Apparation Test

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene waited by the door to the Great Hall dressed in her Ministry robes. She knew the sixth years who would be taking the exam were standing just behind it waiting to enter and take their test. Right beside her was a clipboard hovering at the level of her face with a quill poised to take notes on each student.

Opening the door, Irene allowed the students to come inside one at a time. She didn't want any of the students to see what the others were doing and she knew they were probably nervous enough as it was. Her instructions were the same for each student. Pointing at the two hoops she had placed in the hall, Irene told the students, "You have to apparate to those two hoops and then back to me." When she was sure the student understood what needed to be done, she smiled. "Good luck. You may begin when you are ready."

As each student apparated, Irene's clipboard scratched out notes to remind her of how each one did.

Here's the test! You can post your rp here but your results will come via pm.
Today was the day, the day Kailey would take her apparition test and hopefully master the art well enough to actually pass the thing. She knew you had to be near perfect to get it, Kailey was going crazy in her mind, Watch... I've been doing so well, but I'll splinch in here. Nerves will be the end of me I swear! she thought, it was all she could do to keep herself from pacing. She watched as one by one people walked into the great hall and back out, some looking happier than others. Finally Kaileys name was called, she looked back to her sister who would be next and gulped, before heading into the Great Hall.

Kailey nodded to the woman when she gave Kailey her instructions. She had her wand out and focused on the three D's. Destination. Determination. Deliberation., Destination. Determination. Deliberation., Destination. Determination. Deliberation., Destination. Determination. Deliberation., Destination. Determination. Deliberation. She was concentrating as hard as she had in her lessons, focusing only getting herself to those two hoops and back. With the slowly becoming familiar sensation of being sucked through a tube she found herself at the hoops, an inch or two off but still there nonetheless. With the same determination she was back at her original spot before you could say Apparate. Giving herself a quick check she didn't notice any body parts missing. She just hoped she had done good enough.

Trista Paramore sat outside the dwindling group of 6th years taking Apparition Tests today, Trista was distracting herself by talking to anyone that didn't look busy. If she didn't her nerves would surely kill her before she could even try if she kept up the way she had been the night before. She watched a Kailey came out and tried to gauge her sisters e reaction. All she got in response was a small smile and a shrug. This didn't comfort Trista at all as she was called into the Great hall next.

Trista nodded to the woman when she gave Trista her instructions, taking a deep breath she tried to preapare herself.. She had her wand out and didn't focus on the three D's as much as she just focused on getting there. She was concentrating as hard as she had in her lessons, focusing only getting herself to those hoops and back to where she was now, hopefully all in one piece. With the still so strange sensation of being sucked through a tube she found herself at the hoops, Dead on where she was supposed to be. With the same determination she was back at her original spot though it took a bit longer than her original start had. Giving herself a quick check she didn't notice any body parts missing. She just hoped she had done good enough.

[Sorry for the two characters in One post thing, My baby Nephew is over and I'm babysitting, well... helping babysit. It saves me time ^_^]
Getting up so early for her apparation exam, her brain is not in control. She can't think perfectly today and think that she will not pass the exams, Ashley was afraid that she might get splinched again. Her first was nightmare and she doesn't want to happened it again on her last and formal day for her exams. Getting at the entrance hall, Ashley watched as her fellow classmate talked to each other. It was then that she saw Kasey, Ashley went over to her and greeted her a nice good morning.

She was intense that Ashley can't talked to someone. The wide door of the great hall cricked open slowly, the instructor called the names one by one. As the first two was finished, the instructor called her name, Ashley made a little jump and cleared her throat. She went inside of the great hall and the doors where closed again, Ashley heard the instructor gave an instruction of what to do about the hoops in the great hall.

Ashley nodded and took out her wand from her skirt waist where she always stuck it. She first closed her eyes to think the three D's if she didn't she will fail to apparate. The three D's are the only thing she keep apparating great and smooth. After thinking the three D's, she now tried to apparate in the left of the great hall where the other hoop is, Ashley was suck on a tube and her space is beginning to be little.

It was then that her feet was on the ground again, herself on the middle of the hoop. Meaning she had apparate greatly and perfectly, she was now going to apparate on the right side of the great hall. Ashley did it in no time and was there already, her body in complete body parts and everything. She sigh and mumbled a 'thank god', Ashley is now going back in front where the instructor said to come back.

Ashley first think the three D's and off she apparate smoothly in front, she did it without a hassle. She checked everything on her body and nothing seems had changed and did it well.
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