. Making sure she focused she took a deep breath and tried again. She felt her feet slowly leave the hard ground and then she was in an empty space kind of area where she could not breath.

"Ouch" she groaned as she found her body in the hoop. She hadn't landed properly or something because maybe she had an arm flying around that had hit the walls of the hoop. Clearing her mind again and she concentrated once again on re apparating to her former spot she closed her eyes, taking in a last gulp of air.Destination, Determination, Deliberation

Again the same feeling of turning on the spot, leaving the ground and passing through a vacuum squeezed pipe hit her. The next thing she knew was that she was standing on the Professor's table. Sighing as she remembered to have a fraction of thought about her lunch and her glance towards the table before apparating must have been the reason to this. Again Kasey got to work trying to make her way back to the hoop.
Fenton listened to every word the woman said but other than the 3 D's of the week before he seriously didn't think there was anything else he needed to know. He looked at the hoop in front of him and thought of the first 'd' destination and concentrated on the hoop. Thinking only of the hoop and how he wanted to be in there. He concentrated so hard that he knew that this enforcing the second 'd' and just as he was about to deliberate a cry called out from in the hall and he flinched. Missing the perfect opportunity. Glancing over to where the sound came from he saw Ashley in an awful state but couldn't help actually chuckling, she looked so damn funny.

He turned his attention back of course to the hoop but any serious concentration that he may have had earlier was now shot through as visions of the splinched girl kept entering his head.
With every inch of him he concentrated, he paid little attention to everything else around him and centered his mind completely on the hoop in front. It wasn't hard to do really though the screams of another student nearly off set him for a moment, it didn't put him completely off. Aries focused, focused really hard. He would have a splitting damn headache soon if he didn't just get on with it but he wanted to execute the three D's with perfection. With determination in his movements and thoughts he concentrated on his body transferring from one position to the inside of the hoop. He felt a tug as if his insides were about to implode, then a shiver about his skin and his muscles tensed involuntary. Everything seemed to whizz past him as if he had been dragged across a wet painting and had smudged it completely. When the feeling past and he realized he was seeing in clarity again, Aries smiled. He was standing in the hoop and on his first try. Lifting a hand to punch the air in triumph he realized he was missing something and groaned as he turned around and looked back.

There on the ground was his thumb. A hand in the air to call Ms Finch.
"Splinched Miss" he called out walking out of the hoop and retrieving the thumb.
Trista was standing at a hoop inbetween Kailey and Lemina. Her mind was entirely focused on the matter at hand, apparition. She had the three D's planted firmly in her mind and her wand was clutched tightly in her right hand. When they were told they could try with the apparating now Tristas grip got even tighter. This was going to be difficult, she was about to send herself hopefully in one piece into the hoop infront of her when she heard a cry ring out in the hall. The girl about four hoops infront of her Ashley had prettu much cut herself in half. Though it did look quite painful Trista was thankful to see that there seemed to be no bloodshed to come with the pain of splinching. Not very comforting but better than being a bloody mess all over the Great hall floor. focusing on the task at hand once more pushing everything out of her mind she focused on the hoop infront of her.

As she felt like she had no oxygen left, being squeezed through a tiny tube that gave no room. She took a deep breath and yelped when she stood, losing her balance. She looked down and found tha cause. Her left arm was still back at her starting point. It flopped on the ground once and Trista shuddered. "Damn it." she hissed under her breath, finding it only slightly humorous that Kailey was dealing with the exact same problem at the moment. She used her other hand to get Ms.Finches attention when she wasn't tending to another splinched student. "Erm, we both kind of splinched ourselves." she said motioning to herself and her twin.
Irene watched the student’s go back to work and braced herself for the inevitable. Seeing as though they had just witnessed a splinching, she figured that many of the student's would be too nervous to concentrate on their targets. As the first hand rose into the air, Irene sighed. She paused to give a congratulations to the student first and then unsplinched him, quickly reconnecting his thumb to his hand. For a splinching, it was pretty minor.

A flurry of splinchings followed, and Irene raced around the room, reconnecting twins who funnily enough splinched themselves at the same time. With a sympathetic smile, she reconnected their body parts.

“Perhaps, we should call it a day” she called to the students. “Overall, not a bad job. If you would like to make one more attempt, feel free to do so. Otherwise, I’ll see you next week.”
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