Apparation Lesson One

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch stood at the front of the room, her ministry robes tight around her midsection. She watched, a serious expression on her face as the students filed into the Great Hall. Some looked nervous while others seemed as if they were ready to begin apparating already but only time would tell if they would be able to. She was pleased to see that the house tables had already been pushed off to the side, leaving plenty of room for the students to gather for their first lesson. It was one less thing for her to do. The school had been extremely accommodating in providing her with space to prepare the students for the exam they would have to take in order to earn a wizarding license.

As the last sixth year entered, Irene patted down her robe and began first by taking the roll. Once she was done, she sent the clipboard away and faced the students. "Hello everyone. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene took a few steps and continued. "Your headmistress and deputy headmaster has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

Glancing over at a girl who looked rather nervous, Irene continued to lecture. "In order to apparate successfully, you must focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly so that even the students standing in the back could hear her. "First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated to the back of the Great Hall and continued speaking, "you must move with deliberation like so." It took her a bit more concentration to apparate now that she had a baby growing in her belly, but she was still certain that it was much easier for her than it would be for any of them.

Strolling back to the front, Irene checked the time and realized that more time had passed than she’d realized. "I think that will be all for today. Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. Be prepared to put the words into action." She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very, very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then."

Please rp the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place during the Brightstone weekend. Lessons will be on Wednesdays (my apologies for the late posting on this lesson :( )
Hilde strolled into the Great Hall, her stomach flittering in excitement. Today was the first apparition lesson for her age group. She had just turned 17 the month previous and was legally able to apparate, but seeing as she was too young for the last batch of lessons during the previous school year, she had to wait until now. She nodded in greeting to the woman from the Ministry that was there and found a spot in the room and was ready to pay attention.

Soon enough, class began. Ms. Finch was seemingly nice enough and the way that she spoke gave Hilde confidence that she would be able to apparate in no time. She listened intently to the instructions that were given, making mental notes on the three D's. Destination, determination and deliberation were going to be her mantra for the next few weeks. Hilde was determined that she would pass her exam the first time out and not have the embarrassment of doing a retake.

Once class was dismissed, she gathered her things and headed up to the library to get a bit of homework done before meeting her friends for a bit of fun.
Apparition was something that Arianna had not given much thought until the beginning of that year, when it had been announced that Sixth years would be taking lessons and doing an exam. She wasn't quite sure whether to be nervous or not. Her mother had only ever apparated when necessary, prefferring to use as little magic as possible around her daughter. However there had been several occasions when her mother had appeared out of thin air or dissapeared. Despite this, Arianna didn't know much about the process, or how things could go terribly wrong. Making her way down to the Great Hall, Arianna thought it all over. Prefect badge pinned to her chest, her felt a little proud as she walked into the Hall, surpised to see she was one of the first there. Hoping that Austin would turn up so that she'd have somebody to talk to, she leaned against the wall to wait for the class to begin.

The Ministry witch began speaking, and Arianna watched as she apparated around the Hall. Hoping it was as easy as it looked, Arianna payed close attention to the instructions. Feeling a little disappointed that they didn't seem to be apparating themselves, Arianna committed the Three D's to memory before exiting the Hall when the lesson was ended.
Finally a lesson that Eden could not wait for. She had been on so many trips via slide along apparition and Eden was more than ready to hurry up and be able to do it on her own. As Eden grew older she noticed that she wanted nothing more than to you hurry up and be on her own. Walking into the hall Eden took her place and wondered what it was that they would be doing. Eden knew that they would most likely just talk about what they would be doing today and than the next lesson they would start trying.

As the women Eden looked her up and down. She like a nice sort of person someone that could be trusted to teach you what you needed to know and not drag it out. Eden liked that in people. Past where the days where Eden wanted to joke around and play. All she wanted to do was learn something and be on her way. Being around people unsettled her. Maybe it was her Seer powers getting stronger that caused her to not want to be near people.

Listening as the three D's where explained Eden said them softly to herself. " Destination. Determination. Deliberation." Eden watched as the women showed them just how easy it could be. After a bit longer they where free to go. Picking up her things Eden made her way out of the classroom and outside into the fresh air.
It was almost too hard to believe that Riley had made it to the end of her sixth year. Her time at Hogwarts had flown by and she was pleased she had made it through exams. The seventeen year old had a good feeling that she had passed, but she knew she wouldn't have gotten any EE's or O's. But she was okay with that. The blonde had ambitions to work for the daily prophet and was hoping like hell that her application for the internship would be accepted, she had worked hard on it and she was sure it was what she wanted to do with her life. It had been an up and down year, but Riley was excited for it to be over and to get back to her home and spend some time with Kalani, she had missed being with her twin, she had to admit that it was hard for them to be attending completely different schools, but it really was for the best, the young woman wanted to be known as Riley, not Kalani's sister, and she was sure that Lani felt the very same way. Greeting Arianna the Hufflepuff tuned in on the pregnant lady who would be taking the lesson. Pulling out her notebook as she tried to focus all of her attention on the lesson, she copied down 'Destination, Determination, Deliberation.' she was in no position to make any mistakes, she wasn't exactly the brightest student but she did try hard. Riley remembered her mother apparating, though she didn't do it often, being the owner of the Muggle Market Frances had always favoured the Muggle lifestyle, Riley was pleased that both herself and her sister had the opportunity to learn magic though, as the seventeen year old had helped out at the market before, and the Muggle life didn't interest her as much as the magic one did. Her hazel orbs focussed carefully on the woman as she apparated, and once the lesson was over Riley exited the Great Hall, silently reciting the three D's to herself.
Jessica was one of the first few to answer the hall. As she did so, her cold brown eyes gazed around the hall curiously, seeing who she could recognise. Out of her fellow house-mates, she could only see two, and if she guessed correctly by the ties on their uniform, the other two were Hufflepuffs. She nodded curtly to her two house mates, a wry smile twitching around her mouth as she strode down towards where the pregnant woman was. Irene Finch, she introduced herself as. When she stopped near the woman, she nodded in acknowledgement, before gazing around to see who else would arrive.

Jessica was one of the oldest in her year as she had turned seventeen last October, but had been too young to learn how to apparate with the last batch of sixth years, so she had to wait until this year. It had been difficult for her, and she was hardly able to hide her anticipation and excitement about learning how to apparate for the whole year. It was bad enough that people looked at how she acted, which was mainly why she always acted so cold and distant from the people around her. In other words, she acted like a true Slytherin.

Shortly, the woman began, and Jessica turned all of her attention to her. She was looking forward to being able to apparate, and she wanted to pass on her first go. Her father had failed his first go of apparating, and even though he didn't really remember Jessica as he was confused when she visited him in Azkaban because of the dementors, she wanted him to be proud of her. He was her role-model, just like her younger sisters looked up to her, except maybe Lianna as Jessica and Kira had been treating her awfully.

Jessica shook her head, trying to get rid of the distracting thoughts that had appeared in her head, and again attempted to listen to the woman as if she was saying something that could affect Jessica's life. When the woman got to the three D's, and demonstrated how easy it could be once you learned how to do it, she repeated the three D's in her head so she could memorise them. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Destination. Determination. Deliberation.' She was still repeating them when the ministry woman dismissed them, letting them know that they would begin apparating next lesson, and Jessica couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach at those words. She was looking forward to it, but she didn't want to make a fool out of herself.

As she walked past the woman on her way out of the hall, she murmured quietly so no one else would hear but who she intended, 'Thank you.' If anyone else had heard, they would've been shocked to hear Jessica Williamson saying thank you to someone.
Entering the Great Hall, the Ravenclaw robes covering the sixth year with a prefect badge gleaming off of his chest, Austin Devearux knew that today was the day. He was going to learn to apparate. He remembered a story that his father had told him when he tried to apparate on his first try. He had splinched off his ear. Though after a week, they managed to repair it, Austin was slightly fearful that he would end up the same way. Austin was told by another older Ravenclaw that he would not need any class materials so he entered with just a wand in his robes and his determination to get this done. Emerald green eyes washed over the Great Hall as he searched for someone that he knew. He was of course looking for Arianna. He found Hilde, but he thought it would be best to just leave her be. Then he saw Arianna, the Hufflepuff prefect that made a smile light up his face. He walked over to stand next to her, before the rest of the sixth years arrived. The class should not be that long anyway, right?

The woman soon introduced herself as Irene Finch, and Austin was amazed that she was pregnant. The last pregnant woman he saw around here was Cecily or that Slytherin girl. Otherwise, he had not seen many in his life. Austin listened to what the Irene Finch said and then she apparated around the Great Hall. She also told them the key to getting this right. The three D's. Austin whispered them inside of his head, Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Austin remembered those in his head and he would have to write them down to really get the hang of them. The Ravenclaw Prefect sighed in relief when they were dismissed but he was a little disheartened that they would not get to try it this time. Austin turned and he left the Great Hall, as he needed to get to his studies.
Finally, the only Slytherin Prefect in his year entered the Great Hall. Azerail Varius was ready for his first lesson in Apparating. His Slytherin robes embraced his tall form. His prefect badge gleamed off of his chest and his silver eyes landed on every figure in the room. He let out a soft sigh and he brushed his dark hair away from his silver eyes. He was not a social man, and he only seemed to get along with perhaps Austin in this year. He went and stood off by himself and wished that his love, Dannii was in his year so that he would not have to apparate alone. But alas, there was nothing he could say or anything that can be done about it. Azerail waited patiently with his arms folded over his chest as the rest of the sixth years arrived. He personally could not wait so that class could begin and he would be done with it all. Azerail was a lot less patient than he used to be in the previous years. There was a reason why as well. The blood of stone cold murders pumped through his veins.

Irene Finch, her name was, greeted them. He took a mental note that she was pregnant, and wondered if that would affect her apparating at all. One would think that it would because one was carrying around a child inside of a stomach. It was just too weird to him. He could never picture himself being a woman. Ever. Azerail shifted his posture while standing and listened to what Irene said about apparating. Then she apparated around the Great Hall with ease. Maybe it was easy to apparate when one was pregnant. Well, easier than it seemed. He knew that some pregnancies were dangerous though, because his mother died by giving birth. Azerail did not know his mother that well nor many of his other siblings and half-siblings, so her dying did not really affect him that much. She did give him up for adoption after all. Azerail repeated the three D's in his mind, Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Should be easy enough. Azerail then left the Great Hall the moment that they were released. He needed to practice anyhow.

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